Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Liam POV

I needed to keep my cool. I could not lose my temper like I did earlier. My wolf whimpered in my head again. I couldn't believe Quinn just left like that. Maybe she really did want to leave us. Why would she dress up like that for other males to ogle her? She's our mate. No one should be seeing her body like that. She didn't seem to care though.

I kept replaying the look on her face in my head. It was devoid of any emotion. What had I done?

As I was slowly spiraling into a heap of self-pity, I heard an unusual noise coming from outside. It sounded like people were fighting. I jumped off the bed to look out the window. What I saw outside made my blood run cold. Rogues. And a lot of them. Why hadn't anyone been warned yet? There were only a handful of guards out there trying to hold them off. It was a bloodbath.

I ran from the room and yelled as loud as I could, "ROGUES! ROGUES BROKE THE PERIMETER!"

Suddenly everyone was in a frenzy. Guards and warriors were running towards the door to go help and a few women took the children to the basement where there was a safe room.

A thought crossed my mind when I saw a girl about Quinn's age run to go join the fight. I don't even know where she is right now. I know she's at a party but I don't know whether it's on pack lands or not. My blood started boiling again at how reckless she was acting but I didn't have time to dwell on that. The only way to ensure her safety is to eradicate the problem.

By now my guards had arrived to the fight as well. I saw Reggie and Darrell in the thick of the fight taking down multiple wolves at once. They truly were great fighters.

I decided to join them as backup. As a royal, I am naturally a good fighter and it seems the majority of the wolves are focusing on them. They must have picked out the biggest threats first.

As I approached them, I felt a sharp pain in my side. A scraggly brown rogue's teeth had grazed me just above my hip. This irritated me. He couldn't even form a proper attack.

I let out all my alpha power to let them know who they were dealing with. Any rogue within a few feet cowered momentarily, which allowed the Diamond Crescent warriors to take them out.

The rogues seemed to keep coming though. How many were there? It seems like each time a dozen are killed, two dozen more fill their place.

We'd been steadily fighting for almost an hour and I could tell the forces were growing weak. I hadn't seen many more rogues come from the forest so they either retreated or we'd reached the end. As I finished off my last rogue with a twist of his neck, I took appraisal of my injuries.

This was one time I was grateful I hadn't marked Quinn yet. I didn't want her to be able to feel the pain I was in. I had numerous superficial wounds that were quickly healing but I thought I might have a dislocated shoulder. That was becoming quite annoying.

As I looked around for the pack healer to properly reset my shoulder, I saw Darrell and Reggie leading a few rogues toward the dungeons. They were smart enough to keep a few for questioning. I applauded them for that. It's hard in the moment of a battle to think on your feet like that. I think I'm going to take a crack at interrogating them myself.

I found the pack healer a moment later and he had me set and ready to go in a few minutes. Darrell and Reggie hadn't returned from the dungeons yet so I decided to go check on the progress they'd made.

The guards at the door bowed and allowed me to pass. I followed the sound of voices and found the two men standing outside a cell discussing something in hushed voices.

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