Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

Liam POV

This is uncharted territory for me. I'm just going by instinct at this point. I've never been this turned on in my life though. I've also never seen a naked woman and no woman has seen me naked either, at least not like this.

Quinn's body is absolutely perfect. She's standing in front of me with her hair under the stream of water and her eyes closed and I'm just staring at her like a creep.

'She's mate,' my wolf cut into my thoughts. 'We are the only ones with a right to stare at her.'

I had to agree with my wolf for once. I would never allow anyone else to see the beauty that is my mate, naked and dripping more ways than one.

The scent of her arousal is like a drug to me. I'm high on how turned on she is. Even with my clothing off, my dick is still painfully straining, almost like it's pulling me towards her. All my second head can think about is burying itself inside of her. It's a good thing I have one good head on my shoulders and I'm going to enjoy every second of this uninterrupted time we have together.

After I was done basking in my mate's nakedness, I took a few tentative steps towards her. I can tell we're both nervous but at least we are going through it together.

I reached for her hips and pressed lightly on her hip bones with my thumbs. Her eyes opened and she smiled at me. Goddess she's gorgeous.

"Turn around," I said, though my voice came out huskier than normal. Her eyes widened and I chuckled, realizing what she thought I was implying. "I want to wash you," I reassured her.

I felt the tension leave her body as she complied. I reached for the closest shampoo bottle and put a good amount in my hands. I rubbed them together before running my fingers through her hair. I don't know how simply washing Quinn's hair can be erotic but with the throaty moans she was letting out and the way she rubbed her slick body against me while I massaged her, I swear I could come on the spot.

I turned her around so she could rinse the suds from her hair and I saw in her eyes she was fighting for control with her wolf. I'm sure her wolf wanted to skip right to the mating but I think Quinn is enjoying the teasing too much. That or she's scared but I'm hoping I can fix that.

I filled my palm again with conditioner and massaged it into her scalp as she stared at me, never breaking eye contact. Once her hair was thoroughly coated, she pushed me back against the wall, effectively pressing her entire naked body to me.

"My turn," she grinned as she reached to her left to grab the shampoo.

I honestly didn't even care whether the bottle was hers or mine. I just wanted to feel her hands on me.

Since I was a bit taller, I had to lean down slightly for her to reach my head, but I didn't care. She was tentative at first, slowly rubbing the suds in but then she started to massage a little deeper. I don't think I'll ever wash my own hair again after this. My eyes were practically rolling back in my head and I was now wishing I could've seen Quinn's face while I was doing this to her. What was it about having someone else massage your scalp that was so erotic?

I couldn't take it much longer and I was itching to have my hands all over her again. I stepped back into the water to rinse out the shampoo before I set my plan in motion. I pulled Quinn to me so we were both under the stream, pressed flush against one another. I could feel her heavy breathing matching mine.

"I think you're still too dirty, my mate," I growled lowly.

Her lust-filled eyes burned as they stared into my own. "What do you want to do about that, mate?" she replied, a hint of challenge in her eyes.

"Oh there's so much I want to do to you," I groaned as I pressed my length against her subconsciously.

I reached behind her to grab her perfect ass to pull her impossibly closer to me. She gasped and closed her eyes. Goddess, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I grabbed her chin and tilted her head so she was looking into my eyes.

"I'm going to touch and explore every inch of your body with my hands," I said as I pushed my hand between us, moving towards her core. I leaned down to her ear before whispering the end of my plan, "and then I'm going to do it all over again with my tongue."

Quinn's knees buckled under my sexual threat but I held her steady against me. She regained her composure a second later as she wrapped her hand tightly around my neck and said, "I can't let you have all the fun, now can I? I guess we'll have to see who caves first."

With that, she flicked her tongue over my hardened nipple and a shock went through my body. Knowing Quinn, she won't give up too easily. Good thing we'll both be winners at the end of this game.


I am SO sorry I left you hanging after the last chapter!  My grandma got sick and was admitted to the hospital this week so it was all hands on deck and I didn't go online at all.  She should be coming home tomorrow so I'm back to posting.  This scene has a few more chapters left in it so don't'll get your fill of smut haha.  I'll post the next one tonight in a couple hours and the end of the scene will be posted tomorrow so they don't get all mixed up with so many new chapters being posted at a time.  Thank you so much for your patience!

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