Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Liam POV

My wolf and I made sure Quinn made it into the base safely before I addressed the rest of my warriors. "Show me what you found," I commanded.

They nodded before leading me into a different wing of the base. I was both impressed and horrified by how advanced this base appeared to be. It isn't hidden in any way yet has gone undetected for years possibly. This is extremely concerning.

My warriors led me into what appeared to be a large office. There were pack members all around the room sorting through papers and computer files. The warrior behind the large desk looked up when we entered and called me over. "I think you'll want to see this, your highness."

I sat down in the desk chair and started looking through the files he had open on the screen. There were surveillance photos of me and my family from inside the castle as well as a detailed schedule of where we went and when. There was also information on all the packs in our kingdom. It had listed who the top warriors and trackers were as well as the mates and children of all these pack members. There were diagrams and time tables about the paths guards took while guarding the perimeters and so much more.

I looked up at my warrior, dumbfounded by the information this group had been able to compile but he stopped me, "Keep going. There's more."

I turned back to the computer and clicked the next file. On the screen was a picture of a young girl. My wolf growled upon realizing who it was. Quinn. My Quinn. There was a whole file on just her. First it showed her with her family when she was younger. You could see how loved she was just by looking at them. Next it was her a little bit older, probably twelve or so, with her dad, Suze, and Reggie. They looked like they were headed out to train.

Lastly it was a picture of Quinn by the river a few days ago. With me. This was the day that rogue attacked us by the river. Or at least, tried to attack us before Quinn got to him. They were watching us this whole time. How did none of us notice?

A shiver ran down my spine thinking about all the places they could have been without us noticing. What worried me the most though was the pictures and information from inside the castle. There's no way a rogue could have gotten into the castle without anyone noticing. It just wasn't possible. That meant there was someone on the inside who was working with the rogues.

"Pull all the information you can before finishing up here. I want a full report when we're back at the castle," I said to the group of warriors who brought me here.

I then quietly surveyed the warriors around me. How could I trust anyone anymore? Everyone who works in the castle is someone my family trusts with our lives but now they're all suspects. The thought that someone we trust would betray us is sickening.

My wolf was on edge now since we were not by our mate. Knowing that someone is out to get us was unsettling and put us into protective mode. I needed to see her to be sure she's safe.

"Take me to the prison hold," I demanded. The warrior nearest to me nodded and led me away from the office.

We twisted and turned through various hallways and I was thankful the palace warriors and Diamond Crescent warriors had cleaned up the bodies from earlier. I didn't need Quinn to see all the death this place saw today.

Finally we reached a set of heavy metal doors. I could faintly smell my mate nearby and my wolf started to calm knowing she was close.

I pushed through the doors and saw a large elaborate cell on the other side. It wasn't what I expected but my wolf wouldn't let me dwell on that at the moment. Quinn was my number one priority.

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