Chapter One- Your Life

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(Y/N)- Your name

(E/C)- Eye color

(H/L)- Hair length

(H/C)- Hair color

(F/F)- Favorite food

(F/P)- Favorite pet

You were sitting alone in your bed, not a single noise lingering around your house. It was so quiet until the point it was unbearable.

It was in the middle of the summer, all your friends were on vacation and your parents were off to Europe for a whole month without you. The only company you had was your (F/P). You sigh in annoyance, why couldn't your have parents brought you with them? No wonder they were getting all secretive lately...

You got up from your bed, thinking that getting out of the house will ease your mind off of things. You walked out of the house finding your (F/P) at the garden, you decided to bring it along since you were rather lonely.

It was a sunny day, no clouds where the eye can see. The perfect time for a nice walk around the city. So you and your (F/P), which was being carried by you, headed out and walked along the sidewalk. You walked past your neighbor houses, you bid your neighbors "hello" and tried to be polite as you can. But whenever you walked pass them, it seems they would either ignore you or just plain glare at you. You never really socialize with any of them, they weren't the friendliest of people.

You continued your dreaded walk through the neighborhood till you reached the city. The city was quite crowded making you feel less lonesome. You saw how everyone seems to be enjoying their time together, the playful laughter of children, the smiling couples, the happy family. Everyone seemed to enjoy their glorious time on the hot, sticky day. You continued your walk with your (F/P), looking through various shops, from shoes, clothes, accessories, anything that got your attention, 'till you saw your favorite restaurant down the street. You didn't even realize how hungry you were, luckily the restaurant allowed pets in or you'd never be able to get in. You ran to the restaurant and flopped onto a chair. You put your pet on another chair and called a waitress to order. The waitress, named Christine (if your name,  you may change), came to your table. Christine and you knew each other for quite a while, you would always come here to eat when you wanted to eat (F/F).

Christine asked, "Same order as usual?"

"Yeah", you said giving the waitress a friendly smile.

Christine smiled back and left to get the food, coming back shortly after. "I thought you might come by, you always do anyway." She said kindly.

You just smiled and chowed on your (F/F). Christine asked, "I see you're alone again, not heading anywhere?"

You sighed once again as you replied, "Yeah, my parents are off to Europe and all my friends are on vacation, just me alone."

Christine gave you a soft smile and said, "Cheer up, (Y/N), you'll find someone to hang out with. I'm sure!"

You smiled and she went to order another customer. You continued eating your food and began to think to yourself. Why did your parents leave you? Why didn't your friends tell you where they were going? Were you going to spend the rest of the summer alone?


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