Chapter Twenty Nine: Facetime Sadness

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I decided to not update next week, because I wanna make you guys happy during (the most DREADFUL) quarantine :)) thank you for the support, I love all of you ❤️

Also I dedicate this chapters title to one of my favourite artists, Lana Del Ray.

I just fucking love her-


Chapter Twenty Nine: FaceTime Sadness

"Home sweet home," I put my bag on the floor and closed the front door behind me.

We arrived in Toronto about thirty minutes ago, and I slept the whole car ride back home. Mason and his family weren't at their house yet, because his parents stopped at McDonalds after Nathan wouldn't stop crying.

"Come on, you need go to sleep Selena," Aunt Em took Selena's hand and went with her upstairs to their room. Selena had a room for herself, but she would often get too scared at night, so Aunt Em just decided to bunk with her every night until she fell asleep.

I picked up my bag and walked to the kitchen where Aidan was scarfing down a packet of hot Cheetos on the kitchen island. "Relax dude, the food won't run away, take your time." Aidan look up from the bag and gave me the finger.

"I haven't eaten all day, and my stomachs been growling the whole car ride back home" he answered with his mouth opened so I could see the chewed up Cheeto-clump.

"Gross, cover your mouth." I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat down beside him. "Any news from Natalia?" I asked, referring to his new crush he told me about a few weeks ago. He looked up from the bag of Cheetos and licked his fingers clean.

"Nothing much...I asked her to be my girlfriend a few nights ago." My eyes widened. I used my hands to cover my mouth-

"You asked Natalia Smirnov to be your girlfriend!? And you're only telling me now? I thought you didn't do the whole 'dating' thing..." I slowly removed my hands from my mouth, but still had a shocked look on my face. Aidan sighed, and took another Cheeto from the bag.

"I don't, but she told if I didn't take our relationship anywhere, she'd leave me. And I kinda wanna hit it...then I'll break up with her, I guess," he shrugged, and I hit him on the shoulder.

"What?" He exclaimed, rubbing the previously hit spot. I exhaled a breath and shook my head. "Aidan you can't do that to her." Aidan scrunched his eyebrows.

"Why not?"

"Because it's wrong! And she has feelings, and I don't want my brother to become a freaking fuckboy. What do you think mom would say if she knew this is what you did to girls?" I tried making eye contact with him, but he kept his gaze on the packet of Cheetos in front of him.

He reached out to grab another one, but not before I smacked his hand away.

"Forget the Cheetos! Answer the question—Aidan—why would you want to do that to the poor girl?"

He shrugged. "It's fun," he laughed, and stood up from the kitchen island, with the bag of Hot Cheetos.

I stared at his back until he left the kitchen to go upstairs.

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