Chapter Five-Eggman's Base

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You and the blue, adventurous hedgehog headed out to the Eggman's lair. You, who was in the arms of Sonic, was feeling, all at the same time; excited, scared, and really flustered. Excited because of the amazing run Sonic was giving you.

Boy, when he said he was the fastest thing alive, he wasn't kidding! You swear it felt like flying, that you didn't even realize you were on solid ground. You were kinda scared of heading into Eggman's base, who knows what's going to happen? And you were kinda flustered by the fact you were in the speed demon's arms. Sonic continued his run with you to Eggman's base, which was getting closer by the minute.

When you arrived at the base, you felt the air in your body come out. Gosh it was huge, and it didn't intimidate you for nothing. The place was crawling with robots of various sizes, but had the same initial somewhere on their bodies. Oh yeah, this was definitely Eggman's base. Sonic stopped a little farther away from the base. He put you back to your feet and said "Ok, (Y/N), here's the plan, you stay here while I go take care of those bots."

You were about to complain, but he just zipped off. You weren't that happy about that, but you kinda had no choice. You didn't know how powerful this Eggman was, and you also didn't know what Eggman looked like. You sat on the hard ground and waited for a minute and found Sonic back to pick you up. That was fast... You got up and found all the bots broken apart. You were shocked, one minute and he did this!? Sonic laughed at your shocked face, picked you up once more, and headed to the base.

The base was a lot like a laboratory, and you began to feel a little more frightened. What the heck's the matter? You were afraid of meeting the guy that's what, but you needed answers, you needed to find a way back home. You focused on your target, took lots of deep breaths, and was ready. Sonic zoomed to a large room that had a lot of odd inventions. You also noticed you and sonic weren't the only one in this room. In the middle of the room there were two robots by the side of an egg-shaped man. When you heard the name Eggman, you weren't actually thinking the name fit him that perfectly!

The villain grinned at his unexpected visitors, "Well, well, well, look who we have here... an annoying pest and a little girl." Sonic growled at Eggman, but contained his anger.

You said, "Stop calling me that! I want answers!" Eggman, who was confused, finally realized who you were. "Hmm...aren't you that little annoying kid from Earth?" You were getting really mad and impatient. "Yeah! But that's not what I'm here for!" Sonic was surprised, he didn't know you come from another world.

Eggman was a tall walking egg. He was dressed in a very hideous jumpsuit with goggles on his bald head. He was currently brushing his long mustache with his fingers. "Yes, I believed you said you wanted answers, and what might be that questions be?" You started to calm down a bit, "What were you doing at my home planet? And what were you finding?" " First of all, that's my business, not yours. Second, how did you get into this world?" Eggman said rudely to you. Your blood was beginning to boil, this Eggman was a complete waste of time. But you also needed to ask how to find away home.

"I believe that's not your business either! I understand you not telling me about that, but at least tell me how can I get home." Eggman narrowed his eyes at you, but you showed seriousness. The doctor said "If you wanted to get home so badly, you shouldn't have come here. I'm afraid I cannot help you." "But you could travel to my home planet before, how couldn't you know?" You glared at him. Eggman grinned slightly, "Well, you see, it wasn't easy...I first had to-wait a sec! Why should I tell you! You wouldn't be able to go back home anyway!" Eggman yelled at you.

You were getting nowhere, it was obvious this man wasn't going to tell you anything. You sighed and said sadly, "Well...thanks for your help anyway..." You asked sonic, who had been quiet the entire conversation, to take you back to the docks. He agreed and sped of with you in his arms. What were you gonna do know? What if you were never going to be able to meet your friends and family again? Will you ever get home? These thoughts haunted you. You were close to tears, but held them back. Sonic would glance at you worriedly sometimes, but didn't say anything. When you reached the city docks, Sonic put you down and kept his eyes on you, there was an awkward aura between you two, it was really awkward because when you guys first met you were able to talk to each other normally. You didn't know what to say, but you didn't want it to be awkward between the both of you, luckily Sonic said something. He hesitated to ask, "So... you're from another planet?"

"...Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." You replied still feeling moody.

" doesn't really matter (Y/N)! I'm sure we'll find your way back home!" He winked at you and held his thumb up.

You felt your heart lifted by his words, you questioned, "We'll?"

"Yeah! There's no way you're gonna be able to this alone, and I'm sure my buddy tails can get you back home!" He smiled.

You giggled and smiled back at him. His smile became wider, he was certainly happy he was able to make you laugh. He was about to say something once more when he was cut off by a bubbly, squeaky voice. "SONIC!!! Where are you!?!" It was coming from the city, you didn't know who it was, but it sure was making Sonic go paler by the second. He quickly said, "(Y/N), I'll take you to Tails later! Right now I gotta run!" And with that said, he vanished. You were confused by the hedgehog's sudden runaway, but shrugged it off and began to take a look around the dock once more till you came across a female hedgehog.

This hedgehog had pink fur, she was wearing a dark pink dress with matching headband, and pink and white boots. She had green eyes similar to Sonic's. Her height was also probably around Sonic's. She panted, "Sorry to bother you, but have you seen Sonic the hedgehog around?" She panted again.

You didn't know what to say, this was probably the girl that was shouting for the blue hedgehog. You replied, "Yeah, he was here a few minutes ago with me, but he already sped away." "Drats! He always runs away from me!!" She said angrily, you thought the young hedgehog was gonna throw a large tantrum, but luckily she cooled off soon and began to ask questions, "Hey, what's your name?"

You smiled when she cooled off, "My name's (Y/N)."

My name's Amy rose! So, why were you with sonic?"

"Oh! He was about to take me to Tails when he sped off." You replied.

"Why was he taking you to Tails?" Amy questioned you once more, it kinda reminded you of a small child.

"Well, its kind of a long story..." you said shortly after. Amy grinned and said, "Well! If its a long story, I wouldn't mind! Its a long way to get to Tails's place anyway, we could chat along the way!"

You stood there astonished, "You'd really take me there?"

"Absolutely! So, what do ya' say?" Amy giggled.

You thought about it, Sonic said he'd take you there later, but who knows when Sonic's coming back. You said, "Sure, thanks for-", but you were cut off by Amy who was pulling you by the arm and said, "Oh you're welcome! Now, let's head to Tails's house!"

So you and Amy started towards Tails's house.

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