Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Quinn POV

After leaving Suze and Genevieve down in the garden, I arrived back at Liam's room. I went straight for the closet to pick out some workout clothes. I opted for my usual outfit of spandex and a sports bra knowing Liam's gym was private and only those he allowed access could get in. I also knew this was going to be a hell of a workout if I wanted to calm my raging mind.

I threw on some tennis shoes and pulled my hair back in a ponytail before following the same path Liam had taken me on this morning. I wished I could go outside to train as that was what I was used to but I knew Liam would not be happy about me running around when I don't know my surroundings. I wouldn't want to unknowingly cross the border.

I arrived in the gym and it was of course pleasantly deserted. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I need this.

I decided to warm up on the treadmill so I could loosen up my muscles. After my warm up, I stretched, and then decided to hit the climbing wall. I started with the easiest portion just to get my bearings but within minutes I was scaling the most challenging section in a few seconds flat.

This was something I never experienced before in Diamond Crescent and I was loving it. I'll have to suggest to my father they put one of these into the training facility. Upon thinking of my father, I felt a pain in my chest and I knew I had to train harder. I can't let my emotions get the best of me.

I scaled my way down the wall to the bottom before spotting a punching bag across the room. Perfect. I'll be able to work out some major frustration on that and no one can complain I'm hitting them too hard. Punching bags are so much better than real people. They never whine.

I decided to turn on some pump up music over at the stereo before getting started. Bouncing around on my feet before wrapping my hands, I prepared myself for some serious stress relief.

I'd been boxing my heart out for the last half hour. In the process I'd completely destroyed two punching bags but I appreciated that Liam had a good stock of them at my disposal. I'll have to pay him back for those another time.

I was working away at my third victim, throwing all sorts of moves at it. It was nothing compared to a real wolf opponent but it did the job for practicing some of my more advanced moves I hadn't pulled out in a battle yet.

In the middle of a spin move, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. There was a man standing a few feet away from me just watching. I didn't recognize him. I thought Liam said this was a private gym. Why was he just standing there? I wasn't sure if I should feel creeped out by the invasion of privacy or angry that he interrupted my workout. I decided to go with angry.

"What are you doing in the prince's private gym?" I growled.

"I should be asking you the same question," he responded haughtily.

"I don't need to answer to you," I snarled.

"I believe you do since the prince does not allow just anyone into his private quarters. I could have you tried before the king for breaking and entering," he responded with equal frost in his tone.

I was taken aback. I know people here don't know who I am yet and I don't bear Liam's mark but I didn't expect any stranger I came across to question me in such a demeaning manner.

I attempted to calm my nerves slightly. "I am Quinn Larson, Liam's mate," I attempted to be polite though I was still not impressed by the stranger.

"Prince Liam has no mate," he snapped. "And you shall address him with respect. No lowly common wolf like you has a right to speak of him with such familiarity."

At this point I was fuming. This man had no right to come here and speak to me in this manner. I was simply trying to relieve stress the only way I knew how and he had the audacity to question my relationship with Liam.

"I am telling the truth," I responded as calmly as possible. "Feel free to ask the prince yourself. I guess you are a bit behind on the news but I understand because we only arrived here last night."

I was attempting to at least be civil at this point. Polite has gone out the window.

"Come here," he commanded.

When I didn't move, he growled but I didn't flinch. I could feel him putting out his entire aura to try and force me to bend to his will.

"I. Said. Come. Here." he ground out with as much force as he could muster.

I still did not move. I saw his resolve waiver slightly but his expression hardened a moment later. The next thing I knew he was upon me, trying to land a punch. If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get.

I know Liam doesn't want me to let anyone know what I'm capable of but this guy is really pissing me off. I'll hold back a little but I'm not letting him get away with speaking to me like this.

I dodged all of his offensive attacks. He knew how to fight that was for sure. I'm better though. Not only am I faster but I can read him like a book. It only took a few dodged punches and kicks to learn all of his tells. He tilts his head slightly in the direction he's about to punch with and digs his toe into the ground a moment before he kicks. This guy could use a lesson from me. I don't think I'll be kind enough to offer him one though.

I could tell he was getting frustrated with the dance I was putting him through. He hasn't landed a single hit yet. I was getting tired as well. As much as I love a good fight, this one wasn't entertaining to me. He was too angry and I was still fed up and put off by his attitude. I decided it was in my best interest to end this before he takes things too far.

I waited for a break in his attacks to spot my opening. He paused for a second to regain his bearings after a roundhouse kick that I'm sure he thought would make contact with my right shoulder. It didn't, of course.

I took that moment to kick his legs out from beneath him and flip him over onto his stomach. I locked my legs beneath his, pushing them out to the sides and held his arms together on his back.

"Now tell me," I snarled in his ear. "Who are you?"

I could see his wolf fighting against him. It wanted to respond. I may not be fully mated to Liam yet but his wolf could sense my rank.

"Seth," he admitted.

"And why are you in my mate's private gym?" I asked.

"I am the head royal trainer. I have access to all the gyms. I heard the music and knew Prince Liam was in a meeting so I came down to investigate."

"Very well," I said. "You will leave now and you will not return unless I personally invite you. Understood?"

I twisted his wrists until I could feel them almost break beneath the pressure. He tried not to show it affected him but I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Yes," he said in barely a whisper.

This was one time I appreciated the effect I could have thanks to Liam being my mate. I was able to put this asshole in his place. I quickly released Seth and backed up so I could see if he had any intention of disobeying my orders.

He slowly righted himself and went to leave. He paused momentarily though and turned back to look at me. I could see him appraising me as if he was really seeing me for the first time. It made me uncomfortable so I let out a low growl in warning, telling him to leave immediately. His wolf forced him to obey and within a minute, he was gone. I was alone again.

I wasn't in the mood to finish my workout. I'd been down here for hours and any progress I'd made was completely undone now. I gathered the few things I'd brought with me and headed back upstairs.

Seth's scent was still lingering in the hallway and it made me sick knowing he was in an area that was only supposed to be for my mate and myself. I knew I had to smell like him too and that thought made my stomach turn again. I guess it's time for another shower. This is turning out to be a terrible first day here. I can only hope Liam is having a better day than I am.

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