Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Quinn POV

Suze and I have been dancing the night away. I've already finished off the bottle of tequila and I was onto vodka now. I was definitely feeling the effects, thank the goddess.

"Quinn," Suze called to me over the thumping bass.

"Yeah Suze?" I answered back.

"I'm gonna find the bathroom. Wanna come with?"

I thought for a second before shaking my head, "Nah, this is a good song. Come find me when you get back."

She looked at me warily before disappearing into the crowd. I took another long drag from the bottle that has been glued to my side for the past hour. My whole body was buzzing all over. I felt invincible.

I'd been dancing alone in the middle of the dancefloor, periodically taking swigs from the bottle, when I felt hands on my hips. Suddenly there was a body behind me and someone was running their nose up and down my neck. I shivered at the contact but not in a good way. Deep down I was honestly hoping it was Liam but I knew that was only wishful thinking.

Right when the stranger moved his hands from my hips around to the area below my breasts, I turned around. This was too much even in my inebriated state. He didn't let go though. As I turned around in his arms, I saw that it was Brad.

"What the hell Brad?" I growled in his face.

He didn't move his hands though. "You looked lonely out here dancing all alone, Quinn," he smirked. "I figured I could give you some company."

He leaned down again and placed a kiss at the top of my shoulder. He paused momentarily, probably catching a faint whiff of Liam on me. He didn't seem to care though. Ugh, typical disgusting male, I thought to myself.

"Brad, get off!" I said as I shoved him. I didn't want to hurt him but I wasn't against it if he wouldn't let go.

"Why, Quinny? Neither one of us is mated. There's no mark on your shoulder. Why don't we go for a test run? I could make you feel things you've never felt before."

I was dumbstruck for a moment before I decided Brad wasn't worth my restraint. I could still beat this asshole up in my half drunk state.

"How about it, Quinn?" Brad smirked, removing a hand from my lower back to reach up to my chin.

I took that moment to grab his wrist and put him into an arm lock. I was sitting on his back, holding him down with my knees while he was thrashing around.

"You sick freak!" he yelled. "All I was doing was trying to show your ugly ass a good time and you go and ruin it by being some kind of freak. No wonder you don't have a mate. Nobody would want a psycho like you anyways!"

By now Brad and I had caused a bit of a ruckus. People were staring and I was starting to sober up. Where was Suze when I needed her? I wanted out of this stupid party.

Just as I was thinking that, I heard a loud bang and a ferocious growl from behind me. "WHERE IS MY MATE?" a voice I'd become very familiar with called out, silencing everyone in the room. Liam. What is he doing here? Did he have goons watching me this whole time and he was here to save the day? I didn't need saving from the likes of Brad.

Before I could think more on it, I felt two strong arms wrap around me and draw me into a chest. The sparks were calming and I momentarily melted in his embrace. There were gasps followed by whispering from everyone around us. I guess they all know I'm mated to the prince now. Brad started to stir and I came back to the present moment. I started fighting against Liam's hold, reaching out for Brad.

"Let me at him," I yelled. "I haven't let him know who he's dealing with yet."

Liam wouldn't let me go though. I turned around to face him, fiery rage visible in my eyes but I stopped immediately upon seeing his face. He was covered in blood and I could see faint bruises on his face and arms. Nothing mattered now but him. My mate was hurt and I wasn't there to help him.

"What happened?" I whispered, reaching out to touch one of the forming bruises.

Liam closed his eyes, pain marring his features, "Rogues. Rogues broke the perimeter."

I gasped, "Take me home Liam. NOW." There were tears welling up in my eyes. This never happens at Diamond Crescent. "Suze. We need to get Suze!"

Liam grabbed my face and I leaned into his touch. "Ethan already has her. They're waiting for us outside."

I nodded and allowed him to grab my hand, leading me away from the watchful eyes of my classmates.

I heard Brad call from behind, "Oh, so you'll fuck a prince but you won't fuck me? Guess you're really a slut after all."

Liam paused momentarily. He looked back at me and I could see the fury in his eyes.

"You or me?" he asked calmly.

"As much as I'd love to, he's all yours," I replied with a small smile.

Liam let go of my hand and the calming effect he had on me was gone. I hope he doesn't take long. I need to get back home and check on everyone. I heard a high pitched squeal and a loud thump followed by an even louder bang as Brad undoubtedly hit the floor, knocked out.

"Taken care of," Liam smirked before taking my hand again and leading me out the doors.

Once we were outside, I saw a terrified looking Suze with Ethan holding her against his chest.

"What's the damage?" I asked, unsure I actually wanted to know the answer.

"Numerous injuries but no casualties on our side," Liam responded coldly.

I nodded, thankful no one had lost their life in a senseless fight but had another question to ask. "Was anyone taken?" I asked quietly.

Only Liam could hear me. He pulled me into his chest so I could hear the rapid beating of his heart. "No," he said and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Everyone is safe and accounted for. We can go back and debrief with your dad but after we do that I need to head back home."

"What do you mean?" I asked, pulling away so I could look into his eyes.

He looked a bit pained but his resolve was clear.

"You're leaving me?"

Liam closed his eyes again. I guess he's tired of waiting for me. "No Quinn," Liam pulled me from my thoughts. "We're leaving. Together."

I backed away as far as I could but Liam wouldn't let me go. "I'm not leaving my family right after they've been attacked! They need me! I can help! I'm not some coward who runs away scared of some stupid rogues. I need to fight alongside my people!"

Liam held me tighter, "No Quinn, you need to be safe! They came for you!"

I paused momentarily remembering the rogue I had killed by the river. "I was told to take the thing that means the most to him." I remembered his words. I'm what they came looking for. My pack was attacked because of me. I can't let that happen again.

Liam noticed my lack of response and I felt him let off his alpha aura. "Quinn, you are returning to the castle with me tonight."

He's using his alpha command on me. I can't believe he's commanding me to do something against my will. I thought we were supposed to be equals. I felt my wolf whimper in my head. She wanted to obey him.

Liam grabbed my hand and started to walk away but I just stood there. Shouldn't I be following him? Isn't my wolf forced to follow the command of the crown prince? Why weren't my feet moving?

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