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Coming out of the room, you come to see a certain hedgehog leaning on the wall opposite from where you stood.

His breath was steady, with his eyes shut and arms crossed. He seemed to be nodding off to sleep, yet the fact he impatiently tapped the side of his arm, with the lines of his brow furrowing showed he's wide awake.

You walked into the room silently, tip toeing to him. Having to wake up from a long sleep has made you feel a bit energized, and you couldn't help but pull a sneaky grin on your (muzzle/beaked/etc) face.

With both hands held out in front of you, you watched as the dark hedgehog paid no heed to his surroundings, too occupied with his own thoughts. His frown growing larger by the passing seconds.

In a motion, you slammed your hands onto to the taller hedgehog's shoulders, a noise of mixed laughter and shouts coming out of your mouth. Yet even with the fact he was supposed to...well react, the only thing he did was..not react at all.

You blinked at him curiously, slightly disappointed with the lack of reaction. It almost seemed like he wasn't breathing now, and he seemed to just stay still, with his arms tightening across his arm.

Ruby eyes slowly opened to meet your own (eye color) eyes, as he hardened his gaze at you at first, before softening a bit.

He took the hands that were placed on his shoulders, before giving a small glare at your form.

"was that supposed to be surprising? " he snarkly asked.

You shrugged, rolling your eyes at the hog's question. You were used to him, being him. "Maybe."

He blankly stared, bringing your hands down to swing, yet even then he didn't let go of them. He sighed tiredly, but still eyed you.

You stared back. Apparently someone's keen on staring today.

It was silent for a moment, before he finally let go of your hands and seemed to be "checking you out" in his own uncaring way.

"you look... Different." Shadow commented with a shrug, disinterest lacing his deep, rough voice, yet a linger of interest in his blood-colored pupils shined.

You replied sarcastically, "Thanks, I just got a haircut."

Shadow leaned back onto the wall, the small smirk ghostly appearing for a slight second. "yeah, it suits you."

"how'd you know it was me?" you asked to change the subject, unsure how to continue from that compliment, looking away from him.

He chuckled, before answering with a shrug. "It just felt like you."

"And how exactly does it 'feel' like me?" you deadpanned.

"It just does." he blantly answered.

"How?" you countered.

"you still have your sweet aura." shadow finally answered as if it was the easiest thing to say.

You blushed. You weren't expecting that answer. Coughing awkwardly, you looked away.

"you're a creep."

Shadow rolled his eyes, before he grabbed your arm, pulling you out of the workshop. Once outside, he took out the green emerald from his striped quills.

"you still have the emerald?" surprised by its appearance, you could only stare at the jewel.
"had to have one safe." he voiced, with a snarky tone, perhaps supposedly aiming to the a grumpy echinida.

You sweatdropped.

He took your hand into his, wrapping it carefully with his own larger ones before he shouted out his famous phrase.

In a flash, you were transported to another area. Strangely, it was where you met said striped hedgehog, the forest. The hedgehog quickly left you there, laying on a stump, giving a sigh of satisfaction.

You stood there awkwardly. Eyeing Shadow who didn't give a damn about anything. His eyes rolled open, looking at you in a mocking jesture.

"sit down"

You glared, walking over to him to sit down on the grassy ground. You sighed, the peaceful forest atmosphere. The stillness comforting and relaxing, as the breeze brushes you to release another comforted sigh. You closed your eyes, relaxing your body more.

Your body jerked at the sudden intrusion of someone's hand wrapped around you again. His fingers lacing with your right hand.

You looked up at the stump boy, his eyes were teasingly closed, a smirk on his lips.

You glared, about to pull away your hand before he tighten his hold. You looked at the male, who seemed oblivious with your gesture, before he propped down from the stump, sitting next to you. The sudden closeness made you jumpy yet you tried to brush it off.

"...I was worried about you."

his voice still deep and smooth, yet that wasn't exactly the point. The fact he admitted something so strange caused you to stare at him in confusion. He paid no heed, his eyes for some reason trailed to you hands. he caressed your hand with his thumb.

A small smile was traced on his face, as he leaned towards you slightly. "did you know that?"

it was silent, the forest breeze brushing the both of you, yet your eyes watched each other in a seemlessly endless time. It was peaceful and his smile seemed to grow slightly larger again.

before you had to exclaimed in shock. "What did you eat?!"

A frown played his face, before quickly changing into a scowl. he roughly took his hands away from you, opting to turn away from you in a huff.

you blinked in confusion, knowing deep down that was a pretty dumb thing to say. But you couldn't help it. it was strange. bizarre even for him to act so...not Shadow-like. You watched as he ignored you from his spot. the stillness lasted for awhile, awkward and weird this time.

"...were you?" you asked awkwardly, trying to get him to talk.

Shadow stayed silent, before he released a sigh, turning to you in his straight face. "If I was?"

you glanced at him, shrugging. Shadow chuckled at the gesture before he continued.

"If I said I think you're dumb, what would you do?"

"I'm not-!"

"what if I think your a bit oblivious at times?"


"Stupid even?" Shadow continued with his smirk.

"Can you stop it?" you glared.

"How about if I said I really care for you?"

you stayed silent after that. your eyes watching as the hedgehog finally stayed silent, his eyes locking with yours.

"and I want to be more that what we are now?"

you didn't look at him, eyes trained on the tree, which you guess was pretty interesting. "I.."

you both sat silently, you trying to avoid his gaze that was trying to stare into your own. you heart thudded loudly, and you found yourself slightly sweating in utter nervousness. your entire body felt heated up and you can't help the feeling. the feeling he gave you at this moment. the hidden feeling you felt towards him and only him.

The day you met him, till the day he rescued you at the right time. today, when he said all those sweet cheesy sounding words to you. You couldn't lie,you felt something for him and what he was saying was making you think you had a chance. You could only let everything flow, letting everything you felt go.

Because you knew this was something that you can't hide no more.

"Will you say yes?" he finally voiced out from the quietness. He somehow sounded cocky all of sudden.

you paused for a moment, before you replied. "If I do?"

out of nowhere, he was in front of you, leaning towards your lips slowly as he whispered.

"Then this would happen."

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