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"Top or bottom? " Xiao Zhan asked Wang Yibo.

"You say. I'm fine with anything. " Yibo said looking at Zhan.

Zhan walked towards him and whispered in his ear.

"Top. " Zhan said. His hot breath fanned against Yibo's ear.

'Yes, I can never be in the bottom. I always want to be the top.'
Zhan thought.

"Well, thanks. " Yibo said with a smirk.

Zhan felt confused looking at Yibo's reaction.
'But, why's he smirking and why did he thank me? ' Zhan wondered.

"Thanks for what? " Zhan asked him.

"For letting me be in the top. " Yibo replied with a wider smirk.

"What? " Zhan was surprised. He was quite sure the he said he want to be in the Top.
"I said Top. " Zhan glared at him.

"Well, I asked you to choose for me. Thank you. " Yibo said.

'What a meanie. '
Zhan internally cursed him.

"Mr. Wang Yibo, I don't want to be in the bottom. " Zhan said.

"Well, I can't let you be the top. "

Saying so Yibo walked towards the bunk bed and climbed up.

Zhan sighed in frustration and occupied the bottom bed of the bunk bed.

'Wait and watch, Wang Yibo. You can never be the top, because I'll make sure to trap you in my game.
Poor you, you don't even know that I'm a liar and these are my games... Liar Games. '
Zhan smirked as he closed his eyes so as to rest his brain a bit.

'This is your fate, Xiao Zhan. You can never be the top, because I'll never let you top me.
Poor you, you don't even know that I'm a liar and these are my games...
Liar Games. '
Yibo smirked as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes to think and come up with a new plan to trap his prey.


Xiao Zhan is an young and successful CEO of the Xiao Groups who is not just handsome but also very smart. He isn't just smart, he's a smart LIAR. There's only one goal in his life and that is to bring down Wang Yibo, the person whom he despises the most.

Wang Yibo is also an young and victorious CEO of the Wang Groups who succeeded in taking the company to great heights at a tender age. He's a dashing and very intelligent young lad. Well, he isn't just intelligent, he's a brilliant LAIR. There was only thought that ran through his mind every night and that was to oust Xiao Zhan from his position.

Two liars with the same purpose, play their own games to bring down the other.

But, what's the reason for this hate?
What kind of games will they play?
How will they execute their plan to bring down the other?

And... what if they eventually fall in their own trap and their heart beats to become the liar's lover?

This is a story of two liars and their games, the LIAR GAMES.

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