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Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to come out of the room casually to confuse the poor hedgehog.

but then again who cares.

Silver stood in front of the door you just opened, his head rushing up quickly, eyes glazing with shimmer of hope. That hope quickly vanished to confusion, as he eyed you warily as if you were stranger he shouldn't talk to.

He stared at you, his bottom lip puckering out to show his slight disappointment, with his head tilted to the side. It was probably the cutest sight you saw, but you didn't need to tell him that did you?

"Um..." Silver eyes glanced behind you for a sec, hope still lingering, before he focused on your smaller form, blinking confusedly before he awkwardly said, "..hi?"

He brought his right arm to wave, looking slightly awkward, and you couldn't have help but release a slight chuckle at the silvered-hedgehog's odd greeting before you replied.

"Hey Silver." You watched as his face morphed into even more surprise, it took him awhile to put the pieces together, but he could only stare when he realized it was you all along.

"(Your name)?" His eyes bugged out, awe and amazed as he eyed you up and down. His eyes could only show how amazed he was.

"wow.. Is that really you (your name)? " he asked once again, seemingly more surprise as you giggled.

"yes, it's me." as his eyes still eyed you in shock, his eyes looking at you from head to toe. You definitely have changed, but at the same time you were still very beaut-

Before he could continue eyeing you, he seemed to finally realized his actions for he began to blush through his roots, his face shading an odd color of red, as he began to sweat heavily.

"Oh gosh sorry!" He quickly apologized, turning away as his eyes scattered in different directions.

"Oh?" You asked, surprised by his reaction, your eyes searched at your form trying to see if there was anything odd to creat such a reaction. Maybe you forgot to put on some clothes?

"Ah, it's not you...its just-" Silver quickly intervene your wondering pupils,still red as fire, as he could only mumble more responses, unsure how to respond. How was he suppose to explain he kinda checked you out without thinking?

You could only watch as the hedgehog began turning to a different color, red like the color of apple. Actually in fact-

He looks like he's gonna burn.

But strangely the ac is blaring into your face like heavy wind.

How odd...

"Um...maybe we should head outside.." You quickly pushed him,which caused him to turn even redder, if that was even possible, as you moved him towards the front door. "You look like your going to melt..."

Outside, the hedgehog had finally calmed his nerves, his ragged breaths had subsided, and he seem to be turning back to his usual self. The hedgehog had now sat comfortably on the grass, his eyes staring at the ground,too embarrassed to meet you in the eye.

"Thank goodness your alright." You said next to him, giving him your earnest smile which caused him to blush once more. He was acting much more stranger than usual, and perhaps even more shyer than he had acted when he first met you.

"Yeah" he laughed awkwardly, his laugh quieting down as he thanked you silently. You could only nod your head without much of a thought. Can't say you didn't find him endearing.

It's strange to find the hedgehog so out of it, when he hugged you out of nowhere before. 

"um..." Silver hummed, still staring at the front, his eyes glancing at you. "you look.. Pretty.. "

You blinked at the compliment, blushing a bit as you stared at him with slight confusion. "was I not pretty before?"

"What?! Ofcourse-" Silver quickly spluttered, scared he had offended you,  his hands waving in front his face as a look of complete guilt covered, before you waved it off with a chuckle.

"I'm just kidding Silver." you giggled lightly as he calmed down. "I only said that to calm you down."

Silver glanced at you, looking slightly embarrassed. "was I acting different?"


Silver sighed, he couldnt help but be embarrassed with you being so close. His heart pounded like a drum, and his eyes can't seemed to stop wanting to look at you. After all, he couldn't help it. It all started after you disappeared, for he couldn't stop thinking about you from that day on.

You, noticing the change of atmosphere, tried to eased the silver headed hedgehog, as you patted him on his shoulder. "don't be to down Silv... Must be a strange thing huh? For me to suddenly change out of nowhere." you let out of sigh, confusion also swirling in your mind. "I'm also surprise to be frank, I didn't expect this to happen. Actually this is the last thing I thought would happened."

You were thoroughly confused at your predicament, and perhaps silver is also just as confuse as you are. This is truly a very strange predicament.

You pondered in thought, as Silver quickly asked. "are you upset that you're like this?" he asked, wondering if you were perhaps not happy.

You could only hum at his question, thinking about it. You weren't entirely upset, perhaps confused, but not entirely sad. Actually when you think about it, you felt more relieved.

You shook your head at his question, smiling at him.

"not exactly. It's kinda sad, sure. But I knew a part of me didn't exactly wanted to leave in the first place." you continued as he stared in awe and shock. "besides, that means we can still hang out until the end. "

Your words hit something in Silver, for suddenly he couldn't see anything but you. The drumming he thought couldn't get any stronger did the exact. He couldn't keep it to himself, and before he knew it, he grab you hands, bringing them close to his chest.

Blushing, you stuttered in surprise at the action, your eyes locking with his. He stared deeply, almost in a trance. He breathed in a heavy breath, carefully placing your palms on his chest. His small hair chest felt soft underneath your palms, yet what caught your attention was the deep thumping that came from his heart.

"I don't really know how to say it. But I can't hold it any longer." he spoke fiercely, his eyes holding so much emotion you couldn't look away. "but I know you can hear has never done this before.. Until..that time. I just don't know how to put it but.. Your important to me."

Silver continued his speech, as he gazed at you at what could be presumed as "it hurts me to see you hurt, and I don't like it when your far away... So I hope you can consider this but the truth is.. I-"

Silver licked his lips as he tried to continue his sentence, but something finally struck him, as he finally realized his action, and the surprise feature that crossed your pretty face made Silver panic.

He quickly let go your hands, letting them fall down as he began another round of stuttering and apologizing. You, who was so eager to hear his words, rolled your eyes at his action. To think he had the same feeling as you did. So you did the unthinkable.

You pressed your lips against his.
His stutters stopped, his whole body froze like a statue, his eyes staring at you with widen eyes. A pause came for the both of you, yet you couldn't hold the small smirk placing your lips before you pushed him on to his back, ending the quick kiss,  making him lie on his back even more confuse.

You smirked at his questioning face, as you stood up, dusting off the dirt and grass as you retorted. "next time when your going to confess, make sure you finish it, Silver."

His awe struck face made you chuckle, as you turned away from him.

About to make a getaway, a force swiftly brought you down, causing you to crash right into Silver, who only grinned, his arm wrapping around your smaller form.

You blinked as you realized he pulled you down with his telekinesis. His smile growing cheekier, as he came over to your ear to whisper three words.

"..I love you."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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