Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Quinn POV

Liam paused for a moment looking a bit sheepish. I don't think he expected the quick change in topic. I felt comfortable with him, that was for sure, but I wasn't in the mood to talk about my soul-crushing past at the moment.

"Ah, yeah, right," he trailed off. I nodded for him to continue. "Your father and I were discussing your safety on our walk today."

"My safety? What do you mean, my safety?" I asked incredulously. "This hasn't been a topic of concern for the past eighteen years. Why is it something that needs to be discussed now?"

"Quinn, you have to realize your mate is the crown prince. There are always people out there who aren't too fond of the royal family. There's no way to change that. They'll know the best way to get to me is through you. I can't let that happen. I've only just found you. I don't want to be the reason why you get hurt, or worse."

"So what do you suggest we do, your highness?"

He sighed, rubbing his hands on his face. "Since I'm not able to be with you at all times, we're going to have some of my guards with you when I'm not around. As safe as this pack is, it isn't protected by the royal guards. There's no way for me or my wolf to be at ease when we don't know where you are or if you're okay at all times."

"You're kidding, right?" I deadpanned. "You've got to be kidding me. You think your goons are well enough trained to be better than the warriors of my pack? Please. They have nothing on the wolves my father trains. Not that I need babysitters in the first place." I could see by his dumbfounded expression that I'd caught him off guard.

"You're more upset that I offended your pack's warriors than you are mad that I want to give you protection? That is not how I expected this conversation to go."

I chuckled humorlessly, "Oh believe me, I don't need a babysitter. But I've already proved to you I can get around your goons. What bothers me is you're coming here on our land and insulting one of the biggest assets to your kingdom. We train warriors here. My father trained with the royal guards. I can practically take your ass down. If you're going to force me to have a bodyguard, I want the best. And sorry to say buddy, but the best comes from Diamond Crescent. Not your prissy little castle dwelling soldiers."

"Well technically they don't live in the castle," Liam added.

"Not the point, casanova. I'll give into your wishes since my dad has already agreed but only on my terms. Take it or leave it."

"Oh, I take it," Liam quickly agreed. "I'm glad you're willing to see reason on this. I really appreciate you working with me."

"I'm not as unreasonable as you think I am, Liam," I admitted. "You explained your reasoning and although I know I can handle myself, I'm willing to give into your demands in order to keep your wolf at bay. It also helps that it'll give me a chance to breathe and think about things while you're not breathing down my neck."

"Aha!" Liam shouted. "So that's the real reason you're so okay with this."

I chuckled, "It's a win-win for both of us I guess."

Liam chuckled as well, "I hate to say it but I walked myself into that one. It's getting late though. Why don't we go inside and get ready for dinner. I hear they're serving lasagna." He winked at me as he stood up from his chair.

He held out his hand for me and I paused momentarily. I could see he didn't think I would take it but he still offered anyway. I told him I would give this some kind of a chance and I meant it. I'm not completely heartless. I reached out my hand willingly and allowed him to 'help' me off the lounger. I saw his eyes widen momentarily but that was the only reaction I got.

After I'd stood up, I went to take my hand back but instead of letting go, he laced his fingers with mine and dropped it to his side. He was holding my hand. No guy had ever held my hand before. I looked down and took a moment to really take in the sparks that were radiating from our linked fingers. The sparks weren't quite as foreign as they had previously felt. They almost felt soothing now.

I felt Liam give my hand a tug and looked up to his face. He looked truly happy. I was the one that put that smile on his face by simply holding his hand. I couldn't help but return the smile. It felt good to be the reason for his happiness. I gave him this moment. A moment where I let him in, even just a little.

We walked inside and through the living room, up the stairs. There was no one around to see this intimate moment between the two of us. At least it felt intimate to me. This was all new territory for me. I wonder how much experience Liam has in this area. As a prince, I'm sure he's had loads of shewolves throwing themselves at him. This gave my stomach a turn to think about. I'll have to ask him later even though I'm sure I don't want to know the answer.

When we got to the top of the stairs, Liam let go of my hand. I reached for my doorknob and Liam kept walking down the hallway. He grabbed the handle on the door right next to my room.

"What are you doing?" I asked incredulously.

"Going to my room to shower," he answered slowly. "Why? Did you want to take me up on my offer from earlier? You're welcome to join me anytime," he smirked.

"No," I replied, shaking the thought from my head. "What are you doing going into that room? That's Theo's room. The guest rooms are downstairs."

"Ah," Liam sighed. "Yes, I guess we haven't broached that subject yet. I'll be staying in the room next to yours for the duration of my stay. Another way to keep my wolf at bay. Your alpha was more than willing to set the room up for me. I'm sure your brother doesn't mind, seeing as he doesn't live here anymore."

"Well I mind!" I shouted. "Do I have no privacy at all anymore?"

"Believe me, sweetheart," Liam began as he slowly approached me. "If I had it my way, you'd have even less privacy."

Before he could reach me I ran into my room, shut the door, and locked it. I was panting on the other side of the door and I could hear him chuckle. Once I'd heard his door close, I slid to the ground and held my head in my hands. What is he doing to me?

'I don't know, but I like it,' my wolf chuckled.

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