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"Good evening Ladies and gentlemen"

"My name is Kim Taehyung and I want to say thank you all for honoring this event." He starts motioning for Jimin to take his phone

Everyone stops what they were doing and turns to him, giving him all their attention

From the corner of his eyes, he sees the imposter whispers something to his supposed bodyguard before he starts moving towards the front where people are gathered.

Taehyung was literally shaking with fear.

"The foundation we celebrate today was founded 5 years ago all-"

Taehyung couldn't help the smile that settles on his face when he saw Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook the one man that owns his heart

That obviously was a wrong move cause everyone turned to see why he was smiling including the imposter.

The imposter's eyes widens then he pulled out his gun. Taehyung screams
"Kook watch out" before falling on the floor. The hall went into chaos when the loud sound of gunshots echoes in the hall

Screams and shouts follows.

Taehyung was lying flat on the floor, he was afraid to lift up his face.

Then the gunshots stopped and everyone starts running for their life. Taehyung was busying wondering where Jungkook and the imposter dissapeard to.

He looked around and saw Hoseok running towards him looking all bloody

"Blondie are you ok?"

"Yes yes" he rushed out

Then he was looking around. "I need you to stay here for just a minute can you do that?"

"Where's Jungkook?"

"He's ok, his twin ran away so he went after him. He needs to be stopped, don't worry Jungkook can handle him" The male's eyes was still looking everywhere. "You know what, come on"

The male held on to him as they make their way outside. Taehyung looks away at the death bodyguard on the floor.

"Wait here let me bring the car"

Then he was rushing off. It wasn't even a second before someone tapped on his shoulder.

Taehyung screams but turns around to see Jinah. He held his heart breathing fast.

"I'm sorry i scared you hyung"

"What are you doing here?"

Jinah hesitate but- "I came to make sure you don't need anything"

"Jinah I dismissed you" Taehyung is really trying to make sense of how Jinah is here right now

"Yes but the company's manager asked me to come" Taehyung can tell the man was lying but why?

Then he was looking around like he was in a hurry

"I'm just glad you're ok hyung, come on" He held on to his elbow. Taehyung pulled away with a frown.

"What are doing?"

"Taking you home hyung, you can't be here right now." Taehyung just stare at the man that is acting so suspicious and Taehyung didn't want to go home just yet.

"I don't want to go home right now, besides I'm already waiting for someone. Go on Jinah"

"Don't make me do this Taehyung just move"

Ok what?

Taehyung turned around to ask what is going on but a gun was already pointed to his face.

His heart drops, wh-

"Ji--" Before Taehyung could formulate any word, Jinah was dropping on the floor with aloud thud, gun flying from his hand.

Taehyung stood shocked hands still raise above his head as he watch Hoseok picked the gun Jinah just pointed at him. Hoseok check the male before dragging him and dumping him in the boot of his car.

Taehyung still couldn't move

"Blondie" Hoseok waved his hand in front of him. "You're still here?"

Taehyung nods and gradually drop his hands.

"Good, come on" Hoseok helped moved him to the car opened the passager's seat. Taehyung dropped inside still speechless

His stand in manager pointed a gun at him. Not only does Jinah have a gun he pointed it at him. Someone he's let into his house, showed everything someone that handle his schedules, everything about his work pointed a gun at him.

"Are you ok?" Hoseok asked glancing briefly at him

No Taehyung was far from ok

"I just-"

"It's a lot to take in, I know, especially with the dude in the boot right now. which I assume you trusted in some way?"

"I'm still trying to understand how he got a gun and why he would even point it at me."

Hmm Hoseok hums

"Blondie the dude in the boot is working for Jung-hoon, actually he was planted as your stand in by Jung-hoon."

Confusion that's what he feels

"Who is Jung-hoon?"

"Jk's twin brother, he paid you a visit few hours ago"

Taehyung's head spins.

"Jinah has been working for him?"

"Yes Blondie, every thing about you he reports back to Jung-hoon"

"I don't understand why, what does he want with me?"

It doesn't make sense why Jungkook's brother will do this, nothing is making sense.

Hoseok chuckles

"Junghoon is obsessed with you Blondie, has a whole shrine dedicated to you"

What" he was dumbfounded

Hoseok phone rings, he picks up immediately.

"Boss.. yes ok.. sure thing boss."

"Boss is ok, Jung-hoon has been captured they're heading to the base now. He said I should take you to his condo s-"



"I don't want to go to his condo Hoseok I need answers and I'm not going to get it there"


"I know Jungkook is going to interrogate him with  Jinah I want to be there Hoseok. I'm the one he targeted I need answers"

"I don't think boss will like that at all"

"Do I look like care what he likes right now, look at me Hoseok do I look like I fucking care? His brother showed up at my doorstep pretending to be him. Who knows what he would have done to me if I didn't play along and then the next thing a boy I have trusted for the period he's been working with me, pointed a fucking gun at me no! Hoseok I don't care what Jungkook like or not. What I care about right now is getting answers.

Hoseok laughs

"Ok Blondie if boss takes of my head tell your friend I think she's pretty"

Taehyung couldn't help the chuckle he let out.

Did anyone suspected Jinah at any point?

And who's with Taehyung on getting answers...

BITTERSWEET LOVE  // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now