127 - Come To Us

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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Description: Yuta keeps a secret from 127 and they start getting suspicious of him
Warnings: Mentions of abuse.

A heavy sigh emitted from Yuta as he entered the dorm, quite late at night, luckily (or he hoped) everyone was asleep.

He closed the door quietly and slowly started walking to his room which he shared with Taeil, he crept into the shared room, trying his best not to make any sort of sound.

Unfortunately his hopes weren't heard as he heard movement behind him and a call of his name, "Yuta?" the Japanese cursed to himself and turned around with a tight smile on his face.

"Hyung, what are you still doing awake?" Yuta asked nervously, looking everywhere but at the eldest, "I could be asking you the same, why have you come back so late, you promised us you'd be back before dinner." Taeil spoke, standing up from his bed and walking towards Yuta.

"Uhm well, I got caught up and lost track of time." He said, making an excuse on the spot, Taeil didn't look convinced and went to touch Yuta, more specifically trying to reach for his hand to lead him to the bed, not even wanting to imagine how tired he was, but instantly retracted his hand when he saw the other flinch away.

"Sorry." He muttered and Taeil sighed and shook his head saying it was fine.

He knew it wasn't fine.

Yuta had been acting off as of late and all of them were worried, he always came home late, he wasn't his cheerful self and avoided contact as much as possible with the members.

All of the members (excluding Yuta) had touched on the subject briefly here and there, but never went fully into depth about it, not really expecting it to last so long.

But Taeil couldn't stand it anymore, he was worried about his younger member, he knew he had to speak to Taeyong about this, a proper conversation and not just a few worried words.

Taeil smiled, ignoring his own thoughts for the time being and then led the other to the bed and turned around, to Yuta's request, while he got changed in more comfortable clothes.

"I'm done." Heard a small voice behind him and the elder turned around and let Yuta go into bed and once the male was comfortable he tucked him in bed and pressed a small kiss on his forehead.

"You know if there's anything wrong, you can always speak to one of us, hm?" Taeil whispered and caressed Yuta's cheek gently, sort of surprised the man was even letting him touch him.

"I know, hyung." Yuta whispered, fighting between sleep and staying awake, he really wanted to, he really wanted to believe the other, but Taeil just couldn't.

He knew he was hiding something and he wished he would tell him or any of the others, it didn't have to be him.

He just wished Yuta would reach out and open up.

"Goodnight baby." Taeil muttered earning a steady pace of breathing in response, telling him that the other was fast asleep.

It was the most relaxed and peaceful he had seen Yuta in a while, it was nice, almost foreign, but nice.

The following day, Yuta was still fast asleep, so Taeil took this to his advantage and asked for all the others if they could speak.

They all agreed, knowing it was something serious as Taeil rarely ever called for group talks.

"Hyung? What's wrong?" Haechan asked, concerned as his eldest hyung was rarely ever so serious.

"It's about Yuta." He started, the others could feel their heartbeat pick up pace and gulped, "What about him? Is he okay?" Jungwoo asked, concern clearly written all over his face.

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