Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Liam POV

I pulled up to the entrance of the Midnight Pack grand hall. The guards waiting outside were surprised to see me get out of the driver's seat. Normally wolves get chauffeured to this event.

"Would you be willing to park it nearby? I want to make sure I can access it when I need it," I said to one of the guards.

Understanding crossed his face and he bowed. I guess my mask won't be as effective as I thought it might be. "Yes, your highness. I will take great care with it," he agreed.

I sighed. Another person treating me differently for my title and nothing else. The other guards bowed as well as we passed. The first guard must have mind linked them in regards to our status.

As we entered the foyer, a server came up to us and asked if we would like to be announced. Ethan was quick to cut in, "Not tonight, thank you. The Prince would like a quiet evening. I hope you understand." The server nodded and bowed before leaving us to enter on our own.

I could hear the music and it was a slow sensual number. The party had started over two hours ago.

"You ready, your highness?" Ethan jabbed.

"Ugh, don't call me that. You know how I hate it," I complained.

"Just trying to lighten the mood. You look so tense," he pointed out.

"Yes, I'm just setting myself up for another year of disappointment I guess," I conceded.

"Now Liam, no need to think like that. This is our year. I can feel it. Can't you feel it as well?" he asked.

He was right. I did feel something a little different this time that I hadn't felt at previous mating balls. I gave him a quick nod and steeled myself for our entrance. He went first and I followed closely behind. The room was decorated nicely. Midnight Pack has the resources to throw a high-class event. We were immediately handed champagne and I greedily took the glass.

Looking around I noticed nothing that immediately caught my eye. There were a few shewolves who were looking my way but I was used to that. Ethan however seemed to be acting a bit strangely. I looked in the direction he was staring and I saw a girl in a deep purple dress chatting animatedly with a boy. They both looked to be around eighteen or nineteen. Possibly their first ball. How naïve they must be.

I was pulled out of my musings as I noticed Ethan was determinately walking straight towards the couple. This is an entertaining turn of events. When Ethan was twenty feet away or so the girl suddenly froze. Oh dear, I think my friend might have finally found his mate. I could see the boy she was talking to looking at her wondering what had happened. He followed her gaze to Ethan and his face immediately turned sour. Sorry pup but I think she's taken.

The girl started walking towards Ethan without taking her gaze from him. Ethan was now walking as fast as he could in order to reach her sooner. I was in no hurry to witness what these two were about to get up to so I sauntered behind at my own pace. When they were within arm's reach of each other, Ethan immediately pulled her into his arms and placed his head at the crook of her neck. Oh yes, this is definitely his mate, I thought. She had the biggest smile on her face that completely matched his ridiculous grin as I finally approached them. Neither of them were saying anything so I figured they had missed out on introductions. Typical, I thought.

"Hello, I'm Liam and this is my friend Ethan," I began. "What is your name?"

The girl quickly came out of her daze, noticing me for the first time. "Susan," she whispered. "You can call me Suze though. That's what my closest friends call me at least."

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