Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

Quinn POV

"Quinn, where are you going?" my dad called after me as I tore through the brush.

Honestly, I wasn't even sure of the answer. One second I was running towards the coordinates with my dad, listening to Liam bear his soul to me and then I heard it, 'I don't know if this is going to work.' My wolf nearly lost her mind upon hearing that. Liam doesn't want me anymore. He can't see a future with me.

I blocked out everything after that. There was only one thing on my mind and that was getting to Liam. He's hurting. I can feel it through the bond but it's getting fainter and fainter. Is he physically hurt? Why does our bond feel like it's breaking? The mark on my neck is burning. I can't stop though. I have to find Liam. He needs me.

In the back of my mind I thought of my mom. She needs me too. My feet didn't stop though. Something in me snapped when I heard how desolate Liam sounded. It was like I could finally see clearly. Liam is my mate. He is my partner and best friend and I left him. How could I have been so stupid to push him away and run from him so many times? I never stopped to think about his feelings. He can help me. I'm not alone. At least, for now I'm not.

I don't deserve him.

I just need to make sure he's okay. Once I know he's okay, he can reject me and be happy without me. I don't want to think about what could happen to me once he rejects me but whatever it is, I deserve it. I've treated him in ways that no mate should have been treated. He deserves so much more.

He deserves love.

I know now that I really do love Liam but it's too late for that now. I can't take back everything I've done. I don't deserve his love.

My dad's calls grew further and further away. I didn't know for sure if I was headed in the right direction but something in the back of my mind told me this was the way to go.

I ran for a little longer when I caught his scent. This only forced me to push even harder. I have to get to him. Every ounce of my being needed to comfort him.

No more than five minutes later, I saw him. There were dozens of warriors surrounding him as he laid there in a heap on the ground. No. On no. What did I do?

"Liam!" I called. He didn't move though.

I had to get to him.

I sprinted the last couple hundred feet and pushed through the warriors. They let me through without issue, not even questioning where I'd come from or where I'd gone in the first place. How could they be so kind to me when I was the reason behind the state of their prince?

I realized they weren't being kind to me though. They were worried for their prince and being his mate, I was the only one who might be able to help him.

"Liam," I cried as I crept down beside him.

He was breathing heavily but his eyes were closed. He didn't notice I was here. I went to touch him but hesitated. He probably doesn't want to feel the sparks that would remind him of me. He wouldn't want to be reminded of the person who broke his heart.

I looked towards the closest warrior to find out what happened. "What's wrong with him?"

"I apologize, your highness but we don't know. He ran a ways ahead of us and when we came upon him, he was like this. We've been protecting him and waiting for the pack doctor to arrive. We don't know what else to do."

I let out a sob. What had I done? "Liam," I tried again. But still he didn't move.

The mark on my neck was burning more than ever now but I could barely feel it through the pain in my heart. It was breaking at the sight of my strong Liam on the ground like this.

I finally gave into temptation and reached out for him. As I stroked my fingers across his cheek, the pain grew worse but I still didn't pay it any attention. I felt the sparks between his skin and mine but they were faint. Maybe he rejected me already and I just needed to accept it. That could be why the bond felt strained.

I was sobbing at this point. I need to help him. He deserves so much better than me. I started wracking my brain for any idea of how to bring him out of this. He was still alive but I could tell he was suffering somehow. His wolf was keeping him in some sort of sleep he couldn't wake from. I wondered if he could hear me so I just started talking.

"Liam, my prince. My mate. My love," I began. "I can't believe it took me so long to realize what you are to me. You're right. I've been so blinded by rage and fear that I couldn't see what's right in front of my face."

I reached out to touch him again. It seemed like his breathing was evening out. I hope this is working.

"I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through. I've been so unfair to you and you didn't deserve any of it. You've been nothing but good to me. All you wanted was to love me and I didn't give you that chance. I honestly can't believe you put up with me this long. What did I ever do to deserve a mate as amazing as you? Nothing, I'll tell you that right now. I'm selfish and impulsive. What kind of a queen would I have been? You're better off without me."

Liam's breathing was stable now. I guess me talking to him was helping somehow. He still hadn't woken up yet though.

"How far away is the doctor?" I asked impatiently.

"A few hours, your highness," the guard said nervously, bowing his head in the process. He's worried for his prince.

It's all my fault. What could I do? How could I help him? People need him. He's going to lead this kingdom soon and they need him to be there. He'll be such a good king. He's kind and intelligent. He cares for everyone. He's the best king anyone could ask for.

'I have an idea,' my wolf whispered, interrupting my thoughts.

'I'll try anything,' I responded.

'Mark mate,' she said.

I gasped. I couldn't. I can't mark him against his will. He doesn't want me anymore. I'd be fully connecting him to me with both of us marked.

I instinctively reached up to touch the mark on my neck but there was nothing there, only smooth skin. What happened to my mark? Not two minutes ago it was burning from the strained bond between Liam and I. How could it just disappear?

'Now he has a choice,' my wolf replied.

'What did you do?' I cried.

'Only what he deserves,' she admitted. 'If he still wants us after this, he deserves a true mark. One he knows we want.'

'We did want it though!' I yell. 'We wanted him to mark us!'

'He doesn't know that though,' she says. 'Mate doesn't think we want him. We have to prove we want to be with him.'

I understood what she was saying but it was so hard to take. I loved having Liam's mark on me and now it was gone. I took a deep breath though. My wolf is right. I owe this to Liam. I need to prove my love for him.

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