Chapter Twenty Two- Two Teams!

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Omega voice rumbled, "where are we going?", as the voice startled you.

Finding the emerald last night gave you the chill of happiness, and you barely could of slept out of the excitement building up in you. Though you had only found 2 emeralds, you were ready to find the other 5 jems needed. Once the sun had rose, you and Omega started your walk around the forest, finding your comrades.

You replied Omega, "we are going to find Shadow and Rouge! They gotta be somewhere around this forest...", as you stood by the robotic android. Omega was actually preety tall since the locals around here are mobians, he was taller than you, which made him tower over you.

Omega asked in confusion, "but we don't know where are they, do you know?"

You stayed silent since you weren't completely sure. Shadow still has the red emerald at his palm, you didn't understand why he had took it in the first place but he must of had a logical explanation.

You tried to remember the path you took as it was the only way for you to get out. The passing days at the forest weren't exactly your favorite days, but it was all worth it.

You finally remembered Omega's question and answered quickly, "I'm not sure where they are now, but I know we'll find them soon."

Omega nodded its robotic head slowly and continue to venture with you. As the trencherous walk continued, you were slowly adapting the place around you. You remembered the odd tree stump, the trees, and even the boulders, it was like the objects were showing you the way. You smiled as the sun hit your pale face, you couldn't wait to get out of the forest.

Out of the blue, you heard some one oddly familiar shouted.


The impact of the voice actually caused the earth to rumble as you tried to keep yourself from falling. You saw a few birds fly away as the voice had disrupted the peaceful forest. Omega did nothing but stood his grounds as he looked at the direction the voice came from. You curiously looked at the direction too, knowing that voice all to well. You just couldn't put your finger on it.

Omega startled you once more, "want to check who that voice belongs too?"

You jumped and stayed still for a moment. Either to keep going and find the others or find out who shouted....definately the shouted guy, as you were sure it was a 'He'. You nodded your head and Omega picked you up and raced off towards the voice.

You sitting on the robots arm, heard some mumuring the closer you got. It seems like the one your going to find isn't alone. Omega sprinted to a halt as you both made it to a open field. The forest seemed to have circled around the area, as the circular field was covered with flowers of every kind. You got off Omega's arm and stared in awe, it was beautiful, and it even smelled better than you could have imagine.

For a sec, however, your daze was disrupted once more.

"What do you mean we are lost!? I thought you knew where were we going!" A voice, the same person who shouted, said.

"Well its not my fault! if you weren't being such a whiny brat, I would've found the way." Another voice said as it argued back with a bit of teasing.

"Would you both stop fighting! Your acting like babies!" A more childish voice said. 

You spun around, trying to find the owners of the voices, you soon found in the left side of the forest 3 mobians arguing. It was team Sonic! Your heart jumped and beat happily. Though it turns quickly to a quick frown. The fact that they were arguing was new to you, sure they teased each other, but they never really got mad at their teammates.

Sonic didn't seemed to be in his happy mood, he looked like he lost a race and was blaming his competition. He had a scowl and was dirty from head to toe. Knuckles and Tails looked exactly like Sonic except for the twigs sticking on their fur.

You shouted their names, "Sonic! Knuckles! Tails! Your here!"

Their body's turned to you as their face holds, happiness, relief and shock. Their scowls quickly turned to smiles as they race to you. Sonic, being the fastest thing alive, made it to you first and gave you a surprising embrace. "(Your name)! Thank goodness your alright!"

You stayed still as your body had to bent down to reach the hedgehogs height. you tried to focus something else other than the loving embrace, your face was burning as you quickly returned the hug.

After a few secs, which felt like hours, let you go and stared at you shyly. Tails then suddenly came to you grinning widely, "(your name)! Your back, I missed you!"

Knuckles then quickly said, "you had us worried sick! We thought a hungry bear ate your for dinner!" 

You chuckled at Knuckles and said, "I'm alright guys! And I missed you too..." you smiled at them

Knuckles ask, "you didn't get hurt right?"

You quickly shook your head and smiled, "of course not, after all, I got some friends helping me." As you pointed to the silent robot.

Their eyes popped a bit as they hadn't realized the bot standing their in this first place. Sonic spoke , a little shock, "he...companied you?"

You nodded, "well it wasn't only him, there was Shadow and Rouge, but they vanished when we chaos controlled away from eggman." You shrugged.

The boys eyes grew ever so larger as they heard you met the rest of team dark. "Eggman?", Tails asked.

You rubbed the back of your head, "its a long story...but nevermind it, how did you get here?" You ask and suddenly noticing the lack of members, "and where is Amy?"

Sonic explained, "when Eggman attacked, he almost got us with those cannons of his, luckily we were fast enough to race off and lose Eggman. Amy got slightly hurt, so we took her back home." 

You nodded your head, thankful that they were still alright. Although, after you did, 2 mobians burst into the field. 

Shadows voice boomed, "its about time you two showed up!" Shadow walked over to you with Rouge trailing after him.

You grinned wider as you finally reunited with the other two as well. Rouge smiled at you, "Glad you alright hun! You must of had a blast with Omega while me and Mr. Emo barely spoken a word to each other." As she elbowed the dark hedgehog who glared at her back.

You smiled at the two, "you guys are back, after you two vanished, I was getting worried!" 

Shadow rolled his eyes and threw the emerald to you. You caught it, almost missing it. "Thanks..." Shadow mumbled.

Your eyes shone happily, "thank you shad! Now I just need to find 5 more and I'll be off!"

You smiled at all of them, equally happy to see them. Tails asked cheerfully, "you found it!?"

You nodded your head at the fox, and pulled out the green emerald. It illuminated a bit as your grin grew cheesily.

Before Tails could reply, Shadow glared at the others as he pointed at them, "what are they doing here!?"

You flinched, "they were helping Shadow, you shouldn't worry to much."

Shadow started to glare at his blue counterpart, Sonic saw it and glared back, not liking his rivals appearance.

You saw the tension between the two, and it wasn't making you feel any better. From the minute Shadow spoke about how he felt for the blue speedster before, you were sure they weren't going to get along well.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!" A robust voice came out of the blue. Now this came along, and you thought thing couldn't get any more bad...

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