Chapter Two: Window Talk

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Chapter Two: Window Talk

I woke up from my two hour nap, and fished around my bed—eyes still shut—in aim for my phone.

Seconds later, I got ahold of it and brought the phone far away from my face, to avoid being blinded by the high brightness.
I wasn't being over dramatic, it could be happen. Maybe.

The time read 7:15.

With a groan, I slowly pulled the covers away from my body. Once the cold air hit me, I was almost too tempted to just jump back into my bed, but I knew sooner or later Aunt Em would wake me up. And I didn't like it when she woke me up, because it would result in her tearing the blankets from my body or pouring a cup of water on my face.

"Look who came out from hibernation!"Aunt Em teased playfully, when I stepped into the kitchen. She was cutting up some vegetables on the counter.

I sat down on the kitchen island, and ran my fingers through my slightly knotted hair. "Aidan's not here, though."

Aunt Em looked up from her vegetables to look at me, a tight smile on her face. "You're not funny."

I shrugged.

"Do you want any help?" I offered, and she nodded her head. I stood up from the kitchen island, and walked next to her.

"Be a star, and peel the potatoes for the mash," she replied, handing me a cutting board and peeler.

"What's with all the food? I'm not really that hungry, and I don't think Aidan and Selena are either." I started to peel the potatoes.

"Ah, I  forgot to tell you. A new family bought the house next door a few months back, and they just  moved in two days ago. I want to make them feel comfortable, you know; new neighbourhood , new people, new house. It must be a bit hard adjusting to things. So your amazing and thoughtful Aunt decided to Invite our new neighbours for dinner tonight."

"Tonight?" I gasped.

She must be kidding. Did she see the state of me right now.

"What time are they coming?"

"Quarter to eight, why?" She answered, putting the vegetables to the boil.


I looked down at my wrinkled clothes. I already knew my hair was a mess. I was barefoot, and most likely had bags under my eyes.

"You couldn't have told me earlier? Do you see the way I look?" I  pointed my finger at my poor choice of clothing.

Aunt Em stifled a laugh. "You look fine." She grabbed the peeler from my hands, and began to do the job for me, probably because I was peeling too slow.

"Don't lie to me." I walked away from the counter. "I'm going to change," I told her as I left the kitchen.

Without hesitation, I quickly opened the door to my en-suite bathroom. I wanted to take a quick shower before the guests came. I probably smelled horrible.

My hands made their way to the tub, and rotated the knob below the shower head, letting the water run as I began to take off my clothes.

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