Shotaro - Enchanted Forest

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Genre: Mythical, Angst, Fluff
Description: A forbidden love between an elf and a fairy.
Extra: idk if this important but this is set in Japan so they'll be speaking Japanese
Warning: character Death

Yuta sighed. Fairies and Elves fight again. He didn't understand why. All they ever did was fight. He thought elves were quite cute, but clearly others didn't.

It also didn't help the fact his mother and father were the leaders of the Fairies, so he couldn't even rant to them about how stupid this all was.

He was currently walking through a gorgeous forest, he called it the Enchanted Forest, there was nothing magical about it, but it was gorgeous.

No one really dared to enter it as from the outside it looked overgrown, dead, haunted. That scared everyone away, Yuta discovered it a few years ago after having a fight with his parents on stopping the war between Fairies and Elves.

Fairies were suppose to signify peace and innocence, so why did they always start the war? Why were they the ones with blood on their hands?

Yuta hadn't fought with his parents this time, he was meeting someone. In the forest everyone was equal. No matter your species, no matter who you are or where you come from.

Everyone was respected here, this felt more like home to the fairy then anywhere else on the planet. He caught a glimpse of a shiny silver head and his face lit up.

He quickly flew over and engulfed the male into a hug. The younger giggled at the feeling and turned around to see the fairy smiling lovingly at him.

Shotaro. An elf. Yuta met him when he ran away that day, the elf comforted him and let him rant about everything.

His parents happened to be the leader of Elves and he had the same opinion that it was stupid that they two argued and was in war all the time.

The two ended up dating and to say they were the happiest they've been in a long time would be an understatement.

The two tried to make as much time for each other as possible without it being suspicious. They both know what would happen if they get caught.

Just the thought of it sent shivers down both of their spines.

Shotaro held Yuta by his waist as the fairy landed on the ground and gave him a peck on his lips. Yuta loved the elf, no matter what his parents said about them, he knew Shotaro wasn't like that.

He would die for the male.

The fairy felt at ease with taller male, he felt comfortable. They couldn't do much together, go on cute dates at cafe's, go to the cinemas, they couldn't do that with each other, but regardless, they enjoyed each others company.

The elf took the fairy but the hand and led him to a part of the forest he's never seen before, Yuta's jaw dropped, as he the elf led him across the bridge.

Two small buildings were in sight that survived from hindered of years ago. Multiple mountains with waterfalls coming from them, Yuta has never seen anything like this, the forest still very much around them.

(if you've watched the untamed you may know i'm describing cloud recesses, but if you haven't, here;)

(if you've watched the untamed you may know i'm describing cloud recesses, but if you haven't, here;)

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Shotaro smiled at the cute reaction from the boy and took him further and further up. The elf knew how much the fairy loved waterfalls so he luckily was able to find this place with multiple of them.

The way the shorter's eyes twinkled warmed the tallers heart. They sat down behind the small building at the end of the bridge and just relaxed, talking about whatever.

Watching the little forest animals play, watching the way the big clouds moved along from mountain to mountain, the felt at peace.

Yuta took Shotaro's bigger hand in his and entwined their fingers, the younger smiled at the soft action, he wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world.

They both forgot about all the problems with their spices, their parents. Everything. It was just them two, the creature of the forest and the beautiful scenery in front of them.

Time went faster than the two thought, before they knew it it was dark, they both knew they were screwed by the time they got back.

What they didn't know they had entirely fucked it up by staying out this late.


As they both quickly ran to the entrance of the forest they didn't expect to see their parents fighting an an army of both fairies and elves.

Their parents heard a noise in front of them and snapped their attention to the two who still had their hands entwined.

The fire in both species eyes scared the two. The elf noticed his boyfriend starting to shake in fear and mumbled a soft "They won't do that to us, we're their children.."

Yuta nodded, believing his boyfriend. "Mo-" The fairy was cut off by the rage of his father. "Why the fuck are you with that thing?!" He screamed.

Yuta flinched back and just sighed. "Dad, he's my boyfriend." Yuta said straightforward. Everyone gasped at the shocking news.

Not once in history did two spices mix, ever. It was unheard of. "You disgusting thing!" Shotaro's mother screamed.

Shotaro rolled his eyes at his mother behaviour and pulled Yuta closer to him. He wouldn't let Yuta go just because their parents disapproved.

"You know what happens if you go against our rules, especially with things like that!" Yuta's mother told him. Yuta was taken back. "I'm your son!" He said, surprised at the threat.

"No son of mine will date an ELF!" His father said. Both armies pulled their arrows back, pointing them at the two.

The fairies pointing at Shotaro and the elves pointing at Yuta.

Shotaro took a harder grip on Yuta's hand "On the count of three, we run, okay?" Shotaro whispered, Yuta nodded in agreement.




They both took off in a run, in hopes to get away from both armies. "I love you Shotaro.." Yuta said while running as fast as he can, not wanting to fly away and leave Shotaro behind.

"Yuta just leave me, fly away.." Shotaro said, tears going down his face, Yuta also crying and shook his head.

"I love you Shotaro!" He said more eagerly, wanting to get a response in return, if he was bound to die, he wants to hear 'I love you too' from Shotaro as the last thing he hears.

"I love you too, Yuta.."

Before they knew it, both felt something go through their back, piercing their hearts, both dropped to the group, hand in hand, smiling at each other, as the two slowly passed away.

At least they died with each other.

Yuta said he'd die for Shotaro and he meant it.

He wouldn't be able to live without the boy.

So he wouldn't.

If he could, he would've left.

But he couldn't.

He wouldn't be able to deal with the pain.

The two died in a place they called home, the Enchanted Forest.

Word Count: 1194

sorry for a sad chapter lol i'll make my next one a happier one-

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