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"He's going to be ok Jk, no serious injury but he's going to struggle using his left hand for a while cause of the impact it made with the ground" Seokjin said turning around to hand over the things he was holding to a nurse beside him.

"He was smart enough to block his head with his hand" He added

Jungkook is a little bit relief, now he just needs Taehyung to open his eyes. He needs to see his angel's eyes, his smiles, his stare, his glare, literally everything, he needs his baby out of here, healthy and kicking with life.

The door behind Seokjin opened revealing a smiling nurse, "He's awake"

And Jungkook was pushing Seokjin out of the way.

Taehyung was wide awake eyes staring at him when he walked in.

Jungkook smiled walking to stand beside him in a second, hand rubbing soothing circle on his cheek "Hey baby"

Taehyung returns his smile atleast tried to.
"W-what happened?"

"Taehyung-shi" Taehyung's eyes follows the voice, Jungkook couldn't look away from his angel.

"You had an accident on the set of a movie, do you remember anything before and after"

Taehyung looks on confuse for a while before giving a little nod.

"I'm going to ask you few questions Taehyung-shi" Taehyung nods again eyes moving to meet his. Jungkook gives him a little encouraging smile

"Can you tell me your full name?"

Silence follows Seokjin's question, Jungkook bit his lip trying not to show how nervous he is .Taehyung sqeezed his brows, eyes not leaving him

"Jeon Taehyung"

Jungkook froze, What? he forces himself to manage a smile cause of the pair of brown eyes that was still fix on him.

Jungkook slowly turned to Seokjin and mouths "what's going on?"

"He's still a little bit out of it don't worry" Seokjin mouths back.

Jungkook allow himself to relax a little bit, he turns back to his lover that was still staring at him, Jungkook suddenly feels shy, what the fuck? He smiles trying hard not start blushing cause that will be absurd

There's something about a vulnerable Taehyung just looking at him like he's the only one existing in the world that makes him feel things he can't really explain. 

"Ok Taehyung-shi we are going to let you rest for a bit before we continue this" Seokjin cuts through his unwanted thoughts. "If you feel any pain in any part of your body or need any assistance just press that button over there a nurse will be here to attend to you" Taehyung weakly nods, Seokjin then turn to him "See me later"

Immediately the doctor and nurses left, Taehyung weakly pulled at his hand.

"Hey baby don't strain yourself"

"I'm so tired"

"I'm sorry baby" And Jungkook really is, for letting this happen to his lover

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut and Jungkook panicks

"Tae, hey, baby do you feel pain anywhere?"

Taehyung opened his eyes before slowly  shaking his head

"Sleep" is all he said

"It's ok baby sleep, you'll feel better when you wake up" Taehyung weakly nods. Eyes dropping like it was waiting for his permission.

"Be here" He mumbled

"Always" Jungkook whispers even though he knows he'll probably not be here when Taehyung wakes up again

He pulled away from the younger's grip when he was sure he was fast asleep.

He walked into Seokjin's office, thoughts all over the place, he was worried about his lover's health, secondly Hoseok just sent him a text that he's been waiting for, thirdly he didn't want to leave his lover here but he needed to get to the root of this and lastly he needs to find a way to get rid of the reporters outside 

This could have been an attempt on his life, not just an accident, the thought alone has his blood boiling.

"Tell me him not remembering his first name is nothing serious" Jungkook starts immediately he walked inside Seokjin's office.

"No it's common occurrences Jk, he's still a little bit out of it, he was probably in a deep dream of being married to you or something still can separate it from reality yet."

Jungkook feels his heart skip a beat, he's never really thought of marriage before, has Taehyung been thinking about it?

"Don't think too much about it Jk, it's nothing serious, once the drugs wear off he's gonna be fine"

"I'm sending a double security for his room, no one goes in without your permission"


"If he wakes up let me know, I feel bad leaving already" Jungkook mutters the last part more to himself.


"Just take care of him for me"
Jungkook said walking out already, he has a job to finish.


When he walked inside Seoul base, it was quite just the way he likes it.

Hoseok was already waiting for him in the hall to JDS meeting room.


"Tell me you got something"

"We do, and you sure as hell ain't gonna like it"

Jungkook stopped walking turning to face Hoseok. They stare at each other for few seconds before Jungkook started walking again.

RM and Suga was already waiting in the room when Jungkook walked in

'Tell me what I want to hear" He said Taking his seat.

"You need to see this first boss" Namjoon said handing him a folded piece of paper

Jungkook opened the paper

He wants to kill, scream, destroy but he instead he chuckles.

"The audacity" he breathes out, already thinking of tearing that piece of shit limb by limb

"I picked up this figure outside of the building" Suga turned his computer to him.Jungkook sees a short guy on all black with a face cap and a very poor attempt at hiding his face.

"Amateur" he mutters, tell me the idiot is in the dungeon right now" Jungkook eyes finds his men who looked away.

"No we don't but the crew for the movie are there now" Jungkook sighs, this is so messed up

"Is anyone of them involve in this?"

'So far no"

"Then Let them fucking go and go fucking find that idiot" He motions towards the guy on the computer screen

"We're already on his trail, Seojoon and woomin are after him now"

Jungkook nods standing up, his inside is burning like fire.

"About him, should we still wait?"

Jungkook take his eyes back to the message that was obviously sent to make him go crazy and probably fall right into their trap.

I want him,think he'll be able to tell me from you when I'm fucking into him?


😎Get him like right now get him!

Take care

BITTERSWEET LOVE  // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now