Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Liam POV

Quinn fell asleep quickly on the drive home. She was so exhausted from all the day's emotions and it was getting quite late.

At first she fell asleep sitting up, then her head fell to my shoulder. Now she was laid down with her head cradled in my lap. I spent the whole drive just staring at her. She's so unbelievably gorgeous. And all mine.

My hands absentmindedly combed through her hair. Every inch of this girl is perfect. I couldn't keep myself from studying her while she slept. I'd never been this close to Quinn for an extended period of time. I feel like I'm finally getting the chance to really see her.

Her eyelashes were long and still slightly wet from her tears. I hated how much she cried today. It broke me inside seeing her like that. I felt so much guilt that I was the reason she was so upset but still I knew that us leaving was for everyone's safety.

Every so often Quinn would furrow her eyebrows as she slept. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. There were a few freckles on the tops of her cheeks and nose. They were barely noticeable from far away. It must be from all the time she spends outside training. Her nose was cute and little. She likes to scrunch it up when she sees something she doesn't like. These are all the little things I've noticed in the short time I've come to know her. I can't wait to see what I uncover about her every day for the rest of our lives.

I'm not stupid enough to think that Quinn accepts me as her mate all of the sudden because she left her pack with me. I know I still have a lot of work to do to fully win her trust, especially after the fight we had today. But maybe, just maybe, she is starting to truly feel for me the way I feel for her. Just the fact that she subconsciously sought comfort in my arms as she slept says the mate bond is working on her. Her wolf knows I'm the only one who can truly give her comfort. I just need Quinn to realize it too.

We'd been in the car for a little over an hour and Quinn had slept most of the way. It was late as we started to approach the royal grounds.

This is not how I wanted to introduce Quinn to my home. I wanted to bring her here on a beautiful summer day so she could see the sun reflecting off the lake and the beautiful flowers that bloomed throughout the property. I wanted her eyes to light up as she saw the garden sprawling as far as the eye can see. This all feels wrong and for that reason I decided not to wake Quinn up to see her new home. We would have all the time in the world to explore and I wanted every moment to be perfect for my perfect mate.

Our driver pulled up at the front door and I asked him to give Quinn and I privacy so I could wake her. She looked so peaceful that I momentarily debated picking her up and carrying her inside but I knew she wouldn't appreciate the gesture.

Quinn is independent and she is in a foreign place. She is a warrior at heart. She would feel most comfortable and safe if she could get her bearings first and not wake up in an unfamiliar place.

I brushed a stray hair out of Quinn's face, trying to wake her up slowly. She was practically dead to the world so I decided to give her a soft shake and said, "Quinn darling, we've arrived at the castle."

I was careful not to call it home so soon. I want her to come to feel as though the castle is her home on her own naturally.

She squirmed slightly and I saw her nose scrunch up. I sighed internally at how adorable she looked waking up in my arms. I could really get used to this.

Her eyes opened all of the sudden as she started to take in her surroundings. Her movements however, were starting to get me a bit excited as she was still laying on my lap. I tried to take a few breaths to avoid the inevitable but I could feel myself starting to harden. Quinn had never been this close to that area of me before and it was definitely causing me to have a reaction.

"Quinn," I breathed. "We've arrived. I think you should get up."

As if she noticed the strain in my voice, she froze and I could tell she discovered the reason for my sudden discomfort. "Oh no, I'm so sorry Liam," she said as she quickly shot up out of my lap. "I apologize for..." She trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence.

"Don't ever apologize for making me feel the way I feel about you Quinn," I countered while reaching out for her hands.

She hesitantly put her hands in mine but wouldn't meet my eyes. "Quinn, look at me," I pleaded.

Slowly, she turned her face in my direction and her eyes landed on mine. "I am all yours Quinn. No other shewolf in the history of the world has made me feel this way. I'm happy to take things as slow as you want to but know that I will never, ever love someone the way that I love you. I love you Quinn. I don't need you to say it back. I just needed you to know. You're the only one for me. And when you're ready, we can explore this mate bond together. I truly believe you'll be surprised at how great we can be together."

I hadn't planned to bear my soul like that to her but it just sort of came out. Quinn hasn't said anything and I started to get nervous. Maybe this wasn't the right time to lay all my emotions on her like that. I can't do anything right in this relationship can I?

'Damn right,' my wolf chastised.

Not wanting to make Quinn feel like she had to respond, I pulled her towards me with one hand as I reached for the door with the other. Her eyes widened momentarily before realizing I was just leading her out of the car.

I stepped out onto the gravel drive and Quinn followed behind me a second later. I watched her as she took in the structure in front of her. I was used to the castle as I've lived here my entire life but this would be Quinn's first time seeing it. Although pack houses were big, the castle was many times the size of the biggest pack house. I honestly don't think I've even explored every inch of the castle in my twenty-one years.

There was a large, stone double staircase leading up to the oak double doors. From there the structure spread hundreds of feet in every direction. There were columns, windows, spires, and towers as far as the eye could see. It was hard to make out all the details in the darkness but I allowed Quinn time to take in what she could see.

While she was looking up towards one of the watchtowers, I slowly took her hand in mine. I've been craving her touch since we exited the car. It's so hard to stay away from her even when we're right next to each other. I held her hand in mine lightly but a moment later I felt Quinn's fingers lace through mine. I looked in her direction and I saw she was giving me a soft smile.

"Are you going to show me inside, Prince Liam?" she teased.

I relaxed at her playful mood. "After you," I gestured for her to climb the stone staircase before us. She hesitantly took the first step and I followed behind her.

Inside a few butlers and maids were waiting to receive us. "Good evening, your highnesses," they bowed respectfully. "I've had all your things brought up to your room. Would there be anything else you are in need of?"

I tensed momentarily. The staff is unaware of the fact that Quinn has not fully accepted me yet. They probably brought her things to my room.

"Uh," I stuttered.

"How kind of you," Quinn cut me off. "It's quite late though. I think we'll be off to bed. Thank you so much for your assistance."

She tugged my hand towards the winding staircase on my right probably hoping that was the direction we needed to head in order to reach my bedroom. If I weren't so completely exhausted, I'd be a little excited at the idea of having Quinn in my bed tonight.

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