Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

Quinn POV

I made it to the edge of the forest first, as expected. Liam was only a second or two behind me. I knew if I didn't trick us both into thinking this is a race, neither one of us would have been willing to leave our bedroom.

I looked around and it seemed like everyone was there. Liam's parents were off to one side talking to a group of warriors. My parents were a few feet from me in discussion with Suze and Ethan. There were various other warriors mingling around, I assume waiting for their orders.

The wind was suddenly knocked out of my lungs as I felt a strong force barrel into me.

"How do you always win, my love?" Liam whispered in my ear. A chill went down my spine as he nuzzled into my neck. I will never grow tired of this man.

"I mind linked Ethan on the way here," Liam continued. "We've called a few of my personal guards to join you on the trip. I want you to feel safe even though I do trust Seth with my life. I know you haven't known him long enough to trust him the way I do though and that's okay."

I was grateful for his understanding in this situation. I'm sure it's nothing but the extra protection will ease my mind. My one concern though was that he was giving up his own protection for me. I don't want to have to worry more about Liam when I'm not here to protect him. Before I could voice my opinion though, I felt an arm on my shoulder and looked up to see Suze in front of me.

"Do you want me to come with, Quinny? Because I totally will," she rambled.

She really is a great friend.

"No, Suze. You're needed here. You're my right hand and I know you'll help keep these boys in line while I'm gone."

Joking about this has become my coping mechanism. Of course I wanted Suze to come with me but her place was here helping everyone try to solve the issue. Suze is smart and I know she'll be a great team with Liam, Ethan, and I once we officially take over the crown.

I sighed before hugging her. It was only days ago I was doing this when I left Diamond Crescent. It was all feeling very repetitive to me. I hope this will not become a habit of having to leave the people I love behind.

After saying goodbye to my friends and family, I met up with the warriors who would be escorting me. There were way more than I had expected. Seth was at the front talking to Liam. I guess he was staying true to having that conversation with him before we left. The thought of trying to hash things out with him on the way there made my stomach turn though. I need to get over this if he's going to be a part of our lives going forward.

There were about twelve other guards surrounding me. I have a feeling I won't be getting much personal space over the next few hours. I groaned at the thought. I hate feeling delicate.

I felt my mate's eyes on me and looked back up to see that he and Seth were looking in my direction. I held my resolve and kept a stoic look on my face. I am not a fragile princess and Seth needs to know that.

'You kind of showed him that already,' my wolf reminded me.

I chuckled, thinking back to Seth writhing around in pain on the gym floor. 'Yeah, I did, didn't I?' I agreed.

I came back to reality and saw that Seth was still looking at me but now he had a small smirk on his face. It was brief, almost imperceptible and it only lasted a second before he turned back to start a discussion with one of the nearby guards.

"I talked to Seth," Liam said once he reached my side. "He assured me it was a total misunderstanding and apologized profusely. He promised to make it up to you on the way there."

He placed a kiss on my forehead and wrapped me into his embrace. I closed my eyes, relishing the feeling of my mate. Who knows how long I'd have to go without having this feeling. It could be days or even weeks before I could return.

I shuddered at the thought of being away from Liam for more than a few hours.

I could feel the anxiety creeping up. I think I'm about to have a panic attack. I don't do panic attacks. I'm supposed to be strong and in control at all times. This is not happening right now. I felt myself start to tense up and begin hyperventilating.

"Shhh," Liam cooed in my ear. Of course he can sense how I'm feeling right now. Oh goddess, he must think I'm so weak. I don't do weak.

"You're fine, baby. I'm right here. I'll be right here when you get back. I wish I could keep you here too but it's for the kingdom, right?"

I didn't respond. He didn't need me to. He just kept rubbing my back in soothing circles as he whispered calming words in my ear.

I had almost calmed down when I heard someone clear their voice behind us. "If you're done, your highness, we are running behind schedule."

I looked up to see that it was Seth who was pulling my mate away from me. A new feeling was building inside of me now. Anger. Liam must have sensed that as well because he blocked my view of Seth and forced me to look into his gorgeous green eyes.

"I love you so much, Quinn," Liam said, distracting me from my impending rage.

"I love you too," I responded before pulling him into a deep kiss. I put all my love into that one kiss before releasing him. I gave him one last lingering glance before following the warriors into the forest. We would be traveling by foot as it would leave less scent behind for anyone to follow us.

'I'll see you soon, my love,' Liam said to me over our mindlink.

'Not soon enough,' I replied before adjusting the bag on my back. It was heavy with supplies that I hope I won't end up needing but just in case, I was prepared for almost anything that would come in my way. I won't go down without a fight.


I'm SO sorry.  I promise I'm going to finish uploading this book.  I let my life get away from me for a bit and just couldn't bring myself to do this for some reason.  Depression and anxiety are real, my friends.  I'm not better, but I'm getting there.  I appreciate all the support throughout this book.  Please vote and comment if you like the story.  More to come this week.

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