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"Come on Tae calm down please I don't want to rush you to the hospital"

"I can't mo I feel like I'm surviving right now on borrowed oxygen"


"I mean I know the kind of job he does" the blonde haired male said tears running down his face. "I know his entire existence revolve around danger, but I never let my mind dwell on it, he never tells me anything about it, even when he's hurt or anything bad happens he always keeps it away from me. At the back of my mind I just always believe he's gonna be ok, god!! But he's not invincible momo
he's human, he c-cou-"

Loud sob ripped out of his mouth, Taehyung is beyond scared, his heart hurts. Momo rubbed soothing circles on his back whispering comforting words to calm him down.

"I hate him sometimes mo, I hate some of his actions so much" Taehyung said still crying. "But I fucking love him that it hurts, I don't know what I'll do if something happens to him, mo-"

"Tae, you're gonna cry yourself into a hospital bed, please--"

"How did I fall in love with danger"

"Tae please-"

Taehyung pulled away from the hug. "You know he told me" The blonde haired male said looking so deep in thoughts. "On our second date he told me everything, he told me he won't be able to give me a normal relationship, he told me he's never been in love before, he told me he won't know how to be in love, he told me about his dangerous life, he told me it's gonna be rough being with him, yet I nod and said I don't care cause I was already so stupidly falling for him and now?"

"Taehyung, don't blame your heart for falling inlove, i mean look at me I like someone called the KILLING MACHINE" Taehyung let the laugh he couldn't control slip off, momo joined him laughing. "I mean I'll drop down for him if he comes here now and say hey momo date me, if that makes me stupid or naive? I don't care" momo let out a sigh. "I've tried dating normal people Tae, you know I've tried, it just doesn't work, my heart is just never in it no matter how much i force it. Please don't blame yourself for giving love a chance"

Taehyung hums. "Mo when did you get so smart"

"Shut up tae"

"But wait what if Hosoek sleeps with knife and guns?" Taehyung said laughing.

"You're insufferable"

Taehyung laughs ignoring his heavy heart. When the the moment died down his heart becomes too heavy to carry again. 

"I'm sure he's ok Tae"

"I just want to know what's happening, Namjoon and Hoseok are not even picking my calls"

"Tae they said they'll call, and they're probably busy trying to save your lovers's ass"

Taehyung hits her arm "I'll let you know my lover is more than capable of taking care of himself" Taehyung said half joking

"I don't doubt that"

After a long pause Taehyung spoke up again.

"I'm supposed to be angry with him you know, here I am shitting myself from just hearing he's in some kind of danger"

After a long pause of the two friends just cuddling, momo trying her best to comfort him.

"How did he even manage to get himself in trouble in another country?" Taehyung asked clearly baffled how trouble seem to follow Jungkook everywhere.

Namjoon is not scared, no he is angry, angry that someone tried try take Jk's life. Suga had sent an email to the JD squad of an attempt on Jungkook's life in a hotel room. 

They should have been more prepared, JK should have taken Hoseok atleast. Suga is a god on hacking, fighting? Not so much. He sighs, no one thought of any danger about this travel mostly because he went there for just meetings.

Official meetings not underground meetings, he went there as Ceo Jeon Jungkook not GS Jk.

Who are they kidding he's the same person. It was still dangerous. Jk is beginning to gain more underground power in Japan offcouse he will be in danger especially when he has more people against him than with him there.

Power is one bloody tricky thing its-

"Wonshu has a private jet, he seems to be the only one in the fucking country right now"

Hoseok spoke up from behind him, pacing around with his phone. He looks beyond angry, he's probably boiling inside especially for not being there with Jk. He's veins are popping out everywhere 

They were all outside the base, all GS station base men with hard eyes worry secretly hidden behind it, ready to tear down an entire country for puting Jk in danger. They are all beyond angry, the disrespect and audacity to try and take out Jk in his sleep.

The only thing holding these angry men back is the fact that they can't run by foot or by car to Japan right now.

Jungkook isn't only feared, he's respected, he earned it, he gained the respect with love. Although they'll rather foam in their mouth before admitting they love JK. But deep down it's there.

His phone keeps buzzing, different gang leaders in the nation calling after they got a danger notification, with no indication of what is really happening. Only JDS know the actual person in danger.

Some wants to know what is going on, some are already driving to the headquarter station base, which is really not necessary, what they really need right now is a private Jet

It seems all the rich men under LVS and GS with private jets decided to travel out of the country today. Namjoon doesn't find it suspicious though. It's weekend, those rich men just never stay in their home.

"Hello" Namjoon turned to Hoseok that was now on the  phone with Wonshu probably.

"I sent it all in the email" Hoseok said. "Yes Japan" a long pause. "Make it 20" The person on the other line must have not agreed cause the loud voice that follows was scary even for them. "HE'S IN FUCKING DANGER, I DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT REASONING RIGHT NOW, TELL THE PILOT WE LEAVE IN 20MIN STARTING NOW. We need to leave" Hoseok added in a more calm voice dropping the call and already running towards the car.

"Listen up" Namjoon said with a loud voice, bringing the men's attention on him."We have a jet ready, and I know y'all want to go tear those sons of bitches down but we can't all go, stay back to protect the base, we'll bring Jk back" They begin to grumble, Namjoon ignores them. "Daniel, Seojoon let's go.

"We want boss back in one piece" Namjoon heard the men they're leaving behind shouts. He sighs quickly dialing up the next person that needs to come with them for medical emergency.

Jin picked up immediately, he was probably waiting for his call, they were all on their toes.

"Airport 15 minutes"


Guys I'm sure you've got the idea on whats about to go down?..... 

Alrighty see ya

BITTERSWEET LOVE  // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now