Johnny - Cold Winter Night

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Genre: Fluff
Description: Johnny was staying overnight at the studio, recording lines, writing lyrics, the night is cold and Yuta just wants to cuddle Johnny.

Yuta huffed, he knew Johnny wasn't going to be home tonight but Yuta was freezing. It was so cold, Johnny's cuddles always warmed him, he'd ask the other members for cuddles but they didn't give them like Johnny does.

He picked up his phone and hovered his thumb over Johnny's contact name but decided not to call him as he's probably really busy.

Yuta sighed, wrapping a fluffy blanket around him to keep him warm. He sat on the bed, wrapped around in the fluffy blanket trying to keep himself warm while watching Netflix.

The poor boy kept shivering and finally came to a decision, if Johnny isn't coming home tonight, he'll go to Johnny.

He called his manager to come pick up him and take him to the SM Building, luckily for him his manager agreed.

He took his coat and mask and the fluffy blanket, getting a text off his manager saying he was there. He quickly went to the car and got in, finally driving away to the building.


As he got there he quickly ran through the halls, going to Johnny's main studio. Yuta made sure that Johnny wasn't recording and when he wasn't he knocked softly on the door.

The door opened slightly and the Japanese pushed it a little so he could enter.

His head peaking around the corner to find Johnny with a pen and paper, most likely jotting down lyrics. Johnny looked up to see who was there, "Yu?" he asked, not expecting the younger to be here.

Yuta pouted, he's been shivering this whole time, regardless of being in one of Johnny's bodies, a coat and a fluffy blanket wrapped around him.

The elder turned around completely on the chair and faced Yuta, "Bubs, what are you doing here?" He questioned the younger.

Yuta didn't answer and just entered the studio completely and sat on the elders lap. "'m cold.." He muttered.

Johnny took the youngers hands into his and felt how cold they were, he gasped at the coldth of the male on his laps hands.

"Baby, you're freezing, why did you go out?" He asked concerned. "Cold at the dorms, wanted Johnny to cuddle.." He pouted.

The elder laughed at the mans adorable words, pulling him into a hug. Johnny took the blanket into his hands and placed it on the two of them, mainly over Yuta because the boy was freezing.

Yuta snuggled into the warmth radiating off the elder. "Better?" Johnny whispered, Yuta nodded, Johnny smiled and moved the two closer to the desk so he could finish what he was doing.

Yuta was reading the lyrics Johnny wrote, "You're so talented." Yuta complimented. Johnny got shy at the sudden compliment, "Thank you, baby" He chuckled.

Yuta smiled, his boyfriend was adorable when he was. Yuta started feeling sleepy but didn't want to sleep because he'd feel bad that he's asleep and Johnny wasn't.

"Go to sleep if you want, darling, I don't mind, just close your eyes and sleep." Johnny spoke softly, playing with the boys hair to relax him more.

"But-" Yuta was cut off, "No buts baby, sleep." Johnny said a bit more firmly. Yuta just nodded, too tired to argue anymore and fell asleep on the elders lap.

Johnny loved when Yuta gave him little vists like this, he loved the Japanese so much and wouldn't be able to live without him.

Word Count: 594

sorry this was short but i had the idea and didn't know how to expand it ):

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