Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

Liam POV

My wolf was so happy knowing that Quinn would be safe while we sorted out this situation. With Seth, our most trusted warrior, and his chosen group of warriors to protect her, no one could touch her. Not to mention, Quinn would put up a harder fight herself if anyone got to her.

We were walking back from the conference room to our bedroom. Quinn had requested time with me before she left for the summer house and I was going to give her every minute of time we had together.

I can't deny that my wolf and I need this time too. He knows she could be away for a while and isn't too pleased about it. Of course he understands her safety is the most important though.

Quinn was quieter than normal but I'm sure she's just letting it all settle in. It's been a long couple of days and I know she has a lot to think about.

I reached for her hand and laced my fingers with hers. She flinched slightly at the unexpected contact but then a warm smile crossed her face. The sparks running up our arms were strong again and it felt great to have her with me.

We reached the room a moment later and I opened the door to allow her to enter first. I nodded to the guards outside and they took their positions. We couldn't take any chances with the current situation.

Quinn was standing completely still at the center of the room as if she wasn't sure what to do. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her body flush with mine. Our bodies hummed together at the contact and I let out a shuddered breath I didn't know I was holding.

This was our first real time alone since she left me and so much has happened since then. Quinn declared her love for me, she marked me, we worked out our issues, and I truly believe we're closer than ever before...both emotionally and physically currently.

Quinn leaned her head back against my shoulder but kept her eyes closed. I could tell she was enjoying my embrace. I rubbed the skin on her abdomen where her shirt rode up and she opened her eyes to look at me.

A second later I saw the resolve in her eyes change and she leaned up slightly to capture my lips with hers. I responded immediately, tugging lightly on her lower lip and pulling her impossibly closer. She rubbed against me as the kiss intensified and I felt myself growing harder.

I felt my wolf coming to the surface as I turned her around and started backing her up towards the wall. If my head was in the right space, I might question what's happening based on the current dangers around us but I simply couldn't care. All I wanted right now was my mate.

Once Quinn's back was pressed firmly against the wall, she let out a small squeak of surprise. "Liam," she moaned as I sucked on her neck, just below her ear.

"Shh," I growled as I continued my ministrations.

I moved my mouth back up her jaw to her mouth and this time the kiss was fast and heavy. Our tongues tangled as we explored one another's mouths. The feeling was out of this world. This kiss was different from any one before. It was less tentative. We were both more experienced now and there was a ravenous hunger behind it.

I felt like we weren't close enough still so I used the leverage of Quinn's back on the wall to pull her up against me. My hands were under her thighs and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

As we continued kissing, my hands traveled up towards her perfect ass and I squeezed, earning a deep moan from Quinn. I saw a fire light in her eyes as she moved from my lips down to my jaw and traced her tongue along it while she dug her fingers into the back of my hair.

I was fully hard now and could stop myself from grinding against her. There was so much happening to my body but I just let go and was living in the moment. I felt Quinn nip at my earlobe and it was like a hotwire to my groin as I bucked my hips forward into her. She kept her mouth moving as I gently massaged her behind. These new feelings and being able to touch her like this was out of this world. I couldn't stop even if I tried.

She was on her way down my neck now and was dangerously close to my mark. I groaned knowing I wouldn't be able to control myself once she made contact with it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to though.

Suddenly Quinn's hands left my hair and I whimpered at the loss of contact. She looked me in the eyes with a devilish smirk as she dug her fingers into the shirt on my chest. I was about to ask what she was doing when I felt the shirt rip right down the middle. Quinn grinned widely before she was back to work, showing my body what her tongue could do.

"I remember once," Quinn said between sloppy kisses, "I told my wolf," she nipped at my collarbone, "that I wanted to make a roadmap," she sucked just above my pec, "on your beautiful chest." She trailed her tongue straight down my sternum and I swear I felt it go straight to my dick.

"Fuck," I groaned. This mate of mine was driving me absolutely insane. "Don't stop," I pleaded.

I felt her grin against my skin as she did just that. She unwrapped her legs from me and I looked at her incredulously.

"What-" I started to say before I felt her hands run across my bare stomach, up to my chest, as she pushed the piece of fabric off me that was still hanging there.

"Much better," she smirked. I want to see all of you.

"And what about you?" I asked, daring to push our game a little further.

"Not so fast, loverboy," she said as she circled one of her nails around my nipple.

'Who is this and what have they done with my mate?' I thought.

'Stop talking and get naked,' my wolf answered my rhetorical question.

I didn't have to do as he said though as I suddenly felt Quinn reach for the waistband of my shorts. The anticipation of losing a layer of clothing between us was driving me insane. I wanted to go at her pace though so I let her tease me with her fingers sliding around my waist.

Suddenly her hands stopped moving and she looked up at me a little shyer than before, "I don't know what's gotten into me, Liam, but I want you so bad right now. My wolf and I can't control it. I don't know if I'm ready yet though."

I totally understood how she felt. This was new territory for both of us. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in for a tight hug. She followed suit and wrapped her arms tightly around my back.

"Why don't we go get cleaned up and then talk about this? We are mates so we don't need to feel embarrassed. All these feelings we're having are totally normal and we can act on them if we want to. I want you too, Quinn, more than anything in this world. But I understand if you want to wait."

She looked deep in thought but didn't say anything. I tried to quell her worries though as I was having some of the same ones. Our wolves want us to mate and they are pushing us to get it done sooner than later but the human side of us doesn't fully understand the animalistic need to mate. I don't want Quinn to do anything she regrets but I know neither one of us will regret if we mate tonight. Being fully connected before she leaves for the summer house would be much more calming for our wolves to be inside each other's minds and fully feel each other's emotions.

"Why don't we try something?" I asked hesitantly. I can tell we're both still hot and bothered and don't want to completely kill the mood.

"What's that?" she asks and I can tell there's still that dark twinkle in her eye.

I subconsciously lean down to press a kiss onto her forehead before speaking, "Save water, shower together?"

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