Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Quinn POV

The goons were apparently our chauffeurs for the night. Why am I not surprised? Goon one was our driver and I could tell that goon two was getting mind links every few minutes. Ethan is one impatient wolf.

The ride was again relatively painless. Suze and I never run out of things to talk about. We laughed and joked the whole way there. She told me a few things about Ethan like how his favorite food is fried chicken and he's a highly skilled tracker. I liked hearing her talk about her mate. She was so happy. I'm so glad she found someone that suited her so well.

We pulled up to Midnight pack and our driver didn't join the line of cars waiting to drop off their passengers. Strange, I thought. The second we arrived at the front of the line, two guards hurried to open our doors. I thanked the guard and stepped out of the vehicle. Tonight all eyes were on us. What had changed so much? Was it the car? I looked back at the car. There was nothing incredibly special about it. Just a little bit fancier than the other ones around us. I shrugged it off. No use worrying about everyone else. I have enough on my mind.

It was more freeing to be at the ball tonight without the masks. People's faces were visible and I think it made everyone more comfortable. The masks were unnecessary for the second night as anyone who'd come in contact with their mate would know how to find them now from either look or smell alone.

Suze and I walked through the familiar entryway of the great hall and heard a few whispers as we passed. "Did you hear the prince is here tonight? Did anyone even see him here yesterday?" one commented. "Do you think he's found his mate yet?" another asked. "He looks so handsome in that blue suit. I hope he's my mate!" a third girl squealed. I turned to Suze to ask her if she'd heard any of the rumors but she seemed to be avoiding my gaze. Must be searching for Ethan. I sighed. What do I care about some prince anyway?

Suze abruptly grabbed my arm and dragged me through the large doors leading into the ballroom. I looked behind me and saw the goons were still with us. Why was this even necessary? I huffed in annoyance. Suze paid me no mind though.

If it was even possible, the ballroom looked more extravagant than it had the previous night. They'd added large crystal chandeliers and there were tables lining the outside walls. Maybe they'd heard the prince was here as well and wanted to properly entertain him.

"Let's go find our seat," Suze called to me as she continued dragging me around by the wrist.

"Suze, we don't have a table." I complained.

No sooner had the words left my lips, did I smell the most amazing scent. Ocean. It smelled exactly like the ocean. This was the same scent that was in my room this morning and in the forest last night after I shifted. Why the heck was this amazing scent following me around?

Suze finally stopped in front of a large table that was only occupied by two guys. I recognized Ethan right away. Suze squealed and ran to him. He gladly took her in his arms. I paused momentarily, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I wonder where that scent was coming from. Suddenly it was right on top of me. I abruptly opened my eyes and saw a well dressed chest in front of me. Blue suit, I mused. Slowly, I looked up into the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen.

"Mate." The word had slipped from my mouth before I even knew I'd thought it. I saw a glint in the man's eyes and he gave me a bright smile. It was hard not to return it.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he started. He seemed a bit nervous. At least I wasn't the only one. "I am Prince Liam."

Everything in my mind stopped when he said those words. I must have looked like a crazy person because I just stared at him. He waved a hand in front of my face and I brought myself back to reality.

"I'm sorry, what??" I cried out.

"My name is Liam. I am the crown prince of the werewolf kingdom." he said slowly like I didn't actually hear him the first time. "What is your name?" he continued.

"Quinn," I managed to squeak out.

"Quinn," he repeated. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he tested out the name. I caught myself staring at the way his lips moved as he said my name and hurriedly looked back towards his eyes. Unfortunately his whole face was distracting. Perfectly tanned skin, a chiseled jaw, and those eyes...UGH! I didn't know where to look anymore. This was so confusing!

"Would you like to sit down?" Liam asked. "You seem a bit pale. Can I get you some water?"

"Yes," I croaked, my mouth suddenly dry.

"Allow me," he said and led me to a seat at the table.

I sat down and immediately put my head in my hands. "What is going on?" I asked out loud.

Suze sat down in the chair on my left. "I see you've met Liam, then?"

"You know him??" I cried, lifting up my head so quickly I feared I might faint.

"Of course I know him," Suze laughed. "That's Ethan's friend I mentioned yesterday. Did I forget to mention Ethan is second in command to the prince?" she added sheepishly.

"Yes, I think you left that out last night," I said through gritted teeth.

"Well you know now!" Suze said before jumping up again. "Ethan and I are going to dance. Give him a chance, Quinn. He's a really nice guy." I just scowled at the back of her head as she walked towards the dance floor, arm in arm with Ethan.

I was completely lost in my own world when I heard a giggle nearby. Why does everyone have to be so peppy when I'm having a mental breakdown? I looked up so I could glare at whoever dared disturb my internal conflict and I saw Liam a few feet away from where I was sitting. He was talking to a girl and she was laughing. She was gorgeous and trying to put her hands all over him. All over my mate. This caused my wolf to nearly shift right then and there. I took a deep breath calming myself. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

I should have known. A prince could have whoever he wanted. What does he need with a mate like me? I felt the need to let him know I wasn't having any of his childish disrespect though. I gracefully stood from my seat and smoothed away the wrinkles in my dress. I started walking their way, making sure to sway my hips slightly as I moved.

Liam caught my scent when I was only a few feet away. His face instantly lit up. "Quinn," he grinned at me.

"Liam," I cooed. "Thanks for the water. I'm feeling much better now." I took the water from his hand and brought it to my lips.

"I'm so glad. I was-" He didn't get to finish that sentence as I threw the water in his face.

"Oh my gawd," the skank next to him cried as she jumped back to avoid some stray splashes. "That's the prince you just threw water on, you betch."

I smirked at her as my answer. I know exactly who he is. He is not my mate. And with that, I stomped off to find a quiet place to be by myself. I was right all along. I don't need a mate. The moon goddess made a mistake on this one.

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