Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Liam POV

I finally made it back to my wing of the castle. As soon as I walked through the doors, Quinn's scent hit me like a brick wall. I've missed her so much today. I practically raced to my room to see her.

I nodded to the guards stationed outside my room. They won't be needed anymore now that I'm back. It's not that I don't trust Quinn, it's that I don't trust anyone else. Quinn is incredibly special to me and now that I have her, I won't ever let her go.

I opened the doors to my room to see Quinn sitting on the bed reading a book. She looked up and smiled. She looked almost as happy as I was to be back with her.

"Liam," she whispered. "I've missed you terribly."

Hearing her say this made my wolf yip with glee. 'Mate missed us,' he said while jumping around.

I chuckled though I felt the same way. Maybe it's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I wasn't planning on testing that theory again anytime soon though. I need to be in my mate's presence in order to calm myself.

Quinn placed her book on the nightstand and patted the spot next to her on the bed. "Come sit with me. Tell me about your day."

I did as she asked and sat next to her. She took my hand in hers and I was momentarily taken aback at how forward she was being. Normally I'm the one to initiate contact but tonight I wasn't going to question it. Just the simple feeling of her hand in mine was indescribable after the day I've had.

"Let's not talk about that now," I said and I meant it. I had no intention of revisiting the long and tedious day I'd spent in my father's office. "Why don't we just spend some time together? Just the two of us?"

Quinn blushed slightly but nodded.

"Did you have dinner?" I asked to which she shook her head. I cursed silently knowing that it was probably my fault she hadn't eaten. "You need to eat, Quinn," I scolded.

She met me with a glare but didn't say anything else. I was thankful for that. She must be hungry. I decided to minklink the chef to prepare something for us. I know Quinn likes Italian food but I decided to change it up a bit tonight. It's getting late and I think something quick and easy will suffice.

'Chef,' I called out over the mind link.

'Your highness?' he replied instantly.

'I am in need of some dinner guest...and I. Would you please prepare us grilled cheese and maybe some potato chips?'

'Of course your highness. It'll be up momentarily.'

With that, I cut the link and smirked at Quinn, "Taken care of."

She smiled shyly at me before looking down at our hands. The sparks were still so foreign to me. They must have an effect on her as well. I was starting to become a bit hot and bothered and we were only sitting next to each other.

We sat in silence for a few moments just enjoying each other's company before there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a maid with a tray. I could tell she was startled to see Quinn on my bed but she was smart not to say anything.

I gestured for her to place the tray on the coffee table in the sitting area before she hastily left. Quinn was by my side moments later and we sat in silence while eating our sandwiches.

"This is delicious," Quinn said.

"It's one of my favorites," I agreed.

"Do you think we could get some dessert?" Quinn asked.

"Whatever you want, darling," I said, giving her knee a squeeze.

I momentarily spaced out as I mindlinked the chef again. 'Chef,' I called for him again.

'Your highness?' he replied immediately, like always.

'My guest and I would like some dessert as well. Would you be able to get something together for us?'

Immediately he responded, 'I have just the thing in mind.'

'Wonderful,' I replied and cut the link.

Quinn was still sitting next to me sipping the juice the maid had brought with our sandwiches. I hadn't touched mine yet but seeing her drink made me thirsty. I took a large gulp and let out a contented sigh. I haven't had juice in such a long time. Something about it just brought me back to my childhood.

We finished our food not too long after and then there was another knock at the door. I knew it had to be the dessert. The same maid entered with a cloche. She placed it in front of us and bowed her way out of the room. As soon as she was gone, I opened it up and saw a delectable sight.

"Cookie sundae!" Quinn squealed. "I love cookie sundae!"

I picked up a spoon and instead of handing it to her, I took a spoonful, careful to get both the ice cream and warm cookie on it, before pushing it in her direction. She met my eyes and blushed before opening her mouth. Her lips closed around the spoon and she moaned while cleaning the dessert from its surface.

She picked up the other spoon and did the same for me. We spent the next few minutes feeding each other until there wasn't a drop left. I leaned back, patting my stomach gently. "That was the best meal I've had in a long time."

"It was just grilled cheese, Liam," Quinn giggled.

Oh how I love her laugh, I thought to myself. "It wasn't just the food, Quinn. It was the company I shared it with."

Quinn blushed again and looked down at her hands. "Liam, why don't you go get cleaned up for bed? We can spend some more time together before we sleep."

I was taken aback that Quinn was still the one instigating all of this between us. I gladly got up and followed her orders. I was washed, shaved, and changed before stepping out of the steamy bathroom. What I saw in front of me when I walked back into the room was not what I expected though.

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