Chapter Twenty One- The Enchantments of an Emerald

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you groaned and rubbed your eyes, nothing but pure silence around the breezy forest. You stood up tiredly and tried finding the current location you were in. This was the eggman's fault! He didn't want to help you in any cost, and yet here he is trying to spoil your plans of getting back home! What a moron! 

You began searching for the members of team dark. You darted around and peeked through some bushes, but somehow, you didn't find them. You started to panic, wondering where they are right now.

Luckily, You heard the clanking sound, that you are all so used too. You spun around to find Omega standing on his two robotic legs a few feet away, his red dotted eyes stared at you. You smiled thankfully, as you walked closer to him. 

Omega turned his head down, to get a look at you as you spoke, "glad your alright Omega!" You smiled up at him.

He tilted his head a bit, as he said, "I am alright, are you alright?", his voice taking its time to speak.

You nodded your head and tried scanning the area for Shadow and Rouge, you frowned when there was no sign of the two. You asked Omega, "do you see Rouge and Shadow anywhere?"

He began scanning the room as well, as he said in his monotone robotic voice, "I have not seen Rouge or Shadow after we saw eggman."

Eggman, the name already haunts you enough. You probably would of beat the living daylight out of him, well, If you could. You sigh, "so, I guess its you and me until we find the others."

Omega nodded its head slowly, "Affirmative."

You smiled, thankful that you weren't completely alone. The current place you were in right now, looked strangely familiar. You were still in the forest, as far as the eyes can see.

You walked with Omega, in silence. The road preety much gave a single road, one that seemed too familiar as well. You wondered if the emerald was here in the forest at all, it just seemed so vague to not find it yet. After all, your worriedness got the best of you when the sun was beginning to set. You and Omega picked up the pace as the both of you were running out of time.

Sadly, your lifeless legs were no match for the legs of your robotic friend. You were panting a bit as the walk hadn't slowed down. Omega turned to see your tired state, you had your hands on your hips and was staring down on the floor, to avoid the robots intense eyes.

Without you knowing, the robot had stretch his arms and picked you, startling you, and sitting you on his bare shoulders. It was slightly uncomfortable, but you thanked him anyway.

The walked continued in a softer pace but still fast none-the-less. Memories of Shadows word outside the ruin echoed in your mind. "Chaos control..."

Truthfully, you were starting to get curious on the biz about the emerald. Thing is, you never really got a chance to ask, and you were still shy to ask questions like that.

You asked Omega, since he is the closest relevent and partner to the dark ebony hedgehog, "Omega, did you hear what Shadow said when suddenly we vanished into thin air?"

Omega stayed motionless at first, as he continued the pace. He answered, "Affirmative."

You asked again as you tap his robotic head, "those it have anything to do with the emerald, if yes then tell me what."

Omega started to turn its head, but still had his body facing forward. He said, "Affirmative, emeralds are 7 gems, exclude the master emerald, that continue time and space. There are only a few people who could command such powers."

You nodded as you asked again, "and who are these people?"

Omega turned his head towards the road and replied, "there is Shadow, Sonic, Silver and....scourge." he said the last name more silently.

Okay, Sonic and Shadow, you knew them. But Silver and Scourge, you have no idea. Clearly their parents are creative right? (*cough* Not! *cough*) I mean who calls their children like, Shadow, Silver, Knuckles!? Oh wait, back to story.

You were about to ask why Omega had said the last name so quietly, but he, acting like a psychologist, answered, "Scourge is a rebel to our planet. He is not the best companionship. He may be able to use chaos, but he can only use the dark side of it."

You were slowly trying to digest this information as the saying 'darker' didn't really comprehend. "I'm sorry Omega, but I don't understand. What do you mean darker?"

Omega replied, "chaos has its own way. The few people who can use it have good hearts, but there is the darker side, which belongs to a bad person. If I was correct."

You nodded your head and said, "alright, now I get it!" You smiled triumphantly. 

After finally understanding, Omega soons pointed out, "Chaos emeralds are special gems, Shadow and Rouge loves to get their hands on them."

After that sentence, the color drained from your face, what if Shadow wanted to disappear with the emerald, and Rouge followed him! You felt so stupid that you fell for their kind acts. But then you thought about Omega, he didn't disappear, maybe it was just a misunderstanding. After all, they have been very friendly towards you.

Okay, let's just say you tried staying positive. You hadn't even realized, where Omega was going. The fact had finally dawned to you, that the sun had already hidden itself as the dark sky clouded. You were beginning to get uneasy, for there wasn't any of your companions. 

omega came to an abrupt halt, you stared around in confusion. Omega took his arms to you as you jumped on it as he put you on the solid ground. 

Your (eye color) eyes, scanned the area. The forest started glowing a bit, as it sparkled. The place started luminating in some sort of calm way. You walked slowly towards the Sparkling light. The glow was color green as it floated, yoy couldnt see what the perculier object but you walked anyway.

Standing in the dome, the green chaos emerald floated as you gasped. You were smiling gleefully, you walked hestantly towards it and slowly picked it up.

The glow started to go down as you held it tightly, you couldn't help but get a bit teary, 2/7 emeralds! All you need to do know is find the hedgehog and the bat to gain the red emerald!

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