Chapter Forty Five: Flower

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A/N: I'm SO obsessed with this 😩


Chapter Forty Five: Flower

What's that one saying again? 'The harder life is for a man when he is young, the easier it will be in the future?'

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What's that one saying again? 'The harder life is for a man when he is young, the easier it will be in the future?'

Well what if you had no future? What if your time on earth was limited, and the chances of you surviving another year were zero to none? Then what?

I'll tell you what—All those quotes, fables, and proverbs were all complete bullshit. Just like this phoney character I've been playing in front of Mason these past weeks, to hide the fact that I was gradually   dying as the weeks went by.

Three weeks ago when Mason came back from the States, was the week I found out my old friend Luke decided to pay me an unexpected visit.

I came home from school one day. Everything was going well, until I started picking up a small fever—nothing too serious, I thought. Well boy was I wrong.

That small fever turned out to be quite huge, to be honest. To the point where I would wake up several times during the night because of how unbelievably cold I felt—very uncomfortable feeling might I add. Then I started feeling weak—my arms felt heavy and my legs wobbled if I tried to stand up from my bed. Then that weakness turned to dizziness, and that dizziness turned to an aching pain that spread throughout my entire body. All the while I felt like I was freezing to death, even when I had three layers of blanket wrapped around my body—but somehow I was covered with immense sweat.

So, like any other normal person would do in my situation, I called out for Aunt Em. It's like she knew instantly what was wrong with me, and immediately escorted me to the hospital along with my uncle.

One painful blood test later and a lollipop to cheer me up, the doctor—Mr. White—confirmed that my friend Luke had indeed...relapsed. It looked like the number of leukemia cells in my bone marrow had gone up and I had fewer healthy cells in my blood. The thing was, before my visit to the doctors I was showing mere symptoms that I chose to overlook, because there was no way in hell life could strip my happiness away from me yet—throaty coughs, small chills, headaches, and how easily I would bruise.

The last time I 'recovered' from my Leukaemia was just one month before Mason moved next door to me. Life was terrible back then—all my friends treated me differently compared to before they found out about my fatal sickness. And everyone at school was the exact same. I wasn't Sofia Mendes anymore—I was 'the girl with cancer.' And God, was that annoying.

But thankfully, I recovered. And all went smooth until...two weeks ago. Turned out my previous treatment didn't get rid of all the leukemia cells. Wonderful.

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