Chapter Nineteen: Nine Dresses

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Sofia's dress^^

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Chapter Nineteen: Nine Dresses

My morning went surprisingly fast.

The minute I woke up, the sound of Barney's voice from "how I met your mother" could be heard.

Selena had still been passed out on the bed.

At that time I couldn't tell if I was really that tired, or my eyes and ears were gone, but if my sister was asleep, how the hell was the t-v on?

My eyes wandered over the room until they landed on Aunt Em, seated down on the sofa behind the t-v. A cup of coffee wrapped around her hands.

She greeted me with her usual smile plastered on her rosy cheeks. It took me a minute to fully register that I was actually awake and not daydreaming, and before I knew it I was off to go shower and change into my clothes for the day...until the party.

Before showering, Aunt Em informed me that us girls— Lisa, Aunt Em, Me and Sofia— would be dropped off at the local boutique to buy our dresses for tonight. I tried to argue with Aunt Em, that I had already packed a dress but she quickly shut me down, quoting-

"You're not bringing that ugly, ruffled deranged, spaghetti throw up-coloured, dress to the party."

"Why not? My dad bought me that spaghetti throw up-coloured dress," I whined to which Aunt Em huffed.

"Of course he did."

I crossed my arms. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I tried to give Emily a slight glare, just to show how ticked off I was at her snarky comment, but just by the mere look she gave me, I immediately unfolded my arms and practically ran into the bathroom.

After Selena and I finished showering and dressing up, along with aunt Em, we met with the rest of ours and Mason's family at the breakfast lounge, where we ate our food for the morning.

Of course Mason got seated beside me, and of course, he annoyed the living hell out of me. At one point I felt like grabbing his stupid bacon from his plate and shove it so far down his freaking throat, my hand would actually get to touch his small intestine. Almost.

"Hey, what about I tell you a joke," I simpered at Mason. He dropped his fork onto his plate and nodded.

"Sure. But they won't be as good as mine,"

"We'll see..." I cleared my throat and blinked a couple of times. With one last throat clearing I faced Mason with a small smile itching up my face.


Mason frowned. "I don't get it."

A huge grin was plastered on my face.

"I know you don't," I suddenly burst into a fit of laughter, earning a few dirty looks from other people in the room, but I didn't care.

I gave myself a mental pat on the back. Mason, on the other hand, looked like he wanted to throw a book at my head.

Oh well.

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