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You walked out of the room, hearing the drumming of someone's shoes tapping on the floor of Tail's living room. Quickly.

You peered into the living room, seeing the blue hedgehog sitting on the couch, fiddling his pointer fingers together, while his right foot impatiently tapped on the floor.

Grinning a bit, you slidded out of your hiding spot, making yourself noticeable to the hedgehog.

He brought his head up to stare at you, not recognizing you at the slightest.

"ugh Hi. Do I know you? " he questioned. He sounded kinda wary, but still smiled non-the-less as he glanced at the room you were in moments ago.

"Do I look that different?" you questioned with a small smirk, staring at the hog who blinked at you blankly.

It was amazing, and completely amusing to see how quick his reaction was that changes from a total lost situation, to when his face slowly lit up in realization, a large smile appearing.

He scrambled up the couch in a haste, and held your shoulders easily. His eyes bored into yours, as you laughed in amusement at his antics.

"(your name)?"

"yes?" you said, watching as he looked at you in awe.

It was quiet for a moment, before his arms wrap around your waist, spinning the two of in circles. Laughter bubbled out of the two of you, as Sonic could only smile widely in presumed amazement.

"I can't believe it!" he finally set you down, his voice filled with disbelief, his hands planting on yours affectionatly. "you're a (type of species)..which means your a Mobian!" He looked ecstatic, looking incredibly happy before he frowned, asking quietly.

"you're okay about that?"

You laughed at his wary voice, the sight of a frown plastered on his face with his droopy eyes staring at you, reminding you of a puppy. You nodded, not even feeling the slightest upset.

"ofcourse!" you replied, grinning up to the hedgehog.

He didn't seemed convinced, his head rocking left and right in both confusing and question, before you rolled your eyes, dragging him out of the house.

"woah! Hey-" he tried to say, his voice jumbled up in nonsense. Before he picked you up, and dashed off in a rush, not minding your own surprised face.

Your (feathers, quills, ...) flew with the wind, everything rushing into your face, as you reminised the first time this had happened. Rushing through the city, your eyes could barely see anything, the blurry images of cars and building followed in your direction, before you focused instead on the hedgehog.

He was the only thing you could see clearly.

His eyes were focused solely on the road, a smile rested in his face as he paid no mind to his surrounding.

Noticing you were staring, he glanced down at you, causing you two to blankly stare at each other in emotion. You blushed, turning away from him as you could see his piercing eyes on you.

After awhile, Sonic skidded to a stop, putting you down where you noticed was near a park. Of course, there was a chilli dog stand in front of you but nevermind that.

The blue hedgehog put all his attention on the food, as you turned to take a seat somewhere.

The bench you sat on creaked as you sat, the dried up blue paint dressed in slight brownish wood standing out. It was a peaceful day in general. The sounds of crickets came, as soft murmurs of passerbys followed.

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