Chapter Six: He's the talk of the town

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Btw I changed Mason's last name because another story's main character had the exact same name as Mason's.

Chapter Six: He's the talk of the town

"And May I please ask why you're ten minutes late, for your second class of the morning ?" Mrs Willow, my English teacher questioned, the minute I stepped foot into the classroom.

After I rushed home to collect Aidan's school bag, which took about five minutes because the dumbass couldn't find it, I drove as fast as I could to our school.

We arrived there at about 8:30, which made us thirty minutes late for our first class. By then, stress couldn't even describe the boiling fuel inside my body, that was just waiting to explode at any given moment.

I would definitely advise for nobody to piss Sofia Mendes off today. Trust me, it wouldn't be a very wise decision.

Both Aidan and I had to grab our books for our first three classes, from our lockers—that took another ten minutes, because I had to pass by the office to ask where my locker was. This year I was a Senior, so the location of our lockers had been changed and I didn't know which locker at the Senior corridor belonged to me.

After that little fiasco, I had already missed my first class.

I was just about to head into my English class when I remembered that I forgot my copy inside my locker, and with the teacher I had this year, I knew she wouldn't have any mercy.

With a low grunt, I just about sprinted to my locker to grab my copy—which then made me another ten minutes late for my second class of the morning.

I snapped back into reality. All eyes were on me as everyone waited for my answer.

What did she say again?

"Um...what was that?" I asked, still standing by the door.

"Just enter the classroom and sit down!" She huffed, and faced the whiteboard.

Could this get any more embarrassing?

I walked down to the very back of my classroom where my two best friends— Ayesha and Joanna— we're seated.

I sat down beside Ayesha, removing my bag from my shoulders and took out my books. I noticed they both worse a similar grin on their faces.

"What?" I questioned, a weird look on my face.

Joanna was the first to speak. "Um, hello? We all got into the same class for English this year? This is a blessing!" She whisper -shouted from where she was sat beside Aysha.

"Not really. I mean, where are Benny and Clarissa?" I shrugged. Benny and Clarissa were also my other two close friends.

I met them when I first started high school, unlike Aysha and Joanna- I met them in kindergarten, and we have been inseparable since then.

"That's true..but they're in a couple of my classes though," Aysha added.

I opened my copy to make it look like I was doing work. Another thing about me, was that I rarely wrote any class work. Surprisingly, I would still pass most of my classes. I assumed it was because I had a photographic memory.

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