Chapter Twenty Eight- Downunda!

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"Time to get up (your name).", Ray shook you awake. You flinched a bit as you yawned, covering your mouth. Opening your eyes groggily. Ray smiled at you cheerfully, pointing to the window.

It had been three hours on the plane, you were sitting beside Ray while the others sat elsewhere. You hadn't notice how time ran so fast, for you had fell asleep once the plane took off.

You followed the squirrels direction, seeing a land coming closer by the minute. You smiled happily, finally gonna be able to stretch your legs out on the open air.

You got ready for the intercom, which came on que, as the Captains voice came out, "attention passengers, we are about to land on Downunda in a few minutes. Please go back to your seats and do not forget all of your belongings. thank you for taking Mobius Air."

You sat up straight and smiled at the golden squirrel, who continued to excitedly bounce on his seat, staring afar.

You stood a bit, trying to catch a glimpse of the other Chaotix members. You followed the snores of the large green reptile, seeing his ninja companion facepalm at the sleeping alligator. You also saw Charmy, being the chatter box he is, chatter as Mighty constantly sigh. You chuckled under your breathe and sat right back down.

You gazed off, thinking of the lesson Espio had given you a few hours ago. The thought of the persume, 'old world', being the future of Earth is delusional! Though it was actually likely, seeing that this world has so much in common with your world. Like the continents and countries, it was actually similar to Earths! And how about the fact their used to be Mobiasaurs? Its sounds like 'Dinosaurs' except with a Mobian twist!

You shook your head when Ray poked you a bit, pointing at all the passengers who were about to leave the cabin. You got up as well, taking your backpack, with Ray holding your hand. You both walked out of the plane, waiting for the others to follow you.

You tapped your foot in annoyment, standing outside of the plane for five minutes. Man, sure they were taking some time, they probably were waking up Vector. Ray yawned a bit, tired himself as he waited too.

Your eyes soon caught the colors of the members, slowly walking down to the ground. They came to you with a grouchy Espio, who looked preety annoyed.

You asked, slightly concerned if anything happened, "whats wrong Espio?"

Espio stayed quiet a bit, as he shot of a glare at Vector and answered briefly, "Vector, wouldnt wake up after all the shouting we had to do."

Vector rolled his eyes and argued, protecting his pride, "i was sleepy! A bear would be harder to wake up than me!" Vector said puffing his chest up.

The chamelion responded him with an eye roll, But soon turned into a devioua grin, responding quickly, "Bears? Do tell more..."

Vector continued on, "well, don't you ever see how they eat a lot, and are actually really fat? And their breathe sticks a lot! And don't get me started on their sleeping habits!"

Oddly enough, you were sure you saw Espio's grin widen at every word the reptile said. You wondered why, but quickly thought out of it, seeing something. Vector doomed....

Vector was about to continue on rambling, when he heard the wail of a little girl. Spinning around, he saw in horror, a family of bears.

The little bear girl cried, as his older brother patted  her back, glaring at the crocodile with their parents. Vector looked pale, slowly trying to process what to do.

Once he did, he rushed to the airport, not wanting to be in any part of the healthy bears fury. You laughed at the reptile and followed after him, seeing no time to waste.


Mighty yelled after the cabs once more, "Taxi! Taxi!" As none came. You sigh as you watch him make a fool out of himself. You sat on your seat, finishing your meal with the others, while Vector went to the cashier to pay for the lunch. Truly, you felt bad for not helping him, but Vector insisted you to eat, seeing you were the one hungry.

You sigh seeing the armadillo continue his act, earning strange looks from passerby, seeing him look so frustrated and angry. You walked over to him as he paced around, trying to figure out what he was doing wrong.

You strolled casually to him, patting his back in the progress. "Stop working yourself up to much, you look like you are going to kill everyone." You said, hoping he'd listen.

He sigh and turned to you, tiredness spreading on his facial expression. "This is the hardest place to get a taxi...."

You nodded at the worked up armadillo, smiling down at him. Mighty sigh once more, finally gonna give himself a break. He was about to follow you to the others when a car honked.

You and Mighty spinned around to find a yellow cab, the driver came out of his car and waved at us over. I guess Mighty's work payed off...

Mighty smiled and walked towards the cab, while you called the others to come over. You and the rest packed up and TRIED fitting in the small pack car, squishing in with each other.

You turned to the chamelion in the corner of the car, asking him, "so, now that we are here, where exactly are we going?"

He moved his arms a bit, trying to get comfortable since he was being squished by Ray. He answered, "I'm not really sure, but I think it was in a street called, St. Downliz."

The driver perked up hearing the name of the street, he stared at the mirror, staring at us with a happy grin. "St. Downliz it is!"

Seeing the drivers feature, the guy was actually another four fingered human. he had a taxi cap on as he started the engine. He headed out of the road without much word, heading to the direction the chamelion had given out. Espio sighed in frustration, the tight space giving him cramps. Mighty was also having trouble, considering he was also sitting on the other end and is being squished by Charmy. You tried to make yourself as comfortable as you can, not really bothering to move. Espio was really getting irritated by the crocodile again, seeing that he was sitting on the passenger seat.

Espio sighed and slumped back, not say much word. You peered through the windows, trying to catch a glance of the place. After a few minutes, the cab stopped as the driver turned to tell us that we have arrived. Paying the driver, Vector squished out of his tight seat and came out of the car.

You followed the group out, standing in awe at the sight. St. Downliz is one of the most popular area's in Downunda, lots of architect of the olden days. Charmy and Ray started bouncing again, excitement clearly seen through their eyes.

Mighty looked around, wondering to himself. Vector started carrying some of the luggage while Espio had his eyes closed, thinking as well. You stared at all the building from pet stores to Malls! There was all! But where could the emerald be?

Espio rubbed his temple, sighing. He was probably trying to find out where could that emerald be as well. Mighty had began pacing off, trying to himself. Vector, however, rubbed the back of his head, looking tired.

You asked soon, not standing suspension, "got an idea guys?"

They stayed quiet, not really knowing that answer. You sighed, this is going to be a long day....

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