Chapter Eleven- The Adventure Begins!

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 ​all became silent after the knucklehead had pointed that out. You thought it was a brilliant idea, I mean look at him! He looks like he can beat anyone without any whatsoever weapon. You also wanted to get to know the guy better anyway. The more the merrier right? Well...that didn't seem to be seen by your other companions, who had been silent the whole time he said it.

Amy, Tails and Sonic stared at each other, then back to Knuckles. They kept doing that till they finally decline his offer with constant "No's"

You stayed quiet since you thought it was fine, the others continued to nag him. Amy said loudly, "No way! You know why you can't come!" She crossed her arms around her chest.

Knuckles stood there confused, he scratch his head and ask, "I do?" You giggled at the question.

Amy stomped her foot, "yes! Your suppose to watch the Master Emerald!" Amy said, slightly annoyed.

Tails nodded his head at Amy's sentence, "she's right Knuckles, aren't you afraid if a certain bat shows up and steals the Emerald while your away?" Tails spoke softly, trying to reason with him.

Sonic soon got into the conversation, "I think its best if you stay here Knucklehead! We wouldn't want you to get in trouble now do we?" Sonic smirked.

You decided to sit on a nearby rock since you weren't getting anywhere in this conversation, actually you didn't really say anything at all! You shrug it off.

​Knuckles growled a bit, he spoke out quite calmly, "Ok! One, it would be fine if I leave the Emerald, I could hide it in the forest like I usually do when we go on these missions. Two, you mean Rouge? She won't know a thing! If I was gone, she'd probably think I took the Emerald with me! And Three, STOP CALLING ME KNUCKLEHEAD!!"

Knuckles shout caused you to fall on the ground, you were quite surprised by the Echidna's booming voice. Sonic playfully wrapped his arms Knuckles jokingly, "c'mon knuckles, I'm just joking!" Sonic said between his laugh.

Knuckles growled angrily, he was about to yell once more when Amy cut him off, "Even if your able to do that, I'm not sure you should come." 

Knuckles shouted once more, you had to shut your ears to avoid your hearing to be loss, "WHY ARE YOU SO AGAINST ME COMING WITH YOU?"

Tails began to think of another reason for him not to come, Sonic shrugged it off, and Amy rolled her eyes. You feeling more left out began to spoke out your own opinion.

You said, "well...I think its alright if he comes,the more the merrier." Knuckles stern expression turned to a calmer one, he stared at you and smiled. You smiled back as the others looked at you in bewilderment.

After that little act you did, it seems you have shut them up and won the battle. Sonic rubbed the back of his neck and gave you a knowing smile, "well, I guess it would be fine if knucklehead comes with us! I mean, its his loss if he lost the Emerald!" Sonic said cockily.

Knuckles glared at the speedster, but he bit his tongue as you gave him a stern look. Tails smiled as well, "I guess its worth a shot! We never hang out with Knuckles since he always stay at this Island, it'll be a great adventure!" Tails spoke out cheerfully.

Amy sighed as everyone stared at her for an answer, she shrugged her shoulder and said, "guess since everyone agrees with Knuckles coming with us, I should too." Amy said. Knuckles smiled happily. You grinned as well. Tails spoke smartly again after the little moment, "ok, now I need a sample of Knuckles dredlocks so I could locate the chaos emerald."

Knuckles sighed in agony, he ask, "so that means we are heading to the workshop?" You laughed and nodded your head. He sigh again. So you and your 4 companions headed out of the island to get back to the workshop.

When you arrived at the workshop, Knuckles had to give his dredlocks so Tails could find the chaos emeralds. You laughed at the thought of it, and sat on the couch to find Sonic channel surfing. You watch as he tried to find a good channel to watch. He quickly stop at the sport channel and saw some athletes about to race, he stared at the TV, not wanting to miss anything. You giggled and decided to not bother Sonic right now.

You watch the athletes preparing to run, as they took off . You couldn't lie that they were quite fast, but you've seen faster...

The racers were about to cross the finishing line when the whole screen went black, Sonic cried in agony as you saw Amy with the Tv's cable. Sonic stared at her, clearly upset.

"What did you do that for?" Sonic said.

Amy just rolled her eyes and put one hand on her hips, "well! You were getting noisy, and Tails is almost done with his new invention, so now we can know where the chaos emeralds!"

Sonic sigh, "you couldn't have given me 10 seconds..." sonic asked glaring at her.

"" Amy said and walk past to the garage. you saw a smile crept on her face. You smiled, that talk with Sonic sure help Amy a lot. Sonic was giving a lot more attention since he usually ran away from her. But now they are acting like normal friends. You got up and followed Amy to the garage where Tails and knuckles were waiting. 

You saw Tails fiddling with something and Knuckles staring oddly at the fox. You walked up to Knuckles, "so, one dredlock missing?" You asked as he slumped.

"Yeah..." Knuckles said as he showed you the spot where Tails had cut off. You giggled and patted his back, earning a friendly smile.

Tails out of nowhere did a fist pump, "I done it!!" Tails said overly excited. You shook your head and walk up to Tails, he grabbed your hand and smiled cheerfully. "I made the machine! I can now locate where the chaos emeralds are!" Tails said childishly.

You grinned widely, you pat his head, "awesome! That's really great!"

Amy laughed and smiled, "you did a wonderful job Tails!" Amy said and put her hand up, hoping to receive a high five, Which was given to her.

Sonic and Knuckles also phrased their teammate as you saw Tails alittle overwhelmed by the compliments. When the boys were done, you asked, "so, where is the first emerald?"

Tails looked at his device in his hands, he began searching when the machine made a noisy 'ding ding' which is probably the sign that it found something. Tails nodded his head and stared at his friends, he said, "there is one emerald I could find right now! Its actually at the outskirt of the central city..." 

The other smiled joyfully, as well did Tails till Sonic said impatiently, "so, what are we waiting for! Let's go!" He was about to rush out when Amy held him before he ran off. He stumbled a stop as Amy said, "we have to prepare first! We won't even know when are we getting back." 

Sonic stopped and tapped his foot impatiently, "alright, make it quick!"

Knuckles snorted, "impatient much.."

Sonic was about to make a comeback but you didn't get to hear it since Amy pulled you to the extra room you both stayed in. She told you to pack up since you weren't gonna come back here for quite sometime.

You asked, "but isn't it alittle bit late to go now?" You pointed to the clock with shows it was 4 PM. 

Amy pointed out to you, "not to worry! We'll just go out to the city and stay at Vanilla and Cream's house! I'm sure they wouldn't mind, I'll tell the others." 

You nodded your head as Amy smiled and  left you to pack up without any other word. You grabbed your backpack and shoved all the things you might need; extra clothes, some snacks, a water bottle, a rope, a aid kit and extra girl thing you need.

You slumped the backpack to your shoulders, and smiled to yourself, this was going to be the biggest adventure you'd have to face. Man, this will be fun!

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