Doyoung - I Don't Hate This Madness, I'm Having Fun

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Genre: Angst, Psychology AU, Gore, Fluff
Description: Doyoung works in a mental asylum, he is the top therapist and works with the patient who has been there the longest, Yuta.
Warning: Minor Death Mentioned

His laughs could be heard from all out the asylum as multiple staff members tried to pull him off of the passed out patient.

Yuta grabbed the other patients head and slammed it against the floor, blood flowing out of it as he laughed at the now dead man.

"Call Dr Kim, now!" One of the staff members yelled earning a nod from another who rushed out the room while Yuta was smearing the blood on his hands across the floor.

Eventually, Mr Kim came in and Yuta's eyes sparkled, "Doyoungie! Look at it! Isn't it pretty!" he gasped, pointing at the dead body while staring at his doctor.

Doyoung, Mr Kim, almost threw up at the sight of the dead body and the blood everywhere, he was assigned as Yuta's therapist and doctor almost two years ago and to say the other had a slight liking to the doctor would be an understatement.

Yuta definitely admired the other and he tried his best to be good for him, he did, but sometimes he couldn't control himself and things would get out of hand.

"Come on, Yuta, let's go." Doyoung spoke in a stern tone, Yuta quickly got up to his feet and went to the others side, Doyoung whispered to a nurse to get someone to clean the body up and inform his family.

Doyoung glared at the Japanese male, making him frown with a pout on his face as he followed the other out of the room and down the hall.

"Did Doyoungie not like it..?" He asked with tears in his eyes, Doyoung didn't say a word and carried on walking down the long hall to get to Yuta's room.

It was in a more isolated place in the asylum, no matter what they did, everytime Yuta was getting better he'd always fall back to stage one and sometimes even worse then he already was.

They finally arrived and Doyoung opened the door, he let Yuta walk in first, "Doyoungie I-" the male was cut off by the glare the doctor threw at him.

He kept his gaze to the ground and slowly entered the dull white room and sat on the bed in the corner while Doyoung entered and got a wet cloth.

The doctor crouched down in front of the patient and cleaned his hands and face with the wet cloth, removing all sorts of the victims blood.

"Yuta." he called out, making the shorter look at him, "Yes, Doyoungie?" he asked, wanting to know what the doctor was going to say to him.

"Why did you do it?" he asked, cleaning the final bit of blood off the elders face, Yuta pouted, "I-I thought Doyoungie would like it! He told me his favourite colour was r-red.. and.. and.. I can't get him anything because I'm stuck here!" he reasoned, making the younger sigh and place the wet towel down and pull out a chair to sit on.

"Didn't you think to stop when you heard him scream?" The doctor asked with a raised brow.

The patient laughed, "It sounded nice! It was really fun Doyoungie!" he spoke between his giggles.

Doyoung was taken back, it's been ages since he's seen Yuta in this state of mind, he was slowly pulling Yuta out of it and now he's just fallen back.

"Yuta, you can't do that, you'll be transferred to somewhere else, much more stricter security, you won't have any sort of freedom, you'll be locked in your room all the time and trust me, none of the doctors there will be nice to you." Doyoung spoke.

The asylum Yuta was staying in was one of the highest security in Korea, its most likely he'll be transferred overseas if he doesn't get better anytime soon, he's been there way too long.

Yuta froze and stared at his doctor, "I won't see Doyoungie anymore?" he spoke in a monotone voice.

"No." The doctor deadpanned.

Yuta saw red and flipped over anything and broke anything he could get his hands on and started screaming.

He couldn't imagine not being with the younger, he had always took such good care of him, understood him more than anyone else then he had ever spoke to, Doyoung just stood back and watched as the elder destroyed the room, knowing it was best not to interfere.

The Japanese male ran towards the other and buried his head in his chest, the other carefully wrapped his hands around him.

Doyoung was quite fond of the patient, however, when he went as far as murdering people he needed to be put back in his place, know that it is wrong.

"Doyoungie won't leave me right? He won't. Doyoungie will stay with me." he muttered into the talkers chest.

The doctor sighed and pulled the other away, looking at him into his eyes.

"Yuta, you need to understand what you did was wrong, it wasn't fun, it was complete madness, you killed the man." Doyoung spoke, making sure the elder understood what he had done wrong.

"B-but Doyoungie.. it was fun.. and I-" Yuta was cut off again.

"Yuta! What are you not getting? We're trying to get you better! Yet you keep falling back to the beginning!" The male raised his voice slightly.

Tears welled up in the elders eyes once again as he looked at his doctor, "But.. but.. if I get better.. I'll never see Doyoungie again.. I'll be alone.. don't like being alone.." he whispered as tears fell from his eyes.

The Korean male was taken back.

It was the first time he had ever acknowledged his own behaviour like this.

"Is that what you think, Yu?" Doyoung asked gently as he lifted the elders face up with his finger and wiped his tears away.

"Mhm.. I'll go.. and.. Doyoungie will forget all about me.. but.. but I want Doyoungie to remember me! I want him to stay with me! He gives me company.." Yuta spoke out, looking at the male he much adored.

The doctor sighed and pulled the patient into a hug, "But Doyoungie.. at the same time.. I cannot help it.. it was so fun.. seeing him like that.. the blood leaking from his head.. I couldn't help it." the dramatic drop in the elders pitch wasn't anything new.

Doyoung sighed and kept the male into a hug, "Yuta, the soon as you get better and leave, the easier it'll be for me and you, yeah? If you leave I won't forget about you, I'd happily maintain some sort of relationship with you, but until you get better, I'm not willing to do that, you understand, right?" The Korean said.

The other nodded, "I'm trying, Doyoungie, I'm trying.." he whispered as buried his face in the others chest.

"I know you are, Yu and I'm so proud of you, let's try even harder, yeah? When we finally build you up again, I'll try everything in my power to not let you fall down, okay, we'll get through this." the male whispered, earning a nod from the elder.

Word Count: 1217

wdym i can't keep using lyrics from seulgi and irene's monster as my titles?

also thank you for 160+ reads on my first chapter of my new book already! i really appreciate it ^^

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