Chapter Twenty Seven- your History Lesson

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"What do you mean we haven't made it!?", Charmy whined, flying in midst air.

You played with the straps of your backpack, not really paying attention to anything that's happening before you. All you preety much knew was the fact the 'fantastic five', were fighting again. Seriously, you didn't know why they were in a group if they kept arguing. You actually would have hit their heads if they were arguing about something silly. Just imagine them fighting over a place to eat, and you preparing to struck their heads with your hand! That'll sure be a blast.

But this isn't about anything like that, it was about the weird arrival to 'Downunda', Which means you haven't made it to Downunda yet. You sat on one of the benches in the airport, staring as Vector and Espio were getting yelled for their mistaken location. The other three were probably spitting out words of how angry and annoyed they were and blah blah blah!

You weren't really upset that they gave you and the others the wrong information, cause you were still heading to the location! You could wait some hours, its not like a ticking bomb was around here waiting to explode. Actually you were afraid Eggman's gonna drop a robot on top of the airport, and try to get the emeralds, that you worked so hard for, into his dirty hands. That venomously egg should really find another hobby than chasing you around.

You pulled your bag closer to you and zipped it open, retrieving some (favourite snacks) and a water bottle. Eating the snacks, you took a look at the ernormous structure. This ariport wasn't much like any airport you'd see back on earth, it was a lot wider and bigger. There were a lot of exotic restaurants, putting that on your list to try the mobians cultured food, and let's not forget the many sercurity cameras and guards. A very strange building for an airport, to your thought and continue to look awe.

One thing that made it seemed more like an airport, was the clocks hanging and giving out different time venues. You searched through the clocks, seeing many names of places. The names so foreign to you, but one seemed very similar to you, as you caught the word Downunda, under a massive map. Your eyes slightly widen by the sight, but the largeness wasn't the one that shocked you. The map, of this planet, looked slightly....similar. like it was meant for you to see such a world, though the places slightly reminded you of Earth. It was completely out of the ordinary, you searched through the names as you came across Downunda again. It was names as the continent of Australia...well, if you were in Earth.

Your head was running with question that seemed to be unanswered, like why were the continents and country seemingly so familier....

"You seemed to be in surprised." , the voice of a certain chamelion made you jumped.

You looked around, but saw no one in sight but suddenly the reptile showed its face, coming out of nowhere.

You jumped again as you fell of the bench, landing on your back side. You hesitantly asked Espio, "How did y-you do t-that?"

Espio chuckled a bit and extended his hand for you to grab, he replied, "I'm a chamelion, that's kinda my thing..."

You blushed at your stupidness and grabbed his hand as he pulled you up. You mumbled a thank you, and looked away, still feeling a bit idiotic.

He chuckled again, but soon stopped, asking a question, "why does it seem you look so shock to find our planet like this?"

You turned to him quickly, and rubbed the back of your neck, "uh...nothing, it just seems a bit odd..."

Espio cocked an eyebrow, seeing someone not knowing what the continents and countries are like, really odd. Considering you weren't from this world, he decided you should gain the information if you were gonna stay any longer.

Espio asked, " you know...I could tell you about our history in this world, there's a book shop over there, I could tell you about our history." Espio shrugged, looking at you in question.

You wrapped your snack up, and put it in your bag, and began chugging the water before answering.

You asked, "wouldn't it be to much trouble? I think Vector needs some support over there." You pointed to the other members, seeing Vector getting irritated and annoyed by the fact Espio running from the crime scene.

Espio looked back, and shrugged, "it'll just be a while, we kinda have an hour to wait anyways."

You were about to protest again, but was pulled by Espio, taking you to the book store. You turned around to see if the others were okay, with you leaving for a bit. But seems like they didn't notice.

You shrugged and walked beside him, heading inside the store. You sat on the chair provided while Espio brought a book to the the table. The book had cursive writting on the cover, giving out the title, 'Mobius Today.'

He opened the pages, as he began explaining to you the history of this world.

Espio explained, "long ago, about 12,000 years ago. It was still called, in terms, 'the old world'."

You listened carefully, trying to fully understand. Espio continued, "During the time, Human roam the world, as an alien race, called Xorda, came for an allience."

"But like every curious creature, Humans wanted more answers, scientist began testing and drugging the aliens, bringing anger to the Aliens." Espio described, showing the pictures of the alien, " Angry with the choices, the aliens bomb the planet, making sure that every life form dies. But some of the civilians were able to hide in hidden constructed cities. Making our world still alive."

You nodded your head, understanding, as he continued. "Though, the bomb did somehow evolve the onwalkers. The animal kingdom evolve into the word to persay, 'Mobian' and the humans, became four fingered creatures, other than that, Humans didn't change that much."

Espio closed the book, you questioned a bit, "so what happened after?"

Espio answered, thinking before saying, "well, the world continued on as if nothing happened, Mobians became the dominant race, and some of the places around here are being constructed."

You were gonna asked another question before Espio told you something unexpectedly, "its not my place to say, but story about Shadow's past kinda rearrange the stories."

You cocked your head, "Shadow? What does he have anything to do with that story?"

Espio flopped on his seat, crossing his arms as he spoke, "Shadow was created by a doctor known as Dr. Gerald. Maybe Mobians were infact created and were able to continue generations..."

You stayed quiet, stunned by the past of Shadow's, " what happened next?"

Espio slightly hesitated, "Again, its not my place to say, but someone dear to him died trying to save him. Truly, the story I just told to you might have been a myth."

Espio got up and began walking away, you quickly followed him as he put the book away. " the mobiasarus were the real questions actually, the ancient walkers, who were smart and courageous mobiasarus, believed in the idea of chaos from a long time ago. I wonder how did it really end." Espio said, to himself you though cause it had nothing to do with the history lesson.

You smiled a bit and said, "thank you Espio, I'm really grateful..."

Espio nodded, "anytime." You walked over to your counterparts, to be yelled by Vector, "Where have you been Espio, you left me alone for the blame!"

Espio rolled his eyes and walked away, not really wanting to be bothered. Vector scratched his head, "what's his deal?" He asked you. You laughed and shrugged as the crocodile followed after his other reptile.

So, you heard the history, yet it still didn't quite answer your question, maybe the 'old world', might have been a possible way.

"(Your name), you coming?" Mighty called you, about to go in the terminal. You turned to him and quickly scurried after him.

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