Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Liam POV

I've been running for what feels like hours. I don't even know if I'm on Diamond Crescent territory anymore. I've passed in and out of so many border patrols that I can't remember which end I'm on. It still feels and smells like I'm on their land, so I'm just going to assume I am.

I wasn't searching for Quinn when I ran off into the forest like I'd originally intended to do. My moods were so out of control, I was actually worried how I would react if I did find her. The last thing I wanted to do after this morning was actually mark her against her will. Feeling so insecure, I knew that was a possibility. I just needed to run around and try to calm my wolf.

Although we're still on edge, I think I've reached a point where I can head back and see what progress my men have made. I cut off my link to all of them when I left and I'm starting to regret it. What if they found something out about Quinn and I wasn't there to hear it? I started sprinting full force. I had to get back.

Suddenly something caught my attention. I crossed paths with a scent. It smelled like Quinn. I was sure it was Quinn. She's in this forest so often that her scent must be all over it.

I started to head back but something in the back of my mind was nagging at me. Why was her scent so strong? She went for a run this morning but that was hours ago. This is a fresh trail. Could she be in the forest somewhere? How could the guards have missed that? I'll have to look into that once I make it back.

I decided to follow the scent trail. Maybe it would lead me to Quinn. I ran and ran but never caught up with the scent. It almost felt like I was running in circles.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I turned abruptly only to have a hard body crash into mine. We tumbled across the forest floor and it wasn't until we came to a stop that I realized who it was. Sparks were traveling between us where our bodies connected. It was Quinn's wolf.

I didn't know how to react at first. Quinn was still on top of me and I didn't make any move to get up. She was staring at me curiously. It took a few moments before it registered that she was safe. She was here with me. I hadn't lost her.

I pushed her over so I was on top and my wolf started licking her all over her face. After I'd finished, her wolf licked me back a few times and I thoroughly enjoyed the gesture. Even if she is mad at me, her wolf hasn't given up on me yet.

I backed up, allowing her to stand. She rolled over and hopped onto her feet. She shook out her fur to dislodge a few stray twigs but then all she did was stare at me with her big green eyes. I wanted to talk to her. I needed to apologize. I don't think she'd be willing to shift here in the forest though. We need to get back to the pack house.

I nodded my head in the direction of the pack house, indicating I wanted her to follow me. This would be so much easier if we had a mind link to talk through but this wasn't the time to think about that. I was in enough trouble for putting temporary marks on Quinn.

I started walking away but Quinn just stood there. I started to worry she wasn't going to come back with me. After a second or two though, she started walking. I picked up the pace to a light jog and Quinn ran behind me. I mind linked Ethan to bring out clothes for Quinn and I when we returned.

We made it back to the pack house a few minutes later. Ethan was standing nervously in front of the door. As soon as he saw me, he jogged over and handed me some clothes. I took them in my mouth and walked over to the nearest tree. He did the same for Quinn and she walked off to change behind a different tree.

A few seconds later, we both emerged from the treeline. I looked in Quinn's direction but it seemed she was deep in thought. I guess she still hasn't forgiven me yet. It was almost dinner time now. Maybe this discussion would be best had later. I caught up to Quinn and hesitantly approached her.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," she returned.

"It's kinda late," I started, not sure what to say. "Why don't we both go get cleaned up and we can chat later?"

I wanted nothing more than to pull her in my arms and stay there all night but I could tell she was still a bit tense.

"Yeah," she agreed. "Let's talk later."

Ethan gave me an apologetic smile as we both passed him and entered the pack house. Maybe in an hour or so, after letting everything settle in, we'd be able to have a more productive conversation. Right now I just needed a little break. It's been a long day.

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