Chapter 29

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Yibo walked back into the cottage and threw himself on the bed as a tear slowly crawled down his face.

"Where exactly did things go wrong? Where? Where exactly did the two happy families choose the wrong path? Where exactly did our dreams shatter? Where exactly did our smiles disappear? "
He asked staring at the blank ceiling.

"Our smiles, our dreams, our happiness... Everything disappeared into the thin air just like that... Why? Just why? "
No matter how hard he tried, he was no longer able to stop his tears.

"Zhan was almost back to his old self. I thought everything would eventually go back to how it was supposed to be. Zhan was finally realising my dad's innocence and that he was framed... But who on earth sent him that letter? "
Yibo wondered.

"Whoever it might be, I'll not let them play in our lives anymore. I'll do whatever I can to get my Zhan back and make sure that we fight it together. Zhan, will you please listen to me now at the least? "
Yibo slowly sat up and wiped his tear.

"I'll not lose you this time, Zhan. I'll make sure to catch the one who destroyed our families. I... I cannot afford to lose you again... I want you, Zhan. "
Saying so Yibo stood up and quickly packed his luggage. he then dashed out of the cottage and ran towards his car.

"You seem to be in a hurry, Youngman. "
The village headman asked as he followed Yibo. But Yibo didn't even spare him a second's glance as he sat in his car and locked the door.

"Well, whatever it is, I wish you all the luc--- "
Even before he could complete his sentence, the dust raised by the wheels of Yibo's car covered his face as Yibo's car dashed out into the village roads.

"What an arrogant Youngman! "
The villagehead coughed as he walked back to his house.

Meanwhile Yibo drove his car as fast as he could. His mind was filled with thoughts but he was quite clear on what he was doing.

'Zhan, I won't fool myself like I did in the past. All this isn't right. Let's... Let's just talk about it and clear it all. '

He fished his phone out of his pocket and quickly dialled Guo Cheng's number.

"Hello! "

"Boss! How are you--- "

"Cut it! I need you to do something right now! " He spoke as he drove.

"W-What is it? "

"Find where Xiao Zhan is. "

"What? Wasn't he with you? "
Confusion was evident in Guo Cheng's voice.

"I don't have time to explain things to you right now. Just find him... Please. "

"W-What? "
Guo Cheng now doubted if this really was Yibo as he had never asked anything this politely nor did he ever sound this desperate. So, he realised what the situation was.
"I get it. Don't worry, Sir. I'll send you the details in another 10 mins! "
With that said he ended the call.

"Ah! " Yibo sighed.
"Zhan... Please understand me, Zhan. "
He ran a hand through his hair and pulled down the window glass to let some fresh air in so that it'd help him relax his mind.

Around 5 minutes later, his phone rang and as expected it was Guo Cheng's call.

"Hello. "

"Did you find him? "

"Yes! He's at Xiao Groups right now. He came back home this morning, it's said that he looked quite angry and upset. "
Guo Cheng explained.

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