Chapter 11

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Yibo stirred in his sleep because of the warmth that had embraced him from behind. He slowly opened his eyes just to realise that there was a hand that was now snacked around him and a warm breath was fanning against his neck.

Yibo slowly turned around without disturbing the sleeping man. Their faces were just inches apart and Zhan's breath was now fanning against Yibo's lips.

Yibo looked at the sleeping beauty in front of him. His long eye lashes, his soft skin, his perfect nose, his pink alluring lips and that mole below his lips. Yibo slowly lifted his hand to touch Zhan's face. His hand was just a few inches away from Zhan's face when a few flashes of memory played in his mind.

"It's all because of you! I hate you! I hate you soo much! "

Yibo quickly retracted his hand. A small pain was felt in his chest. He slowly lifted Zhan's hand off him. Zhan stirred in his sleep and turned around without waking up.

Yibo shook his head and looked at Zhan for some more time before falling asleep again.

It was around 8 in the morning when Yibo woke up. He streched his body and noticed that the space beside him was empty.

He wondered where Zhan was.

'Right, it's 8am. He goes to jog at 7 everyday. Guess he isn't breaking his habit even here. ' Yibo thought. He sat up on the bed and that's when Zhan's face played in his mind.

'What was I even thinking last night? This stupid brain of mine! How can it react like that? No... It's hatred. Just hatred. I hate him. I cannot act like this. My only goal is to see him downfall and I'll make sure that he is destroyed. ' Yibo thought as he headed towards the bathroom to have a quick shower.

Zhan who woke up at 7 saw Yibo who was peacefully sleeping. Something in his chest made him want to look at his face closely and stay in the bed for some more time, but his brain denied that request. He shook off his thought and walked out of the room to have a stroll outside.

Zhan took a deep breath as he walked amidst the thick fog that had covered the place. A small smile was plastered on his face as he sat on a bench outside the hotel.

His mind wandered around the memories of the past. His vision became slightly blurry because of the unshed tears.

'No! I can't be like this. My only goal is to snatch back everything from him. I want to see him in ruins. Only then I will I be satisfied. ' Zhan thought as he stood up and headed back towards the room.

He knocked once before opening the door and found Yibo who was all ready for the conference.

Looking at the handsome man in front of him, his heart wavered for a second but he soon came back to his senses.

"You're all ready. " Zhan said.

"Yes. " Yibo smirked.

"Just give me 15 minutes. I'll get ready. " Zhan said and Yibo nodded.

Zhan took a quick shower and got ready as soon as he can.

"Shall we go? " Zhan asked and Yibo nodded.

They called their assistants and asked them to wait for them at the conference hall.

Guo Cheng's heart beat crazily at the thought of facing his boss. He kept caressing his chest to ease his heart. Fanxing who saw this had no other choice but to laugh at his poor boyfriend.

Zhan and Yibo soon arrived at the conference hall.

Yibo smiled as soon as he saw Guo Cheng and only Guo Cheng knows how deadly that smile was. He gulped hard and slowly walked towards his boss.

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