Chapter Twenty Three- Humpty Dumpy fell off the Wall!

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"you think you could escape from me? Think again!", the horrible, old voice of a certain egg-shaped guy said.

You and your friends turned towards the mustache man, who sat in his egg carrier. He brushed his mustache with his finger as if in thought, but when he saw you, his face twisted into a grin, and boy did it looked creepy!

All of your counterparts got in fighting stance, preparing for the sick plot the so called 'doctor' had.

Eggman rose up from his seat and glared at you and the rest, "listen here you little pests! I have a tight schedule to be at, and I need those emeralds! So either you hand it over or I'll take it from you!"

After hearing that sentence, you heard Sonic bursting in laughter. The cobalt hedgehog was holding his stomach to prevent it from hurting.

Knuckles smirks and said, "was that suppose to be a threat eggman?"

Shadow rolled his eyes, he mumbled, "that's probably the worst threat I heard in history..."

Rouge smirks and laughed a bit, thinking the same thing. You saw eggman eye twitch as he did a face-palm, he growled in frustration.

Eggman said mockingly, "worst threat huh? I'll show you! METAL BOT!"

Falling out of the sky, a robot larger than omega came dropping out of nowhere. The robot had every aspect of its name, it was metal from head to toe, and the color painted on the bot looked like eggmans hideous attire. Tails looked up, trying to process why on earth it was so big!

Your comrades, who had been laughing at egghead, prepared for action. You stood awkwardly, as this was a completely new thing to you.

Eggman smirked menacingly, "who has the last laugh now! METAL BOT! ATTACK!" Eggman yelled as he pointed towards your direction. Metal bot started advancing, he took a step closer, already towering you.

Sonic grinned, he said, "now this is more like it!" He sprang into action and dashed in circular motion around the robot. Shadow followed in persuit, and they circled the bot making it unable to walk. Rouge and Omega also started helping as they tried to attack it with any force they got.

Your face got pale as you saw the size of it, you were sure you were going to faint right now, but Knuckles shook you out of your daydream. His big gloves were on your shoulder as he smiled at you warmly. You smiled back and told him to help the others, he nodded and started to advance towards it.

Now, you were watching a fight between a gigantic robot vs. 5 of your friends. Who's winning? It was hard to say, considering that the robot is 10x larger! You saw the battle, but didn't see a little fox anywhere. You frantically started searching for the yellow fox, hoping eggman hadn't taken him for hostage.

Luckily, you saw a tail swishing behind a tree, you rushed over to the kitsune to find him in deep thinking. You asked, "Tails, what are you doing? Why aren't you outside helping the others?"

Tails jumped and looked at you wide eyes, he sigh when he notice it was just you. He replied, "I'm thinking..."

You crossed your arms and tapped your right foot, not believing a word he said. Tails sigh again, "okay! I'm a little scared...but seriously! I'm thinking a plan to get rid of the robot."

You looked him up and down, checking if he was lying. You nodded your head when you were sure he told the truth. You leaned down to his level, "so, got any ideas?"

Tails looked down a bit, "no...but there has to be a solution! We can't just beat a robot that big!"

You began brainstorming, robots are just electric human like objects, and robots doesn't have a heart, so they have controller!

You said to Tails, "Tails, what if there is a switch, or a battery that keeps it moving?", Tails eyes widen a bit as you continued, "if we find the power switch, it'll stop moving and shut down."

Tails had his jaw slightly open, "(your name)...your a genius!!" Tails smiled as he took your arm and ran off with you trying to keep up with him.

You slightly stumbled but you regain your posture and was continued to be dragged. The others were still trying to slow the bot as they punch, kick, hit, the robot. But sadly, the robot did not feel any harm, it stood there motionless, trying to process what to do next.

Luckily for you though, you and Tails were able to find the robots power source. Eggman is a real nut skull for putting the 'self destruct' button right on its back! It was literally in front of you, you could just press it and game over!

Tails rolled his eyes as he too, saw the button, "wow...for someone with the highest IQ, he somehow made a self-destruct button right where we could press it."

You giggled and Tails started propelling his twin tail, "(your name), I'll alert the others and you'll press the button!"

He flew away as you got ready to press the button, you waited till you saw the rest retreating and hid behind a boulder. The robot was about to take a step when you press the button.

Just like that, the bot blew up and was left with nothing. Now you were suppose to be happy right? You destroyed a huge robot! But you would be way more happier if you weren't sent flying away by the impact...

You head was spinning as your eyes became hazy, before you reach the ground by gravitational force, you passed out. Well, at least eggman got what he deserved!

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