Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Quinn POV

Did he just say what I think he said? I mean not in so many words but he basically just told me he loves me. I know he's called me love and alluded to it before but damn it, this man just told me he loves me.

I had no idea how to respond and thankfully the waiter returned with our food to save me from myself. He lingered for a few moments explaining the dish and asking if we needed anything else. I chose to dig in before he even left the room not just because I was starving from my workout this afternoon but also to keep my mouth full and avoid talking to Liam. That man knows how to keep a girl on her toes, that's for sure.

Liam took the cue and dug in as well. We sat in comfortable silence as we ate our food. It was absolutely delicious. We'd both ordered lasagna. I chuckled thinking of our previous chats. We both really do love lasagna. I still think I make it better of course.

When the meal was over, Liam stood up and held out his hand for me.

"Don't we have to pay?" I asked, looking around for the watier.

"It's taken care of," he replied before leading me out the door of our private dining room.

The restaurant was a bit more crowded now but no one looked up from their meals or gave us any mind. It really was just Liam and I. I settled into him and wrapped my arm around his pulling him closer. He felt so right beside me.

There was a warmth coursing through my body that made me desperately want to touch him. I wondered if he felt the same way. I glanced up to look at him and saw a slight flush across his cheeks. He briefly caught my eye and gave me a small smile, squeezing my hand. I think we're both dealing with these symptoms of the mate bond.

Once we'd left the restaurant, Liam led me back to the car and we were on our way again. "So what's our next destination?" I asked curiously.

Liam smiled brightly, "You'll see. You're gonna love it."

I decided to leave it at that. He seems so excited and I trust him to know me well enough to pick somewhere we'd both enjoy. I heard one of my favorite songs come on the radio and I turned it up full blast. I started singing at the top of my lungs and dancing in my seat. Suddenly the volume was lowered and I stopped singing. I looked in Liam's direction and saw his hand on the knob.

"Why'd you turn it down?" I asked sadly.

"I couldn't hear your voice over the music," he said matter of factly. "I love to hear you sing. It's one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard in my entire life. You sing wonderfully. The night I heard you in the garden, I nearly jumped from the balcony to get to you."

I blushed. "I don't sing that well, Liam. There's tons of people out there with better voices than I have."

"I've never heard a single one," Liam said.

His eyes held contact with mine for a moment and I could tell he meant every word. Feeling self-conscious, I told Liam to focus on the road. He knew what I was doing by pushing attention from myself but he obliged.

A few minutes later we pulled into a crowded parking lot.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"You've never been here before?" he seemed a bit surprised.

"No," I admitted. "What is this place?"

"Come with me, I'll show you," he said.

I hadn't realized we'd parked and he was now waiting for me outside my door. I didn't mind that he opened it for me this time. I appreciate that he understands I don't want everything done for me just because I'm a female. We're just as strong as males, or in my case...stronger.

We walked hand in hand towards the door. I still hadn't gotten used to the feeling of his hand in mine. He held the door open for the both of us to walk through. I could hear lots of noise coming from behind a small wall where a woman was sitting at a desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she asked politely.

"I'll take two unlimited passes," Liam replied coolly.

"Very well," she said, typing something into the computer beside her. "That'll be two hundred and fifty dollars."

My eyes widened at the price but Liam handed over his card like it was nothing. I guess being a royal you get used to having money. I'm certainly not used to it.

The woman then handed each of us a card and with a bright smile added, "Enjoy."

I still had no idea what we were doing here. Liam grabbed my hand again and pulled me around the small wall to finally reveal our location.

"Oh. My. Goddess," I said while looking around the room. "I'm going to absolutely destroy you," I added before dashing off with Liam close behind me.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," he replied before passing me and heading towards the machine in front of us. "I'm quite skilled at arcade games, sweetheart."

That name was really starting to grow on me. Every time he said it, my stomach did a backflip.

I stood beside him at the neighboring machine, taking a ready stance. "Let's see what you've got, your highness," I taunted.

He chuckled, "Game on, baby," as he swiped his card in the machine and the orange basketballs tumbled from above. I did the same and we were off.

He really does know me better than I thought he did. I think this will be the best first date ever. And I really do think it might end up being my last first date ever.

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