Chapter Thirty Four- The Finale

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You peered pass the bushes, looking at the large, disturbing building of Eggman's base. It was relatively quiet outside, yet the constant shouts and robotic voices could be heard once in awhile.

Taking the only transportation the mobians had, you had finally landed a few meters away from the villain's base. A poor job at that, seeing you had to press the auto pilot button just to save your life.

Flying a plane was definitely not as easy as how Tails make it out to be.

With the 7 jewels in your bag, the only thing you needed was the master emerald. But now that you thought it out more clearly, what exactly were you going to do when you got the last jewel needed? Plea the jewel to take you back home?

You were obviously unprepared. Even within the bunch of trees and bushes, you stood out like a sore thumb. Sighing, you looked down at the burnt bag holding the slightly glowing gems. Was it really going to end like this?

Zipping the bag up, you hung the straps at your shoulders, standing up in the process. Your eyes trailed left and right for any guards that might have decided to pop out. Clear as a mopped floor, you slowly tiptoed towards the lair, walking closer towards an open window.

Peeking into the room, you found yourself staring at a quite empty room, that had only a few rusted down items tossed here and there. Perhaps Eggman was somewhere deeper in his lair.

"It seems the boss is in a rather foul mood these days." A robotic voice ranged out. Quickly, you scrambled into the base, making sure to stay silent to avoid any noises at all.

"Ya, he got his mind on something, bet he ain't happy cuz of the thing before." A scratchy cow-boyish robotic voice replied to the first robot. You weren't sure who these robots were, but you rather be dead than be caught moping around Eggman's liar by these goons.

"..we really should fix that voice chip of yours. It's stuck on cowboy mode again." The first robot made a sort of sigh, "however the boss feeling shouldn't be questioned for now. Let us just get the materials he needs before he becomes more grouchy."

As the two bots voices became dimmer, you got up from your crouched position, looking outside the window to see if there are more robots patrolling.

Finding none, you walked towards the door, which opened automatically upwards. The hallway was completely eerie, looking much like the halls of a hospital.

Blinking, you feeling slightly uneasy turned towards the room again. you glanced warily around you, before giving in and venturing through the halls.

The lair was much bigger than predicted. Sonic must have known the base fairly well to know where Eggman would likely be. You have walked through every wall, and looked through every room, only to find it merely empty and filled with dust.

No bots in sight as well, making you wonder if you have landed in the wrong base after all. You peeked into another room, only to find it deserted. You groaned, just what exactly were you doing? You don't even know if Eggman was really here.

Just as you were in the middle of your frustrated thoughts, a loud, cackled yell filled the base. You jumped, startled. Taking a look around in slight fright. You followed the sound, knowing the master emerald would be near the loud, pesky voice.

it wasn't long before you had stumbled into an unknown room. You peered inside, staring at bots of different sizes, and tools and items scattered across the platinum flooring. The sound of metal being smashed together was heard even deeper into the room, and you knew the ol' scientist is in range with you.

It took awhile for you to decide, as you frowned in thought. It would have been the best choice to avoid Eggman, however there was high chance the large emerald is lying around in hiding, which would mean you needed to get closer without getting spotted. not to mention, you don't even know how to get it to work.

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