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Taehyung let himself breathe trying so hard not to show how freaked out he is.

Firstly, Jungkook's twin is really alive cause that's the person standing before him right now, he looks so much like Jungkook, every single details on his face, it could fool anyone but not Taehyung cause the more he stares at him the more the difference is clear

Secondly, why is Jungkook's twin pretending to be his brother? What kind of sick game is thi-

"Hey love you're ok?" Fuck! that's not Jungkook's voice, why didn't he notice at first? what the fuck is this? what's going on? What should he do? What should he do?

Taehyung can already feel himself panicking, no don't.. He mentally begs.

"Yeah" his voice came out cracked, he cleared his throat before speaking again. "Yeah i'm ok, I- just- I'm just surprised your brother is even alive?"

"Oh" The man in front of him let out smiling, such identical smile but so different that Taehyung can point out every single way it's different even to the number of creases that appears at the outer part of his eyes.

He's creepy and stupidly mesmerized by his ex lover that way.

Plus Jungkook's smile makes him feel things, this one is already creeping the hell out of him with knowledge that this man standing in front of him looking like his ex, claiming to be his ex, really isn't his ex.

This has to be a big fat Joke! Taehyung bends over to look over the hallway.. Maybe Jungkook is hiding somewhere, maybe this is sone kind of a bet or some sick joke.

All these really don't sound like what Jungkook would do.

"What are you looking for?" Taehyung can almost trace the irritation in that voice.

Think think!

"Jinah" Taehyung said looking up to give the male a smile, he doesn't know why he's not screaming right now and asking what the fuck the imposter is doing.

Maybe it's the creeps the man gives him, the danger crawling up his neck plus his instinct, Taehyung always listens to it cause well it never fails

"Jinah was here just few minutes ago-"

"He's gone" came the voice again. Taehyung wants to pee himself. There's something about the man in front of him "Are you not going to let me in baby?"

What should he do what should he do? Think Taehyung you're an actor...think.

Taehyung wants to shut his door on the man's face and then lock it, pick his phone and call Jungkook to explain what is fucking going on.

He subtly tried to shift and reach for his door but the male was already walking inside, forcing him to move backward then closed the door behind him making Taehyung panic even more.

He swallows the scream stuck in his throat especially when he saw the gun peeking at the man's waist.

Should he run out? What the fuck is going on?  remain cool! remain cool! 

Fuck! even the way he walks, that's so not fucking Jungkook. Taehyung is so in love with the way Jungkook walks, it's like one of the things he can recognize with his eyes closed, totally not logically....but who cares about logics when you're in love

"I thought you would be happy with the new information" Fake Jungkook said turning to him. Taehyung swallowed his fear. His instinct is screaming danger, this man's aura makes him feel sick

he needs to find a way and get his phone, he needs to get away from this man

"I j-just it's hard for me to digest Jungkook" Taehyung dived into acting mode, hiding his shaky hands behind his back. "Hours ago I was convinced you cheated on me" Taehyung tried his best to maintain eye contact. "And now now i'm hearing about a twin I never knew existed"

Taehyung wants to applaud himself on how real and genuine he sounds right now.

He catches the glimpse of surprised and disbelief on the man's face but was quickly gone as fast as it appeared.

"Yeah you're right I didn't tell you he existed cause of so many reasons that i'm gonna explain later."

No Jungkook told me his twin brother existed he just didn't tell him he's still alive. Taehyung wants to scream at the man's face.

"I can't right now though I have a charity to attend"

"Cancel it" came the commanding voice 

"Jungkook you can't just walk in after hurting me so much, and start ordering me around"

The imposter's eyes widen "uhmm yeah I guess but I want to explain everything plus I miss you" The man was already in front of him, Taehyung holds his breath when the man hooks his hand on his neck trying to bring their lips together.

Taehyung wants to throw up this was real.. Oh my god! This guy wasn't just joking around oh god! Their lips touched and Taehyung feels even more disgusted, he gently pushed him turning his head away begging himself to act normal.

"Kook" Taehyung uses a nickname maybe it will calm the rejection. I love you" he feels how it felt weird and heavy in his mouth. "But don't think i'm just gonna fall over after what you did."

Taehyung sees the dangerous glint leave the male's eyes, then a smile appeared again.

"offcourse love offcourse, I'll make it up to you, actually I came prepared." The imposter said still smiling. "I know you're going on a vacation, I'm gonna go with you baby" The male brings his hands to hold his waist, Taehyung feels the disgusting burn but still tries to remain calm. "We'll travel the world together you and i love"

And Taehyung wants to ask how he knows but a lot of things wasn't making sense anymore.

Taehyung cleared his throat subtly moving away from the male's hold. Busying himself to pack up stuffs on the sofa

"That sound nice" he lies "But since when do you go on vacation you always complain about not even having time for a phone call"

"I'll always have time for you love, I'll be everything you've ever dreamt of.. He never deserved you" The male mummerd the last part more to himself but Taehyung heard it loud and clear.

"That's nice Jungkook " Taehyung said his fear increasing. "Anyways I have to finish up and go" he chuckles nervously, thankfully the man in front of him didn't seem to notice anything.

He moved to walk to his bedroom to atleast get his phone.

Offcourse hands around his waist stops him again. Taehyung is preety sure he wasn't breathing anymore.

The male's breathe hit his expose neck making Taehyung wants to scream, run and throw up every single thing he's eating today

"Ok but let me make love to you first before you go" Taehyung froze. "Let me feel you love, I've dreamt of this so badly" The imposter continues like he's in a trance. "You smell better"

Taehyung feels tears stink the corner of his eyes. He feels sick.. Jungkook where are you please. He mentally begs.

"I want to fuck you so badly"

Oh boy!!

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Alrighty guys
Take care

BITTERSWEET LOVE  // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now