Chapter Twenty Six- Road Trip!

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Quietness lingers in the air, the greenery scent of nature made it so serene. the tweeting birds and fuzzy animals played around the wilderness and everything seems to stay quiet and peaceful. That was until the silence was interupted by the honking RV rushing through the nature reserve. You tightly held the edge as the ride got crazy and bumpy. You were sure your lunch was going to come out soon.

Never, in your entire life, have you been in a vehicle with a crazy driver! If you did however...well, Vector was crazier! Espio explained to you that Downunda is quite far away, and you needed to head on to the highway. Luckily, the team kept an RV in their garage for safe's keeping. Going inside,  there was a bathroom with some bunk beds on the back of the car, which is also connected to the small kitchen and the car seats. Vector, considering he is the eldest, decided to drive, while Espio sat on the passenger seat. So, that left you, Charmy, Mighty and Ray in the back seats. You sat on a seat near the window, as you buckled up. 

You smiled heartily as it kinda reminded you of a trip to a new country. The rest tightened their seat belts, and Vector started the engine. Your excitement build up in you, you were ready to grab the chaos emerald. Though, your excitement faded in an instance, when Vector rocket off. You held on to the window sill, keeping yourself from falling over.

You stared at the others in wonder, wondering how are they dealing with the crazy alligator! You wondered if they were used to it, seeing that they lived with the guy. However, as you looked around, you are not the only one on the same boat, as your new counterparts also exchanged worried and scared faces to each other.

You couldn't see the faces off the other two sitting in the front, but you caught a glimpse of Espio holding him stomach for support.

Espio glared at our driver as he spoke, "you do know driving shouldn't be driven like this right."

Vector didn't say anything, he concentrated on the road and nothing else, probably afraid if he lost focus, he'd hit something....or in another term, SOMEONE.

After five minutes of running through the forest, the RV finally made it to the freeway, as Mighty rushed to the toilet, holding his mouth as he ran. Vector slowed down once he made it, and he took his time apparently now.

You sighed in relief, finally thanking a breather. You were pratically holding your breathe,  hoping you'd still be alive. Even though it couldn't compare to all the strange events happening in this world. The idea of travelling to another world, is just extremely odd. Surely no man had done it before, and yet here you are! You stayed quiet as you talked to yourself.

How many times have you thought of the same thing? About all the last events that happened, all the kind people you've met so far, all the beautiful places you've been at. It was a true summer vacation! It was just a dream wasn't it? A dream to-

" (your name)? Are you alright? You've been quiet all through out the trip." Charmy's voice said.

You turned to your right, facing the little bumble bee, who looked over happily to you. You smiled at the boy, you answered briefly, "its fine charmy, I was wondering about the trip! Its exciting!"

Charmy gleefully smiled, "that's right! Its like a road trip isn't it?"

You nodded your head, and put your hands on your lap neatly. He asked, "By the way (your name), have you ever visited Downunda! Its a preety cool place!"

You cocked your head, "is that so?"

He nodded, "yeah! Downunda's where most of us were born! Kinda like a birth place! And I'm sure I'll know where the chaos emerald is!"

You rubbed your ear a bit, the loudness still ringing in your ear. Man, the boy sure shouts and talks a lot doesn't he? No matter, you stayed polite and fooled around with him, "you? Find the chaos emerald? You sure your up to the job?"

Charmy crossed his arms, "I'm definately sure! I've help Sonic once before!" He gloated as Ray suddenly turned to you both.

"What are you on about Charms?" Ray asked as he got into the conversation.

Charmy replied, "how I helped Sonic finding the chaos emerald!" His legs swinging.

Ray nodded his head understanding, he was about to comment back when you heard the ranting voices of Vector and Espio.

"I told you Vector, if we want to go to Downunda, we need to take that route." Espio said, pointing to a road.

Vector shooked his big head, "nu uh! Its that way! I know it for sure!" He pointed off to another direction.

You saw Espio rolling his eyes, and made up a comeback, "How do you know if that's the right way? I'm holding the map for pete sake!"

Vector challenged back, "I can feel it, my scales are tingling for answers!"

You slightly rolled your eyes as well, seeing the two counterparts fighting. You knew the relationship between the two, you could tell from the start, they were close, yet they fought a lot. Like some bickering old couple, who weren't really satisfied in their life. Ray and Charmy laughed a bit seeing the two in the front seats, and held their fist to their mouths chuckling.

Mighty finally came in, laughing himself seeing the two bicker at each other. You wondered if the craziness of the chaotix were getting to you, cause you bursted out laughing too! 

Vector looked at us through the mirror, glaring at us, "what's so funny?"

Ray shooked his head, and kept laughing his head off. Charmy and Mighty laughed louder and you giggled.

You soon became inseprately close to the new team, a you all cracked jokes, played some games, and singing to the songs blaring from the radio, with Vector singing out of sync. That was to die for!

You hadn't realized the time, as Vector announced, "guys, we are going to arrive! Start preparing!"

Charmy replied shortly, "Alright captain Vector!" He saluted while you laughed at him. You wondered what lies ahead, as the city came into view, making you let out a sigh of relief. Here goes nothing.

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