Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

Quinn POV

I was about seven hours into my trek now and I was really starting to feel the effects of running without stopping. I'd had a couple water breaks along the way but nothing would replace actual rest.

I decided to stop for a moment to look into my pack. I couldn't stop long knowing that Liam was probably on my trail already but I know there has to be something in there to help with this.

Digging through the various tools inside, I came across a small vial. This would do the trick. It was an energy enhancer. I only had enough for about five hours but it would be more than enough to put more space between Liam and me.

I tipped my head back, gulping down the strange tasting drink and almost immediately I could feel my muscles start to buzz. No longer did they feel worn down, now it was like I could run for hours and hours. This was exactly what I needed.


My five hours were just about up and I'm definitely wearing down. I'm positive I can spend an hour or two resting though. There's no way Liam could have caught up to me. Not only am I faster but I was more than three hours ahead of him when he first contacted me. If I rest for two hours, I'll still have enough of a lead to make it there by midday tomorrow.

Despite my confidence, I decided to plan a diversion in case Liam did catch up. I kept traveling until I heard a river in the distance. This would help cover my tracks.

I jumped in and swam downstream for a mile or so. The water would cover my scent.

As I emerged from the river, I noticed the mud was the perfect consistency to use as a scent cover. I didn't want to make it too obvious someone had been digging here so I grabbed a bit and covered my neck and torso. That is where most of my scent comes from so it should do the trick.

Now I just need to find somewhere to sleep. It would be too dangerous to stay at ground level so I have to find the perfect tree to conceal me from view.

After walking a few hundred feet, I found it. A sturdy oak tree with tons of branches to give cover. The lowest one was about twenty feet up, which would be an easy jump if I did it right.

I took a running start, jumped and pushed off the tree to its left, and grabbed the branch I was aiming for. I flipped myself up over the branch and started climbing until I found a comfortable place to relax. It wasn't the most comfortable place I've tried to sleep but it would have to do for now.

I took a few calming breaths before I felt myself drifting off. It's been over twenty-four hours since I last slept and I've traveled almost four hundred miles since leaving Liam. Sleep will come easily.


I woke with a start and caught myself from tumbling out of the tree. The sun was up in the sky and I could see it was probably around ten in the morning. That means I thankfully haven't slept more than two hours based on when I left the castle.

I stretched my arms above my head, trying to prepare myself for the rest of my trek but then I heard a noise below. Someone or something is below my tree. I held my breath and tried to slow down my heart. I couldn't give away my position. The mud that was caked on my body was dry now and flaking off, leaving holes in my scent stopping armor.

"Damn it, Quinn," I heard someone curse from below.

I know that voice. I raced down the tree to get a better view of the person who had found me in my hiding spot. I managed to make it to the lowest branch without them noticing me before I jumped down in front of him.

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