Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Quinn POV

I'm not ready for this to be common knowledge. I don't want the whole pack to know I'm mated to the crown prince of the werewolf kingdom.

'They're gonna find out soon enough,' my wolf reminded me.

'I know but it's too soon. I'm not ready.'

'You'll never be ready,' she huffed.

She was right. I don't know if I'll ever be ready. Liam was still looking at me but I couldn't meet his gaze. Then I heard a shrill voice ask another question that got my blood boiling.

"You haven't met your mate, have you, Prince Liam?" It was Allie. This shewolf had no shame. I'm sure it was Chloe who asked the first question. I'll admit, they do have guts speaking up like that with the prince here.

I looked away from Liam. He's on his own for this one. I just hope he makes the right choice.

I heard him clear his throat, "Well ladies, I appreciate your interest in the governing bodies of the werewolf kingdom. I can say that I am here on official business but I cannot say what that business is as of yet. As for your other question, I can tell you that I have met my mate and she is the most amazing shewolf I have ever set eyes on. She's not only absolutely gorgeous, she's also incredibly intelligent, and physically capable. I am a lucky wolf to have her."

I was blushing as he finished his speech. He was talking about me. I was the one he was describing. I know a mate is supposed to feel a pull but the way he talked about me felt like more than that. Like he saw at least a little part of who I truly am.

I heard Allie huff. I could tell she didn't like his answer. It was then I felt a hand reach for my leg under the table. I stiffened at first but then realized it was Liam. I looked in his direction but noticed his attention was focused elsewhere. There was a glint of mischief in his eye however. He knew what he was doing.

He slowly rubbed his thumb across my knee and I was secretly loving the sparks running across my skin. My face was a bit flushed and I tried to hide it behind my hair. Liam squeezed my knee and I instinctively turned towards him. He smirked knowing he had some effect on me. I will admit his face looked a bit heated as well. I guess it's good the feeling was mutual.

He leaned towards me to whisper in my ear. "Would you like to join me for dessert?" The way he said those words formed the most seductive sentence I'd ever heard in my life. I stopped breathing and could feel my mouth dry up. Unable to speak, I simply nodded. I don't know what kind of trance he has me in, but I think I might be starting to like it.

It appeared almost everyone had finished eating. "Thank you all for inviting me to dine with you this evening," Liam announced to the entire room. "I am very much enjoying my time here and I have appreciated your hospitality."

Everyone in the room started to stand and bowed on their way out. This guy can really clear a room, I chuckled. I felt a hand on my shoulder and stilled, knowing who it was from the telltale sparks.

"And just what has got you chuckling over there, sweetheart?" Liam pulled me from my amusing thoughts.

"Oh nothing," I smirked. "Shall we go?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Liam replied as he held out his arm to guide me.

He led me through the now empty dining room to the back patio. It was completely deserted thankfully but we didn't stop there. We crossed the patio towards the garden. We had a wonderful garden here full of all sorts of flowers. Liam led me to a small table towards the back. It was set for two with a small cloche at the center. I silently wondered what could be underneath.

This time Liam didn't pull out my chair for me, which if I'm being honest, I appreciated. I know it's a kind gesture but I need him to know I can handle myself. Liam took the seat opposite me and the silence fell between us.

"Thank you," I told him.

"For what?" he asked.

His face was kind of cute when he was curious. I caught myself staring longer than I planned to. I saw the corners of his mouth turn up in a smile.

'Those lips don't look too bad either.' my wolf piped in.

'Oh hush you horn dog,' I chided her.

'Don't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing,' she teased before going back into the depths of my mind.

I realized Liam was staring at me now. I really need to stop having full blown conversations with my wolf when someone is talking to me.

"Er, right...uh...what did you ask me?" I sheepishly asked.

"What are you thanking me for?" Liam urged, his smile growing bigger.

"Oh right. Thank you for not saying exactly why you're staying with us. I know it must be hard for you and your wolf to not tell everyone who you are to me and who I am to you. I really appreciate how respectful you've been about all of this. I'm trying. I hope you know that. It's just hard for me, you know? My whole life I've told myself I need to be strong for myself and those around me. I started to become really independent and I don't want to lose that. Everything I've heard about mates before seems to be the shewolf packs up and moves to her mate's pack, looks pretty, and pushes out pups. I don't want that for myself. I want to be useful and make a difference. I can't do that if I'm tied down."

Liam looked a bit upset before he started talking, "Quinn, I want you to know I have no intention of forcing you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Yes, I would need you to come back to the castle with me but that's the one thing I can't negotiate with you on. The royal family needs to be there to take care of things. I'll be becoming king within the year and in doing so, I must be there to learn from my father and rule the kingdom. I hope you understand that."

"As for your other issues, I can tell you right now you do look pretty," he grabbed my hand and kissed it as he said that. His lips felt so soft on my skin, giving me goosebumps. I wonder what those lips would feel like somewhere else... He smiled at my reaction and continued, "but you're going to be my queen. You'll be my equal. We will make decisions and rule together. I'm hoping I'll be able to go to you for advice and you'll do the same with me. We'll have to trust each other but I truly hope you'll be willing to take on part of the role with me. Having you as my mate makes me incredibly proud and I cannot wait to see the things you do for our kingdom in your role. And for your final point, I do want to have pups with you. But I'm willing to wait until you're ready. There's no rush on anything, my love. I only ask for your acceptance and happiness. Anything else would only make me all the happier."

I was dumbfounded by Liam's admission. I really didn't think he had thought through everything that deeply. He wants me to be his equal, rule by his side. He seems to truly care for my feelings and what I want in life. I started to realize I haven't been too fair with him. I've been blocking him out. Maybe I could give in just a little bit to really see how things go. This whole mate thing can't be too bad, could it?


Another update because I've been off the grid for a bit.  The book has been written for a while, life just gets in the way sometimes.  I apologize!  Please vote and comment if you like the chapter!  Thanks!

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