Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Quinn POV

I feel amazing. I haven't even opened my eyes yet and I could already tell this was the best sleep I'd ever had in my life. I stretched out, feeling each and every muscle loosen and then I rolled over to check the time.

As I rolled to my left, I caught a foreign yet eerily familiar scent. It was the ocean breeze scent again. The one I had smelled last night on the way back to the pack house. I subconsciously found myself burying my face in the pillow trying to breathe in every ounce of the scent that was lingering. Why did my pillow smell different today? I wasn't going to question it because of how much I was enjoying it invading my senses with every breath I took.

I heard a knock at my door and called out with my face still in the pillow, "Come in!"

I assume whoever it is heard me because the doorknob turned and they entered the room. "Uh, Quinn..." I heard Suze's tentative voice. "What are you doing to that pillow? It looks like you're trying to make out with it."

I quickly pushed myself up and away from the pillow. I didn't realize I was that deep into smelling the delicious scent.

"Nevermind," Suze said as she plopped down onto the bed. "I just want to come spend some time with you. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I missed Ethan so much. We were supposed to spend the day together but Li- er, I mean his alpha, called him back early."

I was surprised my strong, ever cheerful Suze was feeling so down over a boy she'd only known for a few hours. Was the mating pull that strong? I felt bad that I'd slept so well and she had barely gotten any good rest.

"Why don't you lay down here for a bit, Suze? It's only ten in the morning. We can rest a bit longer and start getting ready after that. How does that sound?"

Suze yawned in response and curled up in a ball next to me. "You're the best, Quinn. You know that? I can't wait for tonight. We're practically going to be sisters." And with that she was asleep. She was half yawning, half mumbling her words and I could've sworn she said something about sisters. I really did think of Suze as a sister to me. She was closer to me than just about anyone. We would always stay close no matter what.

I don't know who this Ethan guy really is but I think Suze has a right to put up a fight to stay in Diamond Crescent with him. There's no way he's an alpha. I would have noticed it last night so he probably doesn't rank high enough to force her to move. If we put in a little work, I think we could make it happen. Ethan seemed crazy about her. I bet he'd be willing to do just about anything to make her happy.

Suze had been snoring soundly for the past half hour. I didn't need another minute of sleep so I decided to go for a run before making a hearty brunch for Suze and I.

I quietly changed into my spandex and sports bra, threw on my running shoes, and was out the door. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I noticed something was different. There were two tall men standing by the front door having a discussion. I've never seen them before. They must be here on business with the alpha.

I walked to the kitchen to grab some water before heading out. After finishing my water and putting the glass in the dishwasher, I headed back to the front door. The two large men were still there only now they both held matching blank expressions on their faces.

I went to pass them and just as my hand went to turn the knob, I heard one of them clear his throat. "I'm sorry, miss but you can't go out there," he said in a gruff voice.

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