Chapter Thirty Five- To The Right!

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Discussing with the rest, you, Blaze, Marine, and Silver decided to head to the right path. You all began walking to the right, which seems to lead to a dried up area.

The journey continued in a value slow pace, not to mention the tense air around the you and the others. The walk was pretty well, since your legs was already better. No one spoke a word, which was a bit odd since you'd pictured the group to be more outgoing or so. But you couldn't deny, a nice, relaxing, quiet tension might be good for you at the moment.

That was till Marine began dragging you and an annoyed Blaze into a conversation.

She began babbling out her ideas and her future will to be a pirate. Blaze didn't say a word, as she kept her head down. You nodded your head repeatingly, as she pridefully tell you the 'adventures' she had been on. Which Blaze had explained, were her dreams...

"so my crew were captured! With me and the enemy's captain on the same boat all alone. I was about to weave my sword, when the enemy pointed his sharp weapon at me!", Marine carried on, gesturing widely out at nothing particular.

"Then what happened?", you asked, eyes wide with curiosity.

Marine opened her mouth and continued, "and-", she was about to carry on when Silver cut her off behind you and the girls.

"And nothing Marine! Those didn't happen!", Silver said, shaking his head over so lightly.

Marine pouted, and glared at the hedgehog behind us. "They did happen! And i won the battle!", she argued back.

"It isn't rea-", Silver was then cut off by the silent cat behind glaring at him as well. He shut his mouth, afraid of Blaze already.

Blaze slowly turned to the raccoon, telling her it was real. Lets just say, people have limited imagination. Some us continue to dream the impossible or amazing as they grow, but some will grow without your iimagination running wild. thats how Blaze wants to grow, imaginative before she reach her adulthood.

You couldn't have agreed any better. The world around can seem...make-believe, and its always a new adventure around Mobius! How else did you end up in a new world? But Silver didn't seem to agree that much, nethertheless understood.

"Your so Naive Silver...", Blaze sighed. Crossing her arms as the happy Marine bounced in front of us.

"Hey!", Silver said, now pouting himself, making you giggle.

Continuing down the road, you could see a make shift of a building. You could see it as the road lead to a fairly high hill. It was made of steel completely, no windows bore at it. Marine saw it too, as she raced back to you and the others.

" Do you think we're near a city?", she asked, pointing at the building.

Blaze and Silver, who were occupied by their little argument, turned to stare at the building. The didn't seem to know much either, as they shrugged their shoulders.

"Well whatever that place is, we are obviously heading to it.", Blaze commented, as we made our way to the unknown building.

We walked up the steep hill, seeing more features of it. Marine was almost correct, it was a city, but it wasn't a very pleasant one. At the top of the hill, you gapped at the sight.

It looked to be machine city, thats a polluted nightmare! You could see the concrete and steel lying across the roads or buildings. Not to mention the polluted gas crossing the area like a city filled with factories.

The others looked more horrified than you. Since this is the place they live, they were more astonished that there was such a place.

You sneak glances at each other, feeling the uneasiness. You all waltz down the hill, heading into the 'city'. Now that you were standing at the area, you could see more discusting things. Like the radioactive river of slurry flowing down. It was definately not a pretty sight to see.

But oddly enough, you could see spare parts of robots. "Do you think eggman attacked this place?", Silver asked, sruveying one of the armless robot.

"From the initials on the bot, i can actually agree with you Silver..", Blaze said, glaring at the sight of the red colored head of eggman on the robot.


The loud noise erupted, making you and the others turn to the sound. You quietly ran to the area, looking around to see more robots, but ones that are activated. They were shooting something, targetting on it.

The others followed you, peeking at the sight. The robots were definately made by eggman, but it seems the bots were all alone. Eggman must be somewhere else.

In a flash, you saw someone running away from the robot. The mobian, you persume, was wearing black all over. He had something grasp at his hand, you couldn't quite put your finger tips on it.

so thats what the bots were targetting at....

Your eyes widen as you saw something particular, the mobian was holding an emerald! A bright pink color one. You rushed over, even with the others yelling you to come back. You yelled, "hey! I need that emerald!", making the stranger turn to you. But before you knew it, he was gone.

You groaned, upset you couldn't get it. When a large beam missed you in a inch. You turned to see the robots pointing their robotics arms at you. Now you were busted....

The others came out, putting up a fighting position. Marine ran to you, bringing you away from the scene. She pulled you behind a old but strong looking building, turning to you.

"Are you okay? Why did you ran off?", Marine bombered with questions.

You hesitantly spoke, as you turn to see Blaze and Silver fighting the bots. Blaze began to throw flames at the tall structured robots, while Silver picked up every concrete and steel to throw at the bots. They both worked well together, as Marine peeked as well.

"Oh no! We should go! There are more bots coming!", Marine yelled hysterically, pulling you away.

"Wait, but what about Blaze and Silver?", you questioned, trying to pry your arm off the grasp of the raccoon.

"Don't worry about them! We gotta go!", as she finally rushed you away, out of the city.


"sorry guys...i wasn't thinking straight...", you apologized to the three mobians.

Blaze and Silver actually caught up to you and Marine. They were surprised when you ran off like that before.

"Its okay, no need for an apology, as i have said before.", Blaze said, with a smile grazed on her face. You showed a small smile, still feeling bad.

"There's no need to worry! But what i was really wondering what was the thing you saw that made you rushed away?.", Silver asked.

You stuttered your words, rubbing the back of your head. "Um...i was...".

Marine saw your uneasiness, and backed you up. "I think (your name) needs some rest, we all head a loooong day!", she said, looking quite tired herself.

Silver and Blaze slowly nodded, as rhey drop the subject. " i guess that was metropolis for you....", Blaze shrugged.

"Metropolis?", you asked, your shoulders slumped tiredly.

"Yeah, that was the city we went to, its one of eggmans top bases, which were why there were many robots." Blaze continued.

"We totally destroyed them! Right blaze?", Silver said, happiness flowing through his face. Blaze nodded in agreement as the walk continued on.

There will always be other time when you can gain the emeralds...

here you guys go! The path to the right! If you were wondering about the left, check the previous ones! The next chappie will show some new characters again! I hope your ready! See you till then!

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