Kun - Piercings

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Genre: Fluff, Hinted Smut
Description: Kun finds Yuta's piercings very attractive.

Kun was definitely more on the softer side in Yuta's opinion and not to mention, very supportive.

He supported all of the elders interests and helped him with anything he needed to pursue them interests.

However, when it came to see the males piercings it was a different story, the Chinese found them extremely attractive and a huge turn on.

"Kun?" Yuta called out to his boyfriend who was in the kitchen, he heard a hum in response and he turned around on the couch, sitting on his knees.

"Will you come with me to get another piercing?" He asked, his boyfriend froze at the request and chuckled nervously, "Don't you think you have enough?" he asked, looking everywhere but Yuta.

The elder pouted, "Oh.. you really think so?" He spoke with a sad tone, he was hoping Kun would take him.

The younger quickly caught on to the sudden change of mood in the elder and quickly said, "I mean, you can if you want! I can't stop you." The younger explained.

Yuta sighed and nodded turning around and looked at the floor.

The Chinese male cursed himself out in his head at dampening the others mood.

He sighed and walked over to him and sat beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, bringing him closer.

"I'll go with you to get another piercing, baby." Kun spoke, making the others eyes light up as he looked at his boyfriend.

"Really? You'll go with me?" The boy asked, clapping his hands in excitement.

Kun smiled gently and nodded, leaving a small peck on his forehead, standing up again to go and get changed.

Yuta was beyond happy when the younger said he'd go with him, the Japanese was going to get the piercing regardless of Kun was going to go with him or not.

"Bubs, where are you planning on getting it?" He heard from the bedroom, Yuta thought for a moment.

"Maybe my tongue, belly button or maybe a nipple piercing!" Yuta responded back.

He heard a gasp come from Kun, "Are you okay?" Yuta then asked, worried something happened to his boyfriend so he stood up and walked over to their shared bedroom.

He entered and saw his boyfriend froze with wide eye, "Uh.. Kun? Are you okay?" He asked, snapping the younger out his own thoughts.

The male visibly gulped and nodded with a nervous chuckle, "I'm okay! L-let's go?" He stuttered out, taking the elders hand and heading out the apartment.

The Chinese male didn't know when the right time would be to tell Yuta how the piercings turn him on, make the elder ten times more attractive then he already was.

Yuta frowned, confused, but he didn't pay too much attention to it as he quickly walked up catching up to his boyfriend as he was falling behind, practically being dragged by the other.

"Where do you think I should get it? I plan to get them all, but one piercings at a time." Yuta asked happily.

Kun thought for a moment, they'd all be so hot on him, but a tongue piercing sounded extremely sexy.

"Maybe you should get the tongue piercing?" Kun suggested, he looked over to his boyfriend who looked like an excited kid and nodded.

"If you think it'll look good, I'll get it!" Yuta exclaimed, getting his boyfriends opinion before making a decision eased his mind.

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