Winwin - Nice To Meet You

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Genre: Slight Smut, Fluff
Description: Yuta and Winwin are friends with benefits, but their friends don't know that.

The two met almost two years ago back in a gay bar and have been friends with benefits ever since.

They often messed around and met up every week, outside their sex life though, the two actually got on very well.

They were originally going to just have sex with each other and nothing more as the two were definitely more kinky than the average person and the two were able to satisfy each other's needs, however as the two spent more time with each other they became friends, but no feelings were there.

Yuta was currently out with Taeyong and Jaehyun, "Yu? We want you to meet one of our friends! We're sure you two will get along just fine." Jaehyun suggested, this caught Yuta's attention.

"Oh? Really?" Yuta asked, Taeyong nodded, "Mhm! We're sure you'll like him, of course me and Jae will have to ask him first, but we'll see if he can do Friday!" Taeyong spoke.

But the thing was, Yuta was suppose to hang out with Sicheng then.

"Ah.. I might not be able to do Friday." The two frowned but it left as quick as it came, "That's fine, we can organise a date some other time." Jaehyun spoke.

Yuta nodded and the two carried on with their day.


Yuta got home and received a text off Sicheng saying he was on his way, the male was surprised that the Chinese was on his way as they had arranged to meet on Friday.

After some time Sicheng finally arrived and gave Yuta a peck on the lips as a greeting and led him to his bed room.

"Sicheng? Why're you here?" He asked as he let the male drag him to his room.

The Chinese shrugged, taking his shirt off and pinned the Japanese male against the wall, leaving a trail of soft kisses from his mouth, to his jaw and to his neck.

"S-Sicheng.." Yuta whispered out, pulling the other away from his neck, "What's wrong? You only show up and do this when something has happened." Yuta asked gently as he caressed the younger's cheek.

Sicheng sighed and leaned into the touch, "Just missed you, that's all." he spoke.

The Japanese male smiled softly and placed a small kiss on the younger's lips, "You're so cute, Sichengie." Yuta giggled.

The younger laughed slightly as well, he wrapped his arms around the elders waist and brought him closer, Yuta wrapped his arms around the others neck and brought him into a passionate kiss.

Their lips moved in sync and Sicheng slowly moved them towards the bed and gently placed the elder down and he climbed on top of him.

He took Yuta's shirt off and trailed kisses down his stomach, "Wanna go further?" Sicheng asked gently earning a soft 'yes' from Yuta.

Sicheng undressed both of them and he left small kisses on Yuta's inner thigh and small hickeys.

Small moans came from Yuta as Sicheng trailed his fingers across the small bruises he had just made.

He reached over for the lube and looked at Yuta one more time making sure he was completely fine with this a reassuring smile was placed on the elders face, encouraging Sicheng to go further.


The two laid in bed, Yuta against Sicheng's chest, both of their hairs still a bit damp from the shower they had just taken.

Yuta turned around in the younger's embrace and looked up at him slightly, the other looked down at the male in his arms and left a small kiss on his nose.

"Sichengie?" Yuta calls out, making the other hum in acknowledgement, the elder sighed, he hated having to tell the other that they couldn't spend time together, but he rarely saw Taeyong and Jaehyun anymore because he spent loads of time with Sicheng anyway.

"I'm sorry, please don't get mad or upset, but I'm gonna have to cancel Friday.." Yuta spoke in a quiet tone but Sicheng still heard, "Really? I was going to tell you the same thing." Sicheng spoke in a surprised tone. 

"I'm sorry! My friends they-" that's when Yuta realised what he said, "What?" He spoke confused, the Chinese male sighed, "I actually came to say I couldn't make it Friday.. I really didn't want to break the news to you and then not see you at all this week, so I came today instead." He explained.

That made sense.

Yuta smiled widely that the younger wasn't upset with him and snuggled more into his embrace and the two fell asleep in each other's arms.


Friday came around and Yuta was getting ready and was actually putting some sort of effort into it since he was meeting someone new and this someone new Jaehyun and Taeyong and he didn't want to embarrass them by looking bad.

He put a bit of makeup on and style his hair slightly, he checked his outfit out in the mirror for the final time.

He was wearing black jeans with a brown sweater that gave him sweater paws with a white shirt underneath and some black shoes.

He thought he looked decent enough and grabbed his bag and left his apartment.

As he walked down the street and towards the café he started getting anxious, what was this person like? What if they didn't like him?

All sorts of thoughts went through his mind, quite frankly he'd much rather be with Sicheng right now but he had to make up for the less amount of time he's been spending with Jaehyun and Taeyong by doing this and he'd feel awful if he didn't and they went out their way to let him meet someone new.

He arrived at the café and looked around, in search for his two friends, "Yuta! Over here!" Taeyong called, waving his hand to get the younger's attention.

He smiled softly and walked over to the pair and noticed it was just them, "So, where are they?" Yuta asked and Jaehyun pointer behind him, "Right there!" He smiled showing his dimples off.

Yuta spun around to greet the person but froze in his spot when he saw who it was.


Yuta was extremely confused and the confusion was evident on his face as well, but of course not wanting to explain to his friends why and how they know each other, the Japanese male smiled gently, bowed and held his hand out.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nakamoto Yuta." He spoke, greeting the younger.

Thankfully, Sicheng caught on and why he was doing this, the younger smiled and bowed as well, taking Yuta's hand and caressed his hand softly and thankfully the other two didn't notice.

Yuta smiled at the soft action.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Dong Sicheng."

Word Count: 1146

idk how to feel about this one, is it cute? idk-

i constantly thing about ten and winwin's dance 

was on facetime with my bestie yuta while painting my nails 😫✋🏻im jk i was watching his live since there's subs now, i started watching it last night after posting my last oneshot but i almost fell asleep bc his voice is so calming so i turned it off bc i didn't want to miss anything, but anyways i love that man so much

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